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The paper explores shifts and turns that over the centuries have influenced moral thinking and instructing on moral matters within the Roman Catholic tradition. The purpose of this exploration is to shed light on the current status of moral theology and identify areas for future developments. The paper proposes ‘ecclesial ethics’ as one of such areas. It views moral theology as a dynamic discipline, shaped by the pressures, invitations and demands of the day. It claims that for moral theology to be relevant today, some fundamental questions (including the purpose of the discipline) must be revisited. It argues that practical realities in the lives of individuals, communities and the Church as well as the Planet must be at the forefront of moral theological considerations. Contemporary moral theologians and/or theological ethicists (the paper considers this distinction) are a diverse and, we dare to add, divided group. The paper argues that building bridges in a polarised world (including the world of moral theology) needs to be a priority. The overall aim of this study is to respond positively to the call for the renewal of moral theology as voiced in the ‘Decree on Priestly Formation’ of the Second Vatican Council and in several statements made by Pope Francis.
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Anna Abram

  1. Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology in Cambridge/Great Britain
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The insurance funds belong to efficient measures mitigating risks in geothermal projects, including resource risk. They already exist in some European countries, e.g., France, the Netherlands, Turkey. Recently, the proposals of establishing such funds were elaborated for three countries: Greece, Hungary, and Poland within the framework of the EU-funded project “Developing geothermal and renewable energy projects by mitigating their risks”, GEORISK (
A 10 year operational and financial simulation of the proposed public insurance funds was conducted to prove their sustainability in each of three listed states. It started with the determination of the country-specific premises. The numbers of projects in the next 10 years possible to be covered by funds were assumed by the authors on the bases of realistic estimations.
The initial capital, the fixed costs, the costs of the project evaluation, the premium fees paid by the investors, the payment for the unsuccessful projects altogether were taken into account. The first draft simulation was done with the exact Hungarian assumptions and inputs of fixed costs and also with average project data, thus making it appropriate to perform sensitivity analyses on: insurance premiums, success rates and the risk coverages. Then, complete simulations were made for three listed countries.
The results of the simulation show that a resource risk insurance fund can be a sustainable and an effective measure to support geothermal energy sector development. During the planning of a new fund, it is important to make use of long experiences both of the former and existing funds.
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Boissavy, C. 2017. The successful geothermal risk mitigation system in France from 1980 to 2015. European Geologist Magazine. Geothermal – The Energy of the Future. Science & Technology. [Online] [Accessed: 2021-07-04].

Boissavy, C. and Grière, O. 2017. The history and detailed results for the short and long term guarantee system for geothermal heating operations using deep aquifers set up in France in the early 1980’s. Report ADEME, March 2017. AFGP Archive.

Dumas et al. 2019 – Dumas, P., Garabetian, T., Le Guénan, T., Kępińska, B., Kasztelewicz, A., Karytsas, S., Siddiqi, G., Lupi, N., Seyidov, F., Nador, A., Kaufhold, J., Boissavy, C., Yildirim, C., Bozkurt, C., Kujbus, A., Spyridonos, E., Oztekin, R. and Link, K. 2019. Risk mitigation and insurance schemes adapted to geothermal market maturity: the right cheme for my market. Proceedings, European Geothermal Congress 2019. The Hague, The Netherlands. [Online] and_Insurance_Schemes_Adapted_to_Geothermal_Market_Maturity_The_Right_Scheme_for_my_Market [Accessed: 2021-07-04].

Dziadzio et al. 2020 – Dziadzio, P., Maj, J., Jerzak, M., Ofiara K., Bąk, D. and Kuś, B. 2020. Geothermal energy in Poland : development stimulated by the geological subfund of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (Geotermia w Polsce: rozwój stymulowany przez środki subfunduszu geologicznego Narodowego Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej). Przegląd Geologiczny 68(3), pp. 151–155 (in Polish).

Heijnen et al. 2015 – Heijnen, L., Rijkers, R. and Gussinklo, O.R. 2015. Management of geological and drilling risks of geothermal projects in the Netherlands. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2015, Melbourne, Australia, 19–25 April 2015.

Karytsas et al. 2019 – Karytsas, S., Polyzou, O. and Karytsas, C. 2019. Social aspects of geothermal energy in Greece. Geothermal Energy and Society, pp. 123–144. Springer, Cham.

Kępińska et al. 2021 – Kępińska, B., Kasztelewicz, A. and Miecznik, M. 2021. Updated version mounted. Activities for geothermal risk insurance fund projects in Poland (Zaktualizowana propozycja końcowa. Działania dla ustanowienia w Polsce funduszu ubezpieczenia od ryzyka w projektach geotermalnych). Materiały na Warsztaty krajowe w Polsce. Runda 3. 24.02.2021. WP4.2. Projekt GEORISK (in Polish). Arch. GEORISK project.

Mendrinos et al. 2010 – Mendrinos, D., Choropanitis, I., Polyzou, O. and Karytsas, C. 2010. Exploring for geothermal resources in Greece. Geothermics 39(1), pp. 124–137.

2020 EGEC Geothermal Market Report. Key findings. [Online] [Accessed: 2021-07-04].

2020 EGEC Geothermal Market Report. 2021. [Online] [Accessed: 2021-07-04].

[Online] [Accessed: 2021-07-04].


[Online] [Accessed: 2021-07-04].

[Online] [Accessed: 2021-07-04].
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Authors and Affiliations

Beata Kępińska
Attila Kujbus
Spirydon Karytsas
Christian Boissavy
Dimitrios Mendrinos
Constantine Karytsas
Aleksandra Kasztelewicz

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
  2. Geothermal Express Ltd., Budapest, Hungary
  3. Center for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving, Pikermi, Greece
  4. GEODEEP, Paris, France
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A review of a new Polish translation of Aristophanes’ Clouds by Olga Śmiechowicz.
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Tomasz Mojsik

  1. Wydział Historii i Stosunków Międzynarodowych, Uniwersytet w Białymstoku
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This article presents a reappraisal of the concept of the 1890–1918 literary period from the perspective of sociology of literature, and in particular Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of literary field ( le champ littéraire), set out in his Les règles de l’art (1992). It goes without saying that the turn of the 19th century saw the emergence of a modernist movement, or, an autonomous literary field, dedicated to ‘pure’ art and literature, divorced from any social obligations. Within the Bourdieuesque perspective the dynamics of the literary field can be examined from a number of perspectives with the aim of assessing the success or failure of its strategies of consecration (i.e. the building of legitimacy and prestige), the habitus of its key figures, or its role as a space of mediation between external forces ( les logiques externs) and the autonomy of literary production. The ultimate aim of conducting all those probes is to validate the claim that the 1890–1910 modernist literary field was indeed autonomous. In fact, its emergence in Poland bore a marked resemblance to the developments in mid-19th century French literature, as described by Bourdieu. The peculiar character of the Polish literary field resulted mainly from the one external factor, Poland’s political status until the declaration of independence in 1918.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Czabanowska-Wróbel

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków

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