Management and Production Engineering Review


Management and Production Engineering Review | 2018 | vol. 9 | No 3

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The aim of the paper is to present an overview of the theoretical basis and stages of the process of opportunities exploration and exploitation in the development of innovativeness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and its preliminary empirical verification on the basis of experience derived from economic practice. The aim of the paper is realized based on the author’s own empirical research carried out in the form of a case study conducted among 5 innovative SME companies in Poland. The results indicate that the analyzed companies associate opportunities directly with entrepreneurship and the development of innovative activity. They take various actions that are part of theoretical principles of effective opportunities exploration and exploitation, which allows them to obtain a number of pro-innovative benefits and which supports the creation of competitive advantage.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marek Matejun
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One of the main problem of innovative projects in Russian Federation is the need to assess the impact of exogenous shocks on their financing and development. The impact of this type of shock in the period of globalization is sharply increasing. In order to assess the impact of exogenous shocks on innovative projects we create a model with two stages using the innovate project of production of water purification plants. The first stage of it is the construction of a simple model of financial risk, stipulating the conditions when investors will invest in this firm in the absence of negative shocks, their expectations will depend on their own confidence in continuing investment at the next stages. This model shows a positive result. At the second stage we take into account the impact of the negative exogenous shocks on the project, and try to trace a reaction of companies involved in financing innovative projects. The results of the project were negative. The investor in this case as a rule can stop financing and has the risk of losses. In order to prevent this situation we propose to use a real option for a possible refusal to implement an innovative project in the event that the net present value after one year of financing will be negative or very small. To our opinion it is one of the best ways to reduce financial risks during the implementation of innovative projects for investors.
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Authors and Affiliations

Oksana A. Karpenko
Tatiana K. Blokhina
Elena V. Savenkova
Ghennadiy F. Abramov
Olga V. Rybakova
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This study involves the implementation of an economic order quantity (EOQ) model which is an inventory control method in a ceramic factory. Two different methods were applied for the calculation of EOQs. The first method is to determine EOQ values using a response surface method-based approach (RSM). The second method uses conventional EOQ calculations. To produce a ceramic product, 281 different and additive materials may be used. First, Pareto (ABC) analysis was performed to determine which of the materials have higher priority. Because of this analysis, the value of 21 items among 281 different materials and additives were compared to the ratio of the total product. The ratio was found to be 70.4% so calculations were made for 21 items. Usage value for every single item for the years 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014, respectively, were obtained from the company records. Eight different demand forecasting methods were applied to find the amount of the demand in EOQ. As a result of forecasting, the EOQ of the items were calculated by establishing a model. Also, EOQ and RSM calculations for the items were made and both calculation results were compared to each other. Considering the obtained results, it is understood that RSM can be used in EOQ calculations rather than the conventional EOQ model. Also, there are big differences between the EOQ values which were implemented by the company and the values calculated. Because of this work, the RSM-based EOQ approach can be used to decide on the EOQ calculations as a way of improving the system performance.
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Ramazan Yıldız
Ramazan Yaman
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The main focus of this paper is to propose a method for prioritizing knowledge and technology factor of firms towards sustainable competitive advantage. The data has been gathered and analyzed from two high tech start-ups in which technology and knowledge play major role in company’s success. The analytical hierarchy model (AHP) is used to determine competitive priorities of the firms. Then knowledge and technology part of sense and respond questionnaire is used to calculate the variability coefficient i.e. the uncertainty caused by technology and knowledge factor. The proposed model is tested in terms of two start-ups. Based on the initial calculation of uncertainties, some improvement plan is proposed and the method is applied again to see if the uncertainty of knowledge and technology decreases. In both cases, the proposed model helped to have a clear and precise improvement plan and led in reduction of uncertainty.
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Josu Takala
Sara Tilabi
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The purpose of the study is to analyze the opportunities and the challenges associated with the adoption of Information technology in the Indian SMEs. The significant usage of Information Technology in the SME sector and the factors that influence the business are discussed. SME industry in India has shown substantial growth over the past few years. The implementation of new technologies tends to offer better opportunities to the companies particularly for SME sector in India. However, there are a few challenges associated with technology adaptation that needs attention. This research is focused on improved business quality and responsiveness towards market opportunities while using the latest technologies available. This study is based on a review of research journals and articles including news magazines concerning current SME market situation in India. The current market scenario of Indian SMEs, as well as several policy interventions and new trends in the market were discussed.
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Ibrahim Khan
Stefan Trzcieliński
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The paradox of enterprise management is the company must continually change in a dynamic and difficult-to-predict environment in order to achieve business continuity and profitability goals. The relatively low efficiency and awareness of the need for change at network organizations means the problems connecting with changes implementation, identification of conditions limiting their realizations and importance of final results are still significant. This article described this issue by the diagnosis of current state of the change management in various types of network organizations and showing how this state can be improved in the future. Assuming the organization will strive for conscious and organized change management.
