@ARTICLE{Cieśla_Magda_How_2018, author={Cieśla, Magda}, volume={vol. LIII}, journal={Acta Archaeologica Carpathica}, pages={7-28}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences — Cracow Branch Commission of Archaeology}, abstract={Middle Palaeolithic land exploitation strategies remain as yet an unexplored element in our understanding of Neanderthal behavioural patterns. Many different approaches to the problem were so far developed. Among others, biological, economic or environmental data concerning Neanderthals were considered as relevant. One of the focus points in such divagations is the issue of raw materials economy as undertaken by Neanderthals. The long-distance transport of knappable minerals (as a basis for the stone tools production) allows an insight into the economy and understanding of the size of land in use by Neanderthals group. Addressing this particular issue from the perspective of the Western Carpathian Mountains allows us to track the trails of mobility or trace possible contact zones between groups, and also to state, that at least in some circumstances Neanderthal groups were infiltrating and possibly crossing this highly elevated area on the S-N axis.}, type={Article}, title={How far did they go? Exotic stone raw materials occurrence at the Middle Palaeolithic sites. Case studies of sites from Western Carpathian Mts.}, URL={http://journals.pan.pl/Content/113558/PDF/AAC_53_01.pdf}, keywords={Middle Palaeolithic, Neanderthal mobility patterns, stone raw materials, Western Carpathians}, }