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The problem considered is that of an isotropic, micropolar thermoelastic medium with voids subjected to the Thomson effect. The solution to the problem is presented in the context of the refined multiphase- lags theory of thermoelasticity. The normal mode analysis was used to obtain the analytical expressions of the considered variables. The nondimensional displacement, temperature, microrotation, the change in the volume fraction field and stress of the material are obtained and illustrated graphically. The variations of these quantities have been depicted graphically in the refined-phase-lag theory, Green and Naghdi theory of type II, Lord and Shulman theory and a coupled theory. The effects of the Thomson parameter and phase lag parameters on a homogeneous, isotropic, micropolar thermoelastic material with voids are revealed and discussed. Some particular cases of interest are deduced from the present investigation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Amnah M. Alharbi
Elsayed M. Abd-Elaziz
Mohamed I.A. Othman

  1. Taif University, Department of Mathematics, College of Science, P.O. Box 11099, Taif, 21944, Saudi Arabia
  2. Ministry of Higher Education, Zagazig Higher Institute of Engineering & Technology, Zagazig, Egypt
  3. Zagazig University, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, P.O. Box 44519, Zagazig, Egypt

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