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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Rostek
Daniel Młodzianowski
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Six Sigma as the continuation of comprehensive quality management TQM is of interest to many enterprises. Unfortunately, not everybody successfully implements quality improvement projects using Six Sigma tools. This approach requires proper preparation in many areas of the company’s operation, including: organization of processes, establishing measures, employee engagement and creating conditions for continuous improvement. The goal of the article is to present on the case study the idea of using the organizational maturity model for production management to assess a readiness of organization to implement Six Sigma. The case study presents a company maturity level diagnosis and a successful project of quality and productivity improvement using the Six Sigma concept, confirming that the organization’s maturity model is the appropriate tool for assessing multi-faceted preparation for successful implementation of Six Sigma projects.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Kosieradzka
Olga Ciechańska
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Tool travel and tool switch planning are the two major issues in hole-making operations of industrial part which involves drilling, tapping etc. operations. It is necessary to find the sequence of operations, which minimizes the total non productive time and tool switch time of hole-making operations depending upon the hole location and the tool sequence to be followed. In this work, an attempt is made to reduce total non-productive time and tool switch time of hole-making operations by applying a relatively new algorithm known as shuffled frog leaping with modification for the determination of optimal sequence of operations. In order to validate the developed shuffled frog leaping algorithm with modification, it is applied on six different problems of holes and its obtained results are compared with dynamic programming (DP), ant colony algorithm (ACO), and immune based evolutionary approach (IA). In addition, an application example of injection mould is considered in this work to demonstrate the proposed approach. The result obtained by shuffled frog leaping algorithm with modification is compared with those obtained using ACO, particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm and IA. It is observed that the results obtained by shuffled frog leaping algorithm with modification are superior to those obtained using ACO, PSO and IA for the application example presented.
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Amol Macchindra Dalavi
Padmakar Jagannath Pawar
Tejinder Paul Singh
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In recent years, due to the growing importance of eco-design and tightening EU regulations entrepreneurs are required to implement activities related to environmental protection. It influences the development of methods and tools enabling the implementation of eco-design into practice, which are increasingly used by modern information technologies. They are based on intelligent solutions that allows them to better match the requirements of designers and allows for the automation of processes, and in some cases they are able to do the work themselves, replacing designers. Details are useful in areas that require calculations, comparisons and making choices, which is the process of eco-design. The paper describes methodology of pro-ecological product design oriented towards recycling, based on agent technology, enables the design of environmentally friendly products including recycling. The description of the methodology was preceded by a literature analysis on the characteristics of tools supporting eco-design and the process of its development was presented. The proposed methodology can be used at the design stage of devices to select the best product in terms of ecology. It is based on the original set of recycling indicators, used to evaluate the recycling of the product, ensure the ability to operate in a distributed design environment, and the use of data from various CAD systems, allows full automation of calculations and updates (without user participation).
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Ewa Dostatni
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Recent rapid developments in information and network technology have profoundly influenced manufacturing research and its application. However, the product’s functionality and complexity of the manufacturing environments are intensifying, and organizations need to sustain the advantage of huge competitiveness in the markets. Hence, collaborative manufacturing, along with computer-based distributed management, is essential to enable effective decisions and to increase the market. A comprehensive literature review of recent and state-of-the-art papers is vital to draw a framework and to shed light on the future research avenues. In this review paper, the use of technology and management by means of collaborative and cloud manufacturing process and big data in networked manufacturing system have been discussed. A systematic review of research papers is done to draw conclusion and moreover, future research opportunities for collaborative manufacturing system were highlighted and discussed so that manufacturing enterprises can take maximum benefit.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maria L.R. Varela
José Machado
Goran D. Putnik
Vijay K. Manupati
Gadhamsetty Rajyalakshmi
Justyna Trojanowska
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Lean manufacturing [LM], quality management system and environmental management system are clear initiatives with a goal of improving effectiveness and efficiencies of organizations. Many organisations tackle lean philosophy, ISO standards individually but this kind of attempt do not focus on the synergy and the advantage from the potential collaboration. This paper aims to present the possibility of integration Lean Management concept with ISO management systems – Quality Management System [QMS] ISO 9001and Environmental Management System [EMS] ISO 14001 already implemented in the enterprises. The integration of these three concepts can be obtain due to improvement of main KPI’s defined in the organization. Based on critical research literature and participant observation presented as a case study (one of the author of the paper works as a consultant and is being implemented Lean Manufacturing concept in different organization since ten years) authors defined concept of integration of EMS and QMS (already implemented in the organization) with chosen Lean Management tools. Concept has been developed based on literature analysis and experience of the authors. Results and summary from concept implementation has been described in last chapter of the paper.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marek Wirkus
Anna Chmielarz
