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Evaluative conditioning (EC) is a change in the evaluation of a neutral stimulus due to its pairing with another affective stimulus. Our Experiment 1 (N = 40) was carried out based on Rydell et al. (2006). During the conditioning stage, participants were presented with pictures of faces (CS) and positive or negative information about their behavior (explicit US). The images were preceded by short verbal primes (implicit US) of opposite valence to behavioral information. In Experiments 2 (N = 122) and 3 (N = 100) we provoked the transfer of implicit and explicit attitudes between USs and CSs by using social objects that potentially carry discrepant implicit and explicit evaluations. The data shows an inconsistency between implicit and explicit attitudes towards The results also confirm that those explicitly assessed attitudes are affected only by explicit information. At the same time, implicit attitudes are influenced not only by automatic processes but also by many other processes and information available to one's conscious mind.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Robert Balas
Adriana Rosocha

  1. Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland


Given the significance of teacher characteristics in student motivation for class attendance, the present paper aimed to investigate the roles of teacher success, credibility, and stroke in students’ Willingness to Attend Classes (WTAC). To this aim, a total number of 276 undergraduate students majoring in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) and English Language and Literature completed four scales: Characteristics of Successful EFL Teachers Questionnaire (Moafian & Pishghadam, 2008), Teacher Credibility Scale (McCroskey & Teven, 1999), Student Stroke Scale (Pishghadam & Khajavi, 2014), and WTAC Scale (Rajabnejad, Pishghadam, & Saboori, 2017). For data analysis, Pearson multiple correlation coefficients and path analysis were employed. The results of correlational analyses revealed a significantly positive correlation, first, between teacher success and students’ WTAC, secondly, between teacher credibility and students’ WTAC, and thirdly, between teacher stroke and students’ WTAC. Furthermore, the results of path analysis indicated that students’ WTAC was significantly predicted by teacher success, credibility, and stroke. At the end, the results were discussed in light of previous findings, and potential conclusions were made in the EFL context accordingly.

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Reza Pishghadam
Ali Derakhshan
Kiyana Zhaleh


Fusarium head blight (FHB) is one of the most important diseases that occurs in cereal regions worldwide and causes serious economic damage. This disease can be caused by several Fusarium species with Fusarium graminearum sensu stricto being the most common pathogen isolated from several crops. The aim of this study was to report the occurrence of F. graminearum sensu stricto on rye grains collected from field samples in Argentina and to determine the potential ability to produce deoxynivalenol (DON), nivalenol (NIV) and zearalenone (ZEA). Based on morphological characteristics, the isolate was identified as F. graminearum sensu stricto. To confirm molecularly, portions of the RED and TRI genes were sequenced and showed 99% similarity with the F. graminearum sensu stricto sequences available in the NCBI database. The potential to produce DON, 15-acetyldeoxynivalenol (15-ADON) and ZEA was determined. Moreover, Koch´s postulates were carried out. To our knowledge, this is the first report of F. graminearum sensu stricto associated with rye kernels in Argentina.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mauro Martinez
Maria Dinolfo
Eliana Castañares
Sebastian Stenglein


Viral diseases have caused devastating effect on poultry industry leading to significant losses in economy of world. In the presented study, the ability of Newcastle disease virus (NDV), infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) and avian influenza virus (AIV) to grow in two cell lines was evaluated. Both chicken embryo fibroblast (CEF) and DF-1 cells were used and cytopathic effects (CPE) produced by these viruses were observed. The titer of virus in terms of TCID50 was determined after 24h up to four days for each virus. The same type of CPE was observed for all viruses used in the study in both DF-1 and CEF cells. IBDV showed CPE causing rounding of cells while NDV caused formation of multicellular large nuclei, cell fusion and rounding of cells. Giant cells with inclusions and aggregation of cells with intact monolayer was observed for AIV. In growth kinetic study, higher titer of IBDV and NDV was observed in CEF cells than DF-1 cells while for AIV, DF-1 cells showed higher titer than CEF cells. These results would be useful for furthers comparative studies on growth of different cell lines of various viruses to find a suitability for vaccine production.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

S. Anam
S.U. Rahman
Shazma Ali
M. Saeed
S.M. Goyal

  1. Institute of Microbiology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan
  2. National Institute of Food Science and Technology, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan
  3. College of Veterinary Population Medicine, 1333 Gortner Avenue, University of Minnesota, USA


Audio data compression is used to reduce the transmission bandwidth and storage requirements of audio data. It is the second stage in the audio mastering process with audio equalization being the first stage. Compression algorithms such as BSAC, MP3 and AAC are used as standards in this paper. The challenge faced in audio compression is compressing the signal at low bit rates. The previous algorithms which work well at low bit rates cannot be dominant at higher bit rates and vice-versa. This paper proposes an altered form of vector quantization algorithm which produces a scalable bit stream which has a number of fine layers of audio fidelity. This modified form of the vector quantization algorithm is used to generate a perceptually audio coder which is scalable and uses the quantization and encoding stages which are responsible for the psychoacoustic and arithmetical terminations that are actually detached as practically all the data detached during the prediction phases at the encoder side is supplemented towards the audio signal at decoder stage. Therefore, clearly the quantization phase which is modified to produce a bit stream which is scalable. This modified algorithm works well at both lower and higher bit rates. Subjective evaluations were done by audio professionals using the MUSHRA test and the mean normalized scores at various bit rates was noted and compared with the previous algorithms.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Shajin Prince
Bini D
A Alfred Kirubaraj
J Samson Immanuel
Surya M

  1. Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore, India


The paper presents a static load test of a pile with the largest vertical load in Poland to-date up to the force of 23000 kN. The test was performed in the centre of Warsaw on the construction site of a future high-rise building to be the tallest building in European Union. The designed building height measured from the ground level is 310 meters including an 80-metre mast. The foundation of the building was designed as a Combined Piled Raft Foundation (CPRF) utilising the barrettes and diaphragm walls technology. The test was carried out on barrettes with lengths of approx. 28 and 34 m and was aimed to estimate the stiffness (load-settlement relation) of the designed 17.5 metre-long barrette situated below the foundation level. In addition to that a series of extensometric sensors was placed inside the barrette to determine the distribution of the axial force.

