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The author of the article is aimed at reconstructing the concept of academic freedom as a base of university existence, regarding both its didactic and research function. The author takes into account various definitions of academic freedom and analyzes areas and dimensions, especially its institutional (university) and individual (professor) level. He reconstructs also controversies which are exposed in discussions on academic freedom and arguments regarding its limitations. He considers the phenomenon of actuarial policy and various forms of academic competition. He puts question: does the concept of academic freedom can be still vivid in the time of growing commercialization of didactits and research functions of contemporary university as well as its growing dependance on economy and politics?

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Zbyszko Melosik
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Image processing techniques (band rationing, color composite, Principal Component Analyses)

are widely used by many researchers to describe various mines and minerals. The primary aim of

this study is to use remote sensing data to identify iron deposits and gossans located in Kaman,

Kırşehir region in the central part of Anatolia, Turkey. Capability of image processing techniques is

proved to be highly useful to detect iron and gossan zones. Landsat ETM+ was used to create remote

sensing images with the purpose of enhancing iron and gossan detection by applying ArcMap image

processing techniques. The methods used for mapping iron and gossan area are 3/1 band rationing,

3/5 : 1/3 : 5/7 color composite, third PC and PC4 : PC3 : PC2 as RG B which obtained result from

Standard Principal Component Analysis and third PC which obtained result from Developed Selected

Principal Component Analyses (Crosta Technique), respectively. Iron-rich or gossan zones were mapped

through classification technique applied to obtained images. Iron and gossan content maps were

designed as final products. These data were confirmed by field observations. It was observed that iron

rich and gossan zones could be detected through remote sensing techniques to a great extent. This

study shows that remote sensing techniques offer significant advantages to detect iron rich and gossan

zones. It is necessary to confirm the iron deposites and gossan zones that have been detected for the

time being through field observations.

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Zeynel Basibuyuk
Engin Ekdur
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This article investigates unstable tiltrotor in hover system identification from flight test data. The aircraft dynamics was described by a linear model defined in Body-Fixed-Coordinate System. Output Error Method was selected in order to obtain stability and control derivatives in lateral motion. For estimating model parameters both time and frequency domain formulations were applied. To improve the system identification performed in the time domain, a stabilization matrix was included for evaluating the states. In the end, estimates obtained from various Output Error Method formulations were compared in terms of parameters accuracy and time histories. Evaluations were performed in MATLAB R2009b environment.

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Piotr Lichota
Joanna Szulczyk

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics, Poland
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We examine Turing’s intriguing claim, made in the philosophy journal Mind, that he had created a short computer program of such a nature that it would be impossible “to discover by observation sufficient about it to predict its future behaviour, and this within a reasonable time, say a thousand years” (Turing, 1950, p. 457). A program like this would naturally have cryptographic applications, and we explore how the program would most likely have functioned. Importantly, a myth has recently grown up around this program of Turing’s, namely that it can be used as the basis of an argument—and was so used by Turing—to support the conclusion that it is impossible to infer a detailed mathematical description of the human brain within a practicable timescale. This alleged argument of Turing’s has been dubbed “Turing’s Wager” (Thwaites, Soltan, Wieser, Nimmo-Smith, 2017, p. 3) We demonstrate that this argument—in fact nowhere to be found in Turing’s work—is worthless, since it commits a glaring logical fallacy. “Turing’s Wager” gives no grounds for pessimism about the prospects for understanding and simulating the human brain.
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B. Jack Copeland
Diane Proudfoot

  1. Universityof Canterbury, New Zealand
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The study aims to examine the role of Self-Forgiveness in shaping the Human Flourishing of the adults. Two hundred fourteen participants (18 to 30 years) comprising 100 males (Mean Age = 22.15(1.61)) and 114 females (Mean Age = 22.00(1.95)) were chosen for the study. Self-forgiveness (Mudgal & Tiwari, 2017a) and Mental Health Continuum-Short Form (Keyes, 2005) were used as the tools. Self-forgiveness comprises Realization & Reparation, Guilt, Attribution and overall self-forgiveness (sum of the first three) while Human Flourishing consists of Hedonic and Eudaimonic (Social plus Psychological) Well-Being. The aggregate of Hedonic and Eudaimonic is overall Human Flourishing. The findings suggested no gender differences in Self-Forgiveness of the participants. Conversely, gender differences were observed in all the dimensions of Human Flourishing in favour of males. Irrespective of gender, Realization & Reparation was positively correlated with Hedonic, Social, Psychological and Eudaimonic Well-Being as well as Human Flourishing except for Guilt and Attribution that showed small positive or negative correlations. Irrespective of gender, Overall Self-Forgiveness correlated positively with all the dimensions of Flourishing. Gender and Realization & Reparation emerged as the significant predictors accounting for significant variance in all the dimensions of Flourishing while Guilt and Attribution did not. The findings suggested that remorse, easy acceptance of wrongdoing, repairing the relationship with self and others, ability to minimize negative emotions towards self, monitoring others’ positive behaviours and acknowledgements of valued and close relationships were the psychological mechanisms that may underlie the predictive strengths of self-forgiveness in regulating flourishing.

