Nauki Techniczne

Theoretical and Applied Informatics


Theoretical and Applied Informatics | 2016 | vol. 28 | No 3


We demonstrate a modularity bug in the interface system of Java 8 on the practical example of a textbook design of a modular interface for vector spaces. Our example originates in our teaching of modular object-oriented design in Java 8 to undergraduate students, simply following standard programming practices and mathematical denitions. The bug shows up as a compilation error and should be xed with a language extension due to the importance of best practices (design delity).

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Simon Kramer


In this paper we propose right-angled Artin groups as a platform for secret sharing schemes based on the efficiency (linear time) of the word problem. Inspired by previous work of Grigoriev-Shpilrain in the context of graphs, we define two new problems: Subgroup Isomorphism Problem and Group Homomorphism Problem. Based on them, we also propose two new authentication schemes. For right-angled Artin groups, the Group Homomorphism and Graph Homomorphism problems are equivalent, and the later is known to be NP-complete. In the case of the Subgroup Isomorphism problem, we bring some results due to Bridson who shows there are right-angled Artin groups in which this problem is unsolvable.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ramón Flores
Delaram Kahrobaei


In this paper, we describe secure gateway for Internet of Things (IoT) devices with internal AAA mechanism, implemented to connect IoT sensors with Internet users. Secure gateway described in this paper allows to (1) authenticate each connected device, (2) authorise connection or reconguration performed by the device and (3) account each action. The same applies to Internet users who want to connect, download data from or upload data to an IoT device. Secure Gateway with internal AAA mechanism could be used in Smart Cities environments and in other IoT deployments where security is a critical concern. The mechanism presented in this paper is a new concept and has been practically validated in Polish national research network PL-LAB2020.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Dominik Samociuk
Błażej Adamczyk

Instrukcja dla autorów

The Theoretical and Applied Informatics ceased publication with the 2017 issue (Volume 29, Number 1-2).

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