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An original fuzzy team control model is presented in this article. The model is based on a non-traditional combination of classical and contemporary achievements of management and mathematical theories of fuzzy logic and fuzzy sets. In methodological terms, the article also offers a set of tools for measuring and evaluating both team performance and the effectiveness of the team control system in the organization. Fuzzy tools and techniques for decision-making, studying of hidden effects and joint influences, and quantification of evaluations are employed in this set of tools. The suggested fuzzy model contributes to overcoming theoretical deficits on the issues of team control, and the methodology of team control fills a gap in the toolkit of team management. The results from verification of the fuzzy team control model at a small-sized Bulgarian enterprise are also discussed in this article. They indicate that it is possible to develop a fuzzy model for team control, increasing the effectiveness of the team control system in the enterprise.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maya Lambovska

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Hind Ali University of Technology, Iraq
Katarzyna Antosz Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland
Bagus Arthaya Mechatronics Engineering Universitas Parahyangan, Indonesia
Sarini Azizan Australian National University, Australia
Zbigniew Banaszak Management and Computer Science, Koszalin University of Technology, Poland
Lucia Bednarova Technical University of Kosice, Slovak Republic
RACHID Boutarfa Hassan First University, Morocco
Anna Burduk Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Poland
Virginia Casey Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina
Claudiu Cicea Bucharest University of Economic Studies Romania, Romania
Ömer Cora Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey
Wiesław Danielak Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Poland
Jacek Diakun Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Ewa Dostatni Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Marek Dźwiarek
Milan Edl University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic
Joanna Ejdys Bialystok University of Technology, Poland
Abdellah El barkany Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University Faculty of Science and Technology of Fez, Morocco
Francesco Facchini Università degli Studi di Bari, Italy
Mária Magdolna Farkasné Fekete Szent István University, Hungary
Çetin Fatih Başkent Üniversitesi, Turkey
Mose Gallo Materials and Industrial Production Engineering, University of Napoli Federico, Italy
Mit Gandhi Gujarat Gas Limited, India
Józef Gawlik Cracow University of Technology, Institut of Production Engineering, Poland
Andrzej Gessner Politechnika Poznańska, Poland
Pedro Glass Universitatea Valahia din Targoviste, Romania
Arkadiusz Gola Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Lublin, Poland
Alireza Goli Department of industrial engineering, Yazd university, Yazd, Iran
Magdalena Graczyk-Kucharska Instytut Inżynierii Bezpieczeństwa i Jakości, Zakład Marketingu i Rozwoju Organizacji, Politechnika Poznańska, Poland
Damian Grajewski Production Engineering Department, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Łukasz Grudzień Production Engineering Department, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Patrik Grznár, University of Žilina Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovak Republic
Anouar Hallioui INTI International University, Malaysia
Adam Hamrol Mechanical Engineering, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
ni luh putu hariastuti itats, Indonesia
Christian Harito Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia
Muatazz Hazza Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department; School of Engineering. American University of Ras Al Khaimah. United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates"
Ali Jaboob, Dhofar University, College of Commerce and Business Administration, Oman
Małgorzata Jasiulewicz-Kaczmarek Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Oláh Judit University of Debrecen, Hungary
Jan Klimek Szkoła Główna Handlowa, Poland
Nataliia Klymenko National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine,
Peter Kostal Slovenská Technická Univerzita V Bratislave, Slovak Republic
Martin Krajčovič University of Žilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, Slovak Republic
Robert Kucęba Wydział Zarządzania, Politechnika Częstochowska, Poland
Agnieszka Kujawińska Poznan University of Technology
Edyta Kulej-Dudek Politechnika Częstochowska, Poland
Sławomir Kłos Institute of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zielona Góra, Poland
Christian Landschützer Graz University of Technology, Austria
Anna Lewandowska-Ciszek Department of Logistics, Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland
Damjan Maletič University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Slovenia
Marcela Malindzakova Technical University, Slovak Republic
Józef Matuszek
Rami Mokao MIS - Management Information Systems, HIAST, Syria
Maria Elena Nenni University of Naples, Italy
Nor Hasrul Akhmal Ngadiman School of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
Dinh Son Nguyen The University of Danang, University of Science and Technology, Viet Nam
Duc Duy Nguyen Department of Industrial Systems Engineering, Ho Chi Minh Technology University (HCMUT), Viet Nam
Filscha Nurprihatin Sampoerna University, Indonesia
Filip Osiński Poznan University of Technology
Ivan Pavlenko Department of General Mechanics and Machine Dynamics, Sumy State University, Ukraine
Robert Perkin BorgWarner, United States
Alin Pop University of Oradea, Romania
Ravipudi Venkata Rao "Department of Mechanical Engineering S. V. National Institute of Technology, Surat, India"
Marta Rinaldi University of Campania, Italy
Michał Rogalewicz, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
David Romero Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico
ELMADANI SAAD Hassan First university of Settat, Morocco
Krzysztof Santarek Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
shankar sehgal Panjab University Chandigarh, India
Robert Sika Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Management, Institute of Materials Technology, Poland
Chansiri Singhtaun Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University, Thailand
Bożena Skołud Silesian University of Technology, Poland
Lucjan Sobiesław Jagiellonian University, Poland
Fabiana TORNESE University of Salento, Italy
Stefan Trzcielinski Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Amit Kumar Tyagi Centre for Advanced Data Science, India
Cang Vo Binh Duong University, Viet Nam
Jaroslav Vrchota University of South Bohemia České Budějovice, Faculty of Economics, Czech Republic
Radosław Wichniarek Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Ewa Więcek-Janka Wydział Inżynierii Zarządzania, Politechnika Poznańska, Poland
Josef Zajac Uniwersytet Techniczny w Koszycach, Slovak Republic
Aurora Zen Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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