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Ruchi Pandey
Gyanesh Kumar Tiwari
Priyanka Parihar
Pramod Kumar Rai
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Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are a good reinforcement for metal matrix composite materials; they can significantly improve the mechanical, wear-resistant, and heat-resistant properties of the materials. Due to the differences in the atomic structure and surface energy between CNTs and aluminum-based materials, the bonding interface effect that occurs when nanoscale CNTs are added to the aluminum alloy system as a reinforcement becomes more pronounced, and the bonding interface is important for the material mechanical performance. Firstly, a comparative analysis of the interface connection methods of four CNT-reinforced aluminum matrix composites is provided, and the combination mechanisms of various interface connection methods are explained. Secondly, the influence of several factors, including the preparation method and process as well as the state of the material, on the material bonding interface during the composite preparation process is analyzed. Furthermore, it is explained how the state of the bonding interface can be optimized by adopting appropriate technical and technological means. Through the study of the interface of CNT-reinforced aluminum-based composite materials, the influence of the interface on the overall performance of the composite material is determined, which provides directions and ideas for the preparation of future high-performance CNT-reinforced aluminum-based composite materials.
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Authors and Affiliations

Rong Li
Zhilin Pan
Qi. Zeng
Xiaoli Ye

  1. School of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Guizhou Normal University, Guyiang, Guizhou, China
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In view of the high cost and difficulty of ensuring the accuracy in the measurement of fire smoke velocity, the measurement system developed using platinum resistance temperature detectors and an 8-bit microcontroller, is used to realize the fast measurement of high-temperature fire smoke velocity. The system is based on the thermodynamic method and adopts the Kalman filter algorithm to process the measurement data, so as to eliminate noise and interference, and reduce measurement error. The experimental results show that the Kalman filter algorithm can effectively improve the measurement accuracy of fire smoke velocity. It is also shown that the system has high measurement accuracy, short reaction time, low cost, and is characterized by high performance in the measurement of high-temperature smoke velocity in experiments and practice.
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Authors and Affiliations

Haoyu Wang

  1. Department of Fire Engineering, China Fire and Rescue Institute, Nanyan 4, Changping District, 102202, Beijing, China
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For much of the last two decades, the Central and East European (CEE) economies have experienced a deep structural reform, moving away from a socialist economic system towards a market economy. The political situation of the second half of the 20th century had a significant impact on the economic development and competitiveness of these transition countries, when compared with their Western European counterparts. A vast number of studies have been conducted to analyze the structural changes required for resource-dependent economies to achieve long-term development and to understand the synergies between commodities and diversification. Yet, the dynamics of resource extraction and the resource dependence of regions that have experienced periods of sustained levels of growth have largely been overlooked, especially the Central and Eastern European region. In this context, this article presents an analysis of the level of resource dependence of six countries which joined the European Union between 2004 and 2007. Using data spanning from the year 2000 to 2017, we calculate the Extractives Dependence Index (EDI) of six former Soviet satellite nations and one former Soviet state. Our results indicate that the commodity structure of trade in the six countries which joined the European Union has changed considerably. These countries have reduced their economic dependence on extractive resources by developing their high value-added and technology-intensive sectors. Our findings also reveal that Poland experienced the highest decrease in EDI scores among the six CEE countries.

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Marcin Malec
Pablo Benalcazar
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The authors established the chemical and phase compositions of grain fractions of the magnesia carbon scrap disintegrated using industrial cone crushers. The investigations included chemical and XRD analyses and optical investigations. The contents of admixtures: SiO2, CaO, Fe2O3 and Al2O3 increase with the decreasing size of the scrap grain fractions, whereas the C/S ratio decreases in finer and finer fractions due to changes of the phase composition. These relations are caused by the presence of low-fusible silicate phases, characterized by their cleavage and brittleness. Such phases were mainly derived from the graphite ash containing a high silica content. The scrap after removing its finest grain fractions can be recycled and utilized for producing the magnesia-carbon refractory materials. However, the finest grain fractions may be used, e.g. as a component of gunite mixes. Many years of experience collected by the ArcelorMittal Refractories Ltd., Krakow, Poland in the field of refractory scrap utilization has also been presented.

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Authors and Affiliations

Czesław Goławski
Andrzej Kielski
Lucyna Obszyńska
Piotr Wyszomirski

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