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The paper aims to consider the available policies for biomass output as a feedstock for further bioenergy production in post-war Ukraine in order to draw conclusions and learn lessons for the further deployment of bioenergy in Ukraine, and to define the number of jobs that bioenergy has enabled and could contribute in both Poland and Ukraine in the future. Poland has significant biomass potential, the lion’s share of which is agricultural crop waste, corn, and dedicated energy crops. Ukraine has a significant potential for the production and use of biogas and biomethane due to available feedstock and a developed gas supply system. The employment factor method was used to estimate the number of jobs in bioenergy in Poland and Ukraine. Assessments, which are the main result of the work, indicate that the number of jobs in agriculture for feedstock production for energy purposes may reach thirty-three thousand by 2030 in Poland and thirteen thousand in Ukraine. Agribiomass crop production for energy purposes in Poland is supported by the Common Agriculture Policy of the EU. Energy producers from biomass have priority access to the grid and qualify for feed-in tariffs, premiums and auctions, and special financial programs. In Ukraine, biomass energy producers may have a feed-in tariff for biomass and biogas and a 10% lower tariff for heat from biomass than the tariff for heat from natural gas. Despite the benefits of biomass, the installed capacities for its utilization remain insufficient due to the existing barriers in both countries.
In the future, Ukraine will need to develop its agricultural biomass sector more actively than before in order to substitute natural gas and other energy carriers.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Galyna Trypolska

  1. SO Institute for Economics and Forecasting, UNAS, Ukraine; Institute for Rural and Agricultural Development, PAS, Poland


This article studies the implications of the Fourth Energy Package and relevant EU Directives for households and explores their potential benefits in Ukraine. Understanding the effects of energy policies on the residential sector is crucial for promoting sustainability amidst global energy and climate challenges. Methods of descriptive legal studies and investment analysis are used to examine the primary EU legislation on renewable energy communities and citizens’ groups, focusing on their applicability to homes and renewable energy cooperatives. The analysis of Ukraine’s experiences with the adoption of green power and incentives have revealed challenges for small solar home installations operating without the feed-in tariff. Introducing net-billing makes projects unfeasible without such a tariff, and even selling electricity through aggregators on the intraday market does not help. Consequently, the payback period for small installations with batteries becomes unreasonably long (exceeding twenty-five years), while larger facilities have shorter payback termsolytechnic Institute, Ukraine (fifteen to seventeen years). These findings highlight the need for careful consideration of household green-power policies. Implementing the Fourth Energy Package in Ukraine requires measures to address the financial feasibility of small solar installations, particularly those lacking feed-in tariff support. Expanding legislative provisions to include consumers of green power, especially those in multi-apartment buildings, can enhance their participation in the electricity producers’ market. Moreover, raising household electricity prices may be necessary to support sustainable energy practices. Overall, this study underscores the importance of evidence-based policymaking for successful power transitions in homes and the broader energy sector.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Galyna Trypolska
Uliana Pysmenna
Iryna Sotnyk
Tetiana Kurbatova
Olena Kryvda

  1. SO Institute for Economics and Forecasting, UNAS, Ukraine
  2. National Technical University of Ukraine Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine
  3. Sumy State University, Ukraine

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