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G. Kacprzak
S. Bodus


In this paper, existing knowledge on the behaviour of soil-steel composite structures (SSCSs) has been reviewed. In particular, the response of buried corrugated steel plates (CSPs) to static, semistatic, and dynamic loads has been covered. Furthermore, the performance of SSCS under extreme loading, i.e., loading until failure, has been studied. To investigate the behaviour of the type of composite structures considered, numerous full-scale tests and numerical simulations have been conducted for both arched and box shapes of the shell. In addition, researchers have examined different span lengths and cover depths. Furthermore, to enhance the load-bearing capacity of the composite structures, various stiffening elements have been applied and tested. The reviewshows that the mechanical features of SSCSs are mainly based on the interaction of the shell with the soil backfill. The structures, as a composite system, become appropriately stiff when completely backfilled. For this reason, the construction phase corresponds to the highest values of shell displacement and stress. Moreover, the method of laying and compacting the backfill, as well as the thickness of the cover, has a significant impact on the behaviour of the structure at the stage of operation in both the quantitative and qualitative sense. Finally, a limited number of studies are conducted on the ultimate bearing capacity of large-span SSCS and various reinforcing methods. Considerably more works will need to be done on this topic. It applies to both full scale tests and numerical analysis.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Alemu Mosisa Legese
Maciej Sobótka
Czesław Machelski
Adrian Różański

  1. Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw, Poland


Zgodnie z pruskim prawem krajowym znalazca skarbu dzielił się własnością po połowie z właścicielem gruntu. Bez obawy o utratę korzyści znalazcy zgłaszali więc odkrycia władzom, o czym licznie informują archiwalia. Już w pierwszych doniesieniach pobieżnie klasyfi kowano monety. Traktowano je nie tylko jako szlachetny kruszec, ale także jako zabytek historyczny. Należało jednak przede wszystkim wyjaśnić, czy znalazca był właścicielem gruntu – w takim przypadku należało do niego 100% (wartości) znaleziska; gdy było inaczej – przyznawano tylko 50%. Liczne przykłady świadczą, że wobec ubogich znalazców skarbów srebrnych państwo pruskie zrzekało się własnych praw. W 1795 r. we wsi Mrzezino w gminie Puck (zaanektowanej przez Prusy w I rozbiorze i występującej pod nazwą Bresin, Amt Putzig) Michał Kloka, pracując na swym polu z synem i sługą, odkrył bogaty skarb złotych monet. Jako czynszownikowi, przyznano mu połowę znaleziska (właścicielem gruntu było państwo). Nie mamy wiadomości, co działo się w latach 1796 i 1797 ze znalezionymi w Mrzezinie solidami wschodniorzymskimi. Dopiero w 1798 r. widzimy w tej sprawie nieporozumienia między władzami lokalnymi w Kwidzynie (wówczas Marienwerder) i władzą centralną, tj. rządem w Berlinie. Władze skarbowe prowincji (Kamera Dominialna) zamierzały monety rozprzedać rozmaitym nabywcom w cenie co najmniej 4 talarów za sztukę, podobnie czyniąc z połową znalazcy. Sumę z aukcyjnej sprzedaży 80 egzemplarzy chciano przeznaczyć dla biblioteki okręgowej w Kwidzynie (Kammerbibliothek), na co zezwolił król Fryderyk Wilhelm III. Rozbieżne zdanie miano co do planowanych miejsc sprzedaży (Berlin, Królewiec, Gdańsk, Elbląg i Toruń). W Berlinie wyrażano wątpliwość, by w innych miastach osiągnięto wyższe ceny niż w stolicy. Pięć monet wyłączono wcześniej z zespołu ze względu na ich nadzwyczajną rzadkość. Niedługo potem wydzielone do sprzedaży 80 egzemplarzy otrzymał do zbadania berliński kupiec Peter Philipp Adler (1726-1814), który był znanym kolekcjonerem monet. W swej ekspertyzie orzekł on, że monety ze skarbu nie są rzadkościami i spotyka się je w większości zbiorów, dlatego powinny być wycenione według wartości złota. Zaproponował ich sprzedaż mennicy berlińskiej i jednocześnie prosił o odsprzedanie mu po dwa egzemplarze monet cesarzy: „Leona, Zenona, Bazyliskusa i Anastazjusza”, po cenie mennicy plus 5%. Propozycji Adlera jednak nie zaakceptowano. Na królewskie polecenie w 1799 r. miano przesłać do Berlina 21 egzemplarzy: „3 Leona, 2 Bazyliskusa, 1 Teodozjusza, 8 Anastazjusza, 7 Zenona” — okazało się jednak, że już przed 25 maja 1799 r. część monet sprzedano (w Królewcu, Elblągu, Warszawie i Toruniu). Do Berlina przesłano zaledwie 15 monet: „10 Anastazjusza, