@ARTICLE{Faryńska_Anna_Z_2014, author={Faryńska, Anna}, volume={vol. XXVII/2}, journal={Studia Maritima}, howpublished={online}, year={2014}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences – Committee of Historical Subjects, University of Szczecin}, abstract={The repatriation of Poles after World War II, despite its flaws, which caused its implementation not possible until 1949, at that period was possible only with the support of the Soviet Union. The international situation and the political situation in China in late forties made USSR only possible link between polish government and Manchuria, and a potential ally, which had measures to help in its organization. It was a pragmatic decision based on the possibilities and conditions. The central soviet authorities had an established communication with his consulate, adequate infrastructure for the transit of returnees and already developed basis of Polish-Soviet agreement on its terms. Only the change of the political situation after the establishment of Peoples Republic of China has allowed the Polish authorities to avoid additional costs and delays, which ware considerable disadvantages of the repatriation in cooperation with the Soviet Union.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Z Chin nad Morze Bałtyckie. Likwidacja Kolonii mandżurskiej w połowie XX wieku}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/108579/PDF-MASTER/12_farynska.a.pdf}, keywords={Manchuria, Polish diaspora in Harbin, repatriation, Polish-Soviet relationships}, }