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Any language learning process is a complex phenomenon as it occurs on the cog-nitive, affective and socio-cultural levels. The interrelatedness of them all and the contextually-determined way in which they interact make language learning expe-riences unique to individuals. The context in which more than two languages are learnt adds to its complexity. This article examines what multilingual language users perceive as meaningful in two different contexts of language learning: L2 versusL3. Although unique, these two processes exhibit a fair degree of homogeneity, for example in terms of one`s coping potential as the major appraisal value both in L2 and L3 learning and growing negativity about language learning in later stages of life in L3 learning.

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Danuta Gabryś-Barker
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The paper presents the test description and results of thermal bowing of RC beams exposed to non-uniform heating at high temperature. Bending of a non-uniformly heated element is caused by free thermal elongation of the material it is made of. The higher the temperature gradient, the greater the bending. In the case when an element is exposed to load and high temperature simultaneously, apart from free bending also deformation of the RC element may occur, which is caused by the decrease of the concrete or reinforcing steel mechanical properties. In order to examine the contribution of the deflection caused by thermal bowing to the total deformation of the bent element with a heated tension zone, an experimental study of freely heated (unloaded) beams was performed. RC beams were heated: (1) on three sides of the cross-section or (2) only on the bottom side. Deflection of elements loaded by a substitute temperature gradient was calculated using the Maxwell-Mohr formula. The test results show that deflection of freely heated RC beams (caused by the thermal bowing phenomenon) can be 10 to 20% of the total deflection of loaded RC beams with a heated tension zone.

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R. Kowalski
M. Głowacki
J. Wróblewska
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I investigate Husserl’s long-term research on revealing/constructing a proper idea of science. For Husserl this idea was of tremendous importance: it had to be the basis of forming a (the) proper philosophy (phenomenology), that is, a philosophy which was to be an exact science, a new and higher form of science. According to Husserl, the idea of science is not a free project of individual researchers, scientific communities, but the very essence of science—changeless, universal, nontransformable, non-culturally and socially loaded, ahistorical, and non-relativized to scientific praxis. It was attempt to determine a new status of philosophy which led Husserl’s to the consideration of a universal idea of science.

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Małgorzata Czarnocka
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Prowadzenie eksploatacji z wykorzystaniem materiałów wybuchowych w odkrywkowych zakładach górniczych wiąże się z szeregiem zagrożeń, które należy uwzględnić w trakcie prowadzenia robót strzałowych oraz na etapie ich projektowania. Odpowiednio zaprojektowane i starannie wykonane roboty zapewniają kontrolę nad tymi zagrożeniami oraz pozwalają na przewidzenie zasięgu i intensywności ich oddziaływania na otoczenie. Jednym z zagrożeń jest rozrzut odłamków skalnych, niebezpieczny dla załogi i maszyn pracujących w zakładzie górniczym, a także otoczenia kopalni. Jest to zagrożenie niezwykle istotne, lecz trudne do jednoznacznego oszacowania. Na przestrzeni lat opracowano wiele sposobów analitycznego wyznaczenia poziomu tego zagrożenia. Część opracowanych zależności opiera się na wynikach badań terenowych, zaś część na teoriach z zakresu fizyki i balistyki. Na wielkość strefy rozrzutu ma wpływ szereg czynników geologiczno- górniczych. Część z nich na chwilę obecną, dzięki coraz szerzej rozpowszechnianym narzędziom geodezyjnym, tj. skaner laserowy, czy urządzenie typu Boretrak, możemy bardzo precyzyjnie zmierzyć (geometria ociosu, dewiacja otworów strzałowych, rzeczywisty zabiór), a niektóre tylko oszacować ( występowanie ukrytych przerostów gliny lub krasów na podstawie raportów z pracy wiertnicy lub zwiercin). W artykule zaprezentowano wybrane czynniki, które wpływają na zasięg strefy oraz sposoby ich minimalizacji. Ponadto opisano wybrane metody i wzory empiryczne do szacowania zasięgu strefy oraz zaprezentowano zmienność wartości szacowanych w zależności od zmiany parametrów siatki otworów strzałowych oraz użytych środków strzałowych. W artykule dokonano również przedstawienia wybranych rozwiązań numerycznych w zakresie szacowania zasięgu rozrzutu odłamków skalnych. Algorytmy te pozwalają na wstępną ocenę dynamiki rozrzutu odłamków dla zadanych warunków brzegowych, co może stanowić perspektywiczny kierunek rozwoju aktualnie stosowanej metodologii.

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Józef Pyra
Michał Dworzak
Andrzej Biessikirski
Michał Twardosz
Paweł Kłósko
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This article is an attempt to re-read Tadeusz Miciński's poem ‘Blood-red Snow’ (‘Krwawy śnieg’, 1914) in the context of a tragedy that took place in February 1914 at Zakopane, or more precisely, in Kościeliska Valley in the Tatras. It was there that Jadwiga Janczewska, Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz's fiancée, took her life by shooting himself in the head. Her suicide prompted Miciński, a close friend of Witkiewicz, to write the ‘Blood-red Snow’, a poetic reportage infused with ambiguity, which presents a highly subjective vision of the tragic event and its circumstances. Read out of context, the poem seems be just another product of the poet's fascination with the philosophy of the occult (Luciferianism). However, when its real-life context is restored, the heady symbolism turns out to be a camouflage of a poème à clef, a genre which ‘Blood-red Snow’ actually exemplifies. The poem is an instant reaction to a dramatic event. To make sense of it one does not need to be familiar with the whole story of the relations between Miciński and Witkiewicz. What is perhaps worth noting is that their relationship soured after Jadwiga Janczewska's suicide, which triggered an unending blame game on all sides. While the public held Witkiewicz responsible for the young woman's death, he himself put the blame on Miciński and, first and foremost, on Karol Szymanowski. These controversies are, however, beyond the scope of the 'Blood-red Snow'.

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Anna Czabanowska-Wróbel
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Article The Bible in Polish Modern Literature contains reflections on the period 1945-2009, especially about an essay on the Bible written by laics, staying on more or less catholic position. Almost all were poets: Roman Brandstaetter (1906-1987), Jan Dobraczyński (1910-1994), Anna Kamieńska (1920-1986), Czesław Miłosz (1911- 2004), Marek Skwarnicki (*1930), Anna Świderkówna (1925-2008), Tadeusz Żychiewicz (1922-1994) and others. These authors began to study the Bible in the middle of their lives, when they were ripe to discuss theological and existential problems of the Holy Scripture. In the contrast to them there are the writers staying on the atheistic or agnostic position: Zenon Kosidowski (1898-1978), Artur Sandauer (1913-1989). Only one author, A. Świderkówna, was really a specialist in a biblical branch as the professor of the ancient mediterranean archaeology on the Warsaw University. She could write series her books Conversations on the Bible which became the bestseller in the end of 20th century.

For all biblical essayists a very important issue was the philological question connected to the langauge of the Bible and with the „semantic energy" of translation (Miłosz). The biblical essayists used the old polish Bible (1600) translation of Jacob Wujek SI or modern group translation made 1965 in Benedictiner Abbey in Tyniec (by Cracow). Beyond a communistic censorship in years 1945-1989 all mentioned writers could publish their articles and books. The most important center of these initiatives was Cracow (weekly „Tygodnik Powszechny" and monthly „Znak", also lisher), Warsaw (Publisher Pax), Posen.

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Andrzej Sulikowski

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