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Modern space measurement techniques like SLR, DORIS, VLBI and GNSS are used to study the tectonic plates. The determination of plate motion parameters (Φ, Λ, ω) from various geodetic measurements is outlined. This paper is the third part of our studies on estimating geodetic and geodynamic parameters; it regards an accuracy analysis of the determined Φ, Λ, ω parameters which describe motions of the tectonic plates using Very Long Base Interferometry (VLBI) technique. Prior to this, SLR and DORIS space measurement techniques were examined by authors. The study is based on the velocities of station positions, as included in a realization of the International Terrestrial Reference System– ITRF2008 forVLBI technique, published by the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS). This model is made subject to an analysis in association with the APKIM2005 model. Six big plates, namely: Eurasian (EUAS), African (AFR), Australian (AUS), North American (NOAM), Pacific (PACF) and Antarctic (ANTC) were analysed. The results obtained in this analysis were compared with our previous estimations based on DORIS and SLR techniques and estimated according to the APKIM2005 model. Generally, all our three solutions based on SLR, DORIS and VLBI measurement techniques were found to be consistent.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Marcin Jagoda
Miłosława Rutkowska


In the paper, we present a gradual transition from domination of men to equal treatment for men and women during the several decades of Polish expeditions to scientific stations in the Arctic and the Antarctic. This research has been based on the data available in the archives and at the database created within the project Female polar explorers (Polarniczki in Polish), which contains information about the number of female participants of expeditions to Polish research stations. Women participated in the seasonal expeditions almost from the very beginning when Polish research stations were established in 1970s and 1980s, but a significant increase of female participants is visible especially at year-round stations in the second decade of the 21st century. In 1984, the first Polish female scientist overwintered in the Antarctic and in 1996 in the Arctic. In 1986, the first woman became a leader of a summer scientific expedition to Spitsbergen, and in 1991 a first woman became the leader of a year-long expedition to Arctowski Station. In the presented database, there are 825 records, that correspond to 417 surnames of female participants in Polish polar expeditions, 145 participated in more than one expedition. Women who were working at Polish polar research stations represented a variety of occupations, but most of them were scientists or combined science and station service. The collected data clearly show that the days when the presence of women at polar stations was unwelcome are a thing of the past.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Dagmara Bożek
Joanna Plenzler
Katarzyna Greń

  1. Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Księcia Janusza 64, 01-452 Warszawa, Poland
  2. Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, A. Pawińskiego 5a, 02-106 Warszawa, Poland
  3. University of Warsaw, Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, 00-927 Warszawa, Poland


The conditions of efficient use of heat pumps in air conditioning systems are considered in order to ensure the established temperature and relative humidity of air in premises with the removal of excess moisture in the warm or hot periods of the year. For this purpose, a thermodynamic analysis of heat pump air conditioning schemes with exhaust air recirculation through a condenser and through a heat pump evaporator has been carried out. To determine the potential capabilities of such schemes to maintain comfortable conditions in the production room, a numerical analysis of their operating parameters, depending on the temperature and relative humidity of external atmospheric air, was performed. It has been shown that recirculation of exhaust air through the heat pump evaporator allows to maintain the given conditions in the room in a wider range of parameters of external atmospheric air. In addition, it has been shown that such a scheme requires less specific energy consumption for the operation of heat pump, which means that it is more efficient.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mikhail Bezrodny
Natalia Prytula
Maria Tsvietkova


The Author presents in this paper a concept of research on the Jewish ethos internalized in the groups representing main political trends that were popular among the Polish Jewry in the interwar Poland (1918-1939). These trends are: Zionism, Socialism, Folkizm and a policy of Assimilation. Analysis of above group's ethos covers research on the following issues: values and attitudes constituting the ethos of a specific group, sources and function of the ethos and instruments of communication used in transmission of the ethos.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Adriana Herman

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