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The main goal of this article is to describe the occurrence of the verb talk in con-temporary academic spoken English. The analysis proceeds along semantic, syntactic and pragmatic paths, with a focus on accounting for the functions performed by talk in academic spoken English. The occurrence of talk was investigated in small and large lectures in the MICASE corpus, with corpus linguistics constituting the major methodological tool. This article is addressed to linguists, students of linguistics and English philology, as well as to all scholars whose interests revolve around academic English.

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Oskar Gawlik
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The objectives of this study were to determine the genetic relatedness, antibiogram and virulence factors of Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) isolated from bovine mastitis, associated farm workers, dairy cow farm veterinarians (private veterinarians), veterinary students, and non-veterinary university students. A total of 84 S. aureus isolates (27 from mastitis, 11 from farm workers, 9 from private veterinarians, 22 from veterinary students, and 16 from non-veterinary university students) were used to determine antimicrobial sensitivity patterns using disk diffusion test, virulence factors using PCR technique and phylogenic analysis using pulsed field gel electrophoresis. All S. aureus isolates were resistant to 2 or more commonly used antibiotics. All isolates from mastitis, farm workers, and veterinary students carried the genes encoding coagulase and thermonuclease factors while isolates from non-veterinary university students carried the genes encoding coagulase, clumping, and thermonuclease factors. The mecA gene was detected in 22.2%, 81.8%, 100%, 95.5% and 100% of isolates from mastitis, farm workers, private veterinarians, veterinary students, and non-veterinary university students, respectively. In the phylogenic analysis, 10 (45.5%), 6 (66.7%) and 8 (72.7%) isolates from veterinary students, private veterinarians and farm workers, respectively were more than 80% similar to isolates from mastitis. Results of this study indicate that S. aureus isolates from mastitis milk and those from related dairy cow personnel and veterinarians share similar antimicrobial sensitivity patterns and virulence factors, therefore a common source of bacteria may exist. Furthermore, possible transmission of S. aureus between cows and cow-related personnel and vice versa could also exist.

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M.O. Alekish
Z. Bani Ismail
M. Gharaibeh
L. Abu-Qatous
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Characterisation of copy number variation (CNV) and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) has pro- vided evidence for the relationship of this type of genetic variation with the occurrence of a broad spectrum of diseases, including cancer lesions. The role of CNVs and germinal or somatic LOHs in canine mammary tumours is still unknown. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify CNVs and LOHs in canine mammary tumours. Forty-eight samples obtained from normal (n=24) and tumour (n=24) tissues of dogs were analysed. In the study, we used CanineHD BeadChip assay (Illumina) and OncoSNP software to identify copy number alternations in genomes of dif- ferent dog breeds and in different mammary cancer types occurring in this species. The analyses revealed that, in the case of CNV, the amplification-type variants were longer and more frequent than deletions. Based on the analysis of the frequency of different types of aberrations in the in- dividual parts of the genome, regions that are particularly susceptible to structural aberrations were indicated. The fraction of genes identified within these regions was associated with major processes of neoplastic transformation. Association analysis of such traits as tumour grading as well as the size and age of dogs demonstrated that structural aberrations were more frequent in dogs diagnosed with tumour malignancy grade II and III, in dogs with a larger body size, and in large dogs aged 7-8. The promising results of these pioneering investigations prompt continuation thereof to analyse other types of cancer.

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M. Surdyka
A. Gurgul
B. Slaska
K. Pawlina
T. Szmatola
M. Bugno-Poniewierska
A. Smiech
K. Kasperek
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The origin of Proto-Slavic palatal(ized) consonants has interested many linguists. Some of them have tried to connect palatality and velarity of Slavic consonants with the influence of Turkic consonant palatalization or velarization dependent on vowel harmony. This paper is a first study allowing for Turkological point of view and striving to show that there still are many doubts about the Proto- -Turkic influence on Proto-Slavic.
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Marek Stachowski

  1. Institute of Slavic Studies, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
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The research aimed to make an inventory of the vascular flora of 11 parks and gardens of the Pomeranian Cistercian Trail, with particular emphasis on taxa attached to old deciduous forests. A total of 62 species were registered, recognised as indicators of old deciduous forests in Poland. The presence of species of this group was confirmed in all of the analysed objects, but their number varied from 7 to 50. The group of ancient woodland species includes forest species for which the light indicator values are lower than or equal to 4 (plants of shadowy places, with a relative light intensity). The group of indicator species also includes forest geophytes and forest myrmecochores, autochores and barochores, as well as woodland species that can tolerate stress, under the classification of ecological strategy types S, S/CSR, S/SC and S/SR.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zbigniew Sobisz
Marcin Kubus
Ewa Szmyt
Krzysztof Strzalkowski

  1. Department of Botany and Nature Protection, Institute of Biology and Earth Sciences, Pomeranian University, Arciszewski Str., 22A, 76-200 Słupsk
  2. Laboratory of Dendrology and Landscaping of Green Areas, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Papieża PawłaVI 3 Str., 71-459 Szczecin, Poland
  3. Scientific Circle of Botanists, Institute of Biology and Earth Sciences, Pomeranian University, Arciszewski Str., 22A,76-200 Słupsk, Poland

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