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This article investigates the impact of time-dependent magnetohydrodynamics free convection flow of a nanofluid over a non-linear stretching sheet immersed in a porous medium. The combination of water as a base fluid and two different types of nanoparticles, namely aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and copper (Cu) is taken into account. The impacts of thermal radiation, viscous dissipation and heat source/sink are examined. The governing coupled non-linear partial differential equations are reduced to ordinary differential equations using suitable similarity transformations. The solutions of the prin-cipal equations are computed in closed form by applying the MATLAB bvp4c method. The velocity and temperature pro-files, as well as the skin friction coefficient and Nusselt number, are discussed through graphs and tables for various flow parameters. The current simulations are suitable for the thermal flow processing of magnetic nanomaterials in the chemical engineering and metallurgy industries. From the results, it is noticed that the results of copper nanofluid have a better impact than those of aluminium nanofluid.
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Authors and Affiliations

Joel Mathews
Talla Hymavathi

  1. Dept. of Mathematics, Krishna University, Machilipatnam, 521 004, A.P, India
  2. Dept. of Mathematics, University College of Science and Technology, Adikavi Nannaya University, Rajamahendravaram, 533 296, A.P, India
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The helical flow is generated by a jet from a single nozzle inflowing tangentially into a pipe. The effect of the distance travelled by the air in the pipe from its tangential inlet to its axial outlet on the issuing jet is investigated. The axial and tangential velocity distributions were measured at the outlet cross-section of the pipe using the hot-wire probe. It was observed that for a short pipe the strongest asymmetry of the tlow velocity distributions exists for a part of the pipe crosssection near the pipe wall. Contrary to this, for a long pipe, the largest deviations from axisymmetry appear in the middle part. In this result the total effect of asymmetry expressed by RMS of swirl number considerably decreases.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jan Wojciechowski
Andrzej Szumowski
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Authors and Affiliations

Jakub Bandoch

  1. Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika
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In der wissenschaftlichen katholischen Dogmatiktheologie werden vier methodologische Haupttypen angewandt: historischer, positivistischer, systematischer (spekulativer) und personalistischer. Darüber hinaus treten zahlreiche fragmentarische oder reduktionistische Methoden auf: hermeneutische, narrative, kerygmatische, intuitive, linguistische, strukturalistische und andere. Die grundsätzlichen methodologische Typen streben danach, nicht nur die Glaubenssätze, sondern die gesamte religiöse Wirklichkeit zu erfassen.

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Ks. Czesław S. Bartnik

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