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The article discusses the case of non‑anthropocentric humanities, analyzed frequently by researchers of various specialties. The paper presents its specificity, main assumptions and postulates. However, the article does not aim to provide a comprehensive and exhaustive overview of all its nuances or aspects, but rather critically addresses its intellectual program. The paper is divided into four parts. Firstly, it presents the basic idea of non‑anthropocentric humanities, exposing the keen interest in it in contemporary scientific discourse. Secondly, it emphasizes the turn to materiality (orientation to things studies), which has taken place within the ‘new’ humanities, and which was caused by the feeling that the current (traditional) way of thinking about the world has come to an end. Thirdly, it shows the methodology of non‑anthropocentric humanities, which rejects the notion that man is the measure of all things. The article points out that this approach does not place man (as the creator of reality) any more in the center of philosophical reflection, as traditional humanities have done, but focuses on various types of objects (i.e. non‑human entities). In the last part – which constitutes the most comprehensive and, at the same time, the critical part of the article – an answer is offered to the question whether the project of non‑anthropocentric humanities can constitute a sensible alternative to the recognition of traditional humanities. The paper proposes a dialectical approach, which allows the post‑humanistic and humanistic perspectives to be treated complementarily, and not antagonistically.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marek Błaszczyk

  1. Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Instytut Literaturoznawstwa, ul. Fosa Staromiejska 3, 87‑100 Toruń
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Żyjemy w czasach, w których wzrasta znaczenie sztucznej inteligencji oraz oczekiwanie na coraz bardziej inteligentne systemy. W miarę jak sztuczna inteligencja i inteligentne roboty przejmują od człowieka różne funkcje, pojawiają się pytania o rodzaj i zakres ich działania w stosunku do możliwości człowieka. Proces ten rodzi pytanie, czy można wskazać takie sfery ludzkiej aktywności, które nie mogą być powielone przez inteligentne programy lub roboty? Na pierwszy rzut oka takimi własnościami człowieka jest emocjonalność, uczuciowość i twórczość. W niniejszym artykule analizuję, czy inteligentne roboty mogłyby być twórcze artystycznie i zastępować w tym procesie człowieka. Zakładam, że choć trudno jest w dzisiejszych czasach wskazaćnowatorsko twórcze roboty, to równie trudno podawać w wątpliwość fakt, że roboty w jakimś sensie tworzą sztukę. Wprawdzie z dzisiejszej perspektywy natura ludzka jest jeszcze pod tym względem niepowielalna przez roboty i sztuczną inteligencję, ale równocześnie wykracza się w niej coraz bardziej poza postawę antropocentryczną, przyjmując, że twórczość nie jest wyłącznąwłasnością, lecz jedynie właściwością człowieka, i że mówiąc o sztucznej inteligencji, można dopuścić myśl o uprawianej przez nią twórczości.

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Sidey Myoo
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A complete system of a Laser Radar is described in this paper. One explains the principles of the laser and all additional devices used in this system in order to obtain a compact and eye-safe system. The principle and realization of algorithms for controlling the cruise and speed of the vehicle are described. By applying modal control, and choosing the optimal mode for reducing the speed, one derives the system equation and determines its coefficients. Finally, the paper presents simulations of the laser scanning system, the modal control system and the behavior of the system affected by different errors and disturbances. The effects of instrumental errors are defined and simulation is performed illustrating how such a control system is influenced by internal and external disturbances.

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Alexander Zbrutsky
Maryam Kaveshgar
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Tomato is a widely cultivated and economically important crop worldwide. This study aimed to test the effect of light spectra used in indoor cultivation on the growth, biochemical profile, and resistance of Solanum lycopersicum ‘Bawole Serce’ seedlings against Alternaria alternata, Alternaria solani and Botrytis cinerea. During the phase of first leaf emergence, the seedlings were transferred to a semi-sterile growth room with a controlled environment (20°C, 18-h photoperiod, 50 μmol · m−2 · s−1 PPFD, 65% RH) for a 3-week cultivation period. Five light treatments differing in red/blue (R/B) light ratio were tested: I (LED tube; R/B 5.55), II (fluorescent tube; R/B 0.72), III (fluorescent tube; R/B 1.19), IV (LED panel; R/B 0.51), V (LED panel; R/B 0.20). The best parameters in terms of shoot length, shoot fresh and dry weights, and number of leaves were obtained in treatment I, in contrast to IV and V. Plants from treatments IV and V had the smallest leaf area, perimeter, vertical length, and horizontal width. As for the root system, the highest fresh weight, area, length of the longest root, total length, and the number of root tips and forks were found in treatments I and II. The least developed root systems were observed in IV and V. The greatest chlorophyll, carotenoids and anthocyanins accumulation was enhanced by treatment II. Treatments I−III stimulated the biosynthesis of phenolic compounds. The highest superoxide dismutase activity was detected in plants from treatments I and II. As for A. alternata and A. solani, the level of disease symptoms was significantly higher for treatments IV and V than for I-III. The highest/lowest level of B. cinerea infection was found in treatments II/I, respectively. The least susceptible to infection by all tested pathogens were leaves from treatment I. Light spectrum composition is of practical importance for tomato seedling production.
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Authors and Affiliations

Alicja Tymoszuk
Dariusz Kulus
Jolanta Kowalska
Alicja Kulpińska
Dariusz Pańka
Małgorzata Jeske
Małgorzata Antkowiak

  1. Laboratory of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology, Bydgoszcz, Poland
  2. Department of Organic Agriculture and Environmental Protection, Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute, Poznań, Poland
  3. Department of Biology and Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology, Bydgoszcz, Poland
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In this paper, effects of non-Fourier thermal wave interactions in a thin film have been investigated. The non-Fourier, hyperbolic heat conduction equation is solved, using finite difference method with an implicit scheme. Calculations have been carried out for three geometrical configurations with various film thicknesses. The boundary condition of a symmetrical temperature step-change on both sides has been used. Time history for the temperature distribution for each investigated case is presented. Processes of thermal wave propagation, temperature peak build-up and reverse wave front creation have been described. It has been shown that (i) significant temperature overshoot can appear in the film subjected to symmetric thermal load (which can be potentially dangerous for reallife application), and (ii) effect of temperature amplification decreases with increased film thickness.

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Marcin Lenarczyk
Roman Domański
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This study is aimed to report and analyze the modern plants use in the historical rural localities of Chernihiv Polesie (Ukraine). The research materials were collected in two stages. At the first stage the main useful of the local natural flora were identified. At the second stage a sociological survey of adult local inhabitants on the plants use was conducted. The main groups of useful plants of the historical localities were established. The modern use of plants was analyzed. It was found that most plants were used by the local inhabitants for their own needs. However, certain edible, fodder and techniacal plants are a source of income for the local inhabitants. In the historical localities of Chernihiv Polesie all the traditional for the region ways of using the natural flora plants have been preserved (but to varying degrees). The degree of modern use of plants is primarily determined by the peculiarities of the vegetation (in particular, the predominance of pine, mixed forests and floodplain meadows) and financial incentives. This primarily applies to Vaccinium myrtillus gathering and laying hay in for the own use and sale. The local inhabitants use the plant resources lesser than the existining resource potential.
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Authors and Affiliations

Oleksandr Lukash
Svitlana Strilets
Iryna Miroshnyk
Olena Sazonova

  1. T.H. Shevchenko National University “Chernihiv Colehium” Hetman Polubotok Str. 53, 14013 Chernihiv,Ukraine

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