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At the core of Kazimierz Tetmajer’s lyricism is the perception of transcendental absence, which provokes a range of unsettling reactions like fear, horror, or scorn (irony), and, in turn, the need to regain some sort of balance. This article analyzes all elements of this paradigmatic situation, especially the poet’s owing up to those reactions, his attempts to come to terms with them, and, if possible, to work out a way of converting their negativity into something that he actually wanted. At all times, it seems, he looks hard for the adequate means to express his emotional states. Struggling to express the inexpressible, he performs acts of creation which, however, do not produce anything (i.e. ‘nothing’ or ‘lack’). This outcome sets in motion, largely beyond conscious control, an emotional reaction, the affect of emptiness and lack ( l’affect de vide et de manque). That emptiness constitutes a certain whole, or, more precisely, a negative figuration of lack. Attempts to make sense of it endow it with a new, spatial quality – it is a site where lack becomes nothing ( le néant), but at the same time is reconstituted as a space which can engulf the human subject. This precarious situation defines in a way the human condition. The poet, as Tetmajer’s poetry shows, is stuck in a loop. The creative act is elicited by a lack which he tries to control, fill in, and master, yet all the attempts to find an adequate expression or figuration are in vain. They merely recreate the original absence (lack).
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Authors and Affiliations

Urszula Pilch

  1. Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków
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The purpose of the paper is to substantiate the expediency of diversifying educational services in the context of energy transformation and to highlight the modern approaches and teaching methods that contribute to the implementation of changes in the coal industry in the context of its reform to support the country’s energy balance. The article investigates trends in the modern development of the coal industry, as well as the potential of this field based on the energy transformation, taking into consideration the directions and prospects of the development of educational services as the meanings of adaptation to the reforming changes. Examples of coal-industry reform in Ukraine, Poland and Kazakhstan are considered, highlighting the question of retraining retired workers. The results of the conducted survey of respondents’ attitudes regarding the importance of training in the energy sector that can be used in the case of energy transformation, namely coal industry reform,
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Authors and Affiliations

Alla Polyanska
1 2
Yuliya Pazynich
Madina Sabyrova
Lesya Verbovska

  1. AGH, University of Science and Technology, Poland
  2. Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ukraine
  3. S. Seifullin Kazakh AgroTechnical University, Kazakhstan

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