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Representations of loss, grief and mourning are have a prominent place in Mikhail Shiskhin's fiction. They coexist with other parathanatological themes such as funerals and reflections on life after death. As funerals provide the proper opening of periods of mourning, the first part of the article deals with the characters’ reactions to the scenes of death and burial. It is followed, in the second part, by a close examination of the internal life of selected female characters who experience grief after the loss of a person they love. On the whole, Shiskhin's characters seem to be less preoccupied with the funeral as a social institution, but rather tend to experience bereavement in a way which is typical of a melancholic. Drawing on Jacques Derrida's conceptualization of mourning, the article demonstrates how Shishkin's female characters conceal mourning by the act of incorporating the dead into their own bodies and allowing them their voice. At the same time, the activity of letter writing enables them to hinder or even deny bereavement, and in this way, hold off the admission of a complete loss.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Skotnicka

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński
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My paper examines both the reading of Russian classics by the American writer George Saunders and the critical reception of his book, A Swim in a Pond in the Rain: in Which Four Russians Give a Master Class on Writing, Reading, and Life, in Russia and Poland. The primary objective is to analyse Saunder’s method of reading Russian classics and how he discusses it with his students. The author appreciates the universal, humanistic values of Russian classic stories and their potential to cultivate readers’ empathy. The central theme of interest revolves around alterity, as the reading itself can be considered a form of encountering the “other.” The paper poses questions regarding the quality of dialogue between participants who do not share the same heritage and language, and how their reception is influenced by diverse cultural backgrounds and different historical moments of publication. Additionally, the paper discusses the reactions of Russian and Polish critics to Saunders’ book.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Skotnicka

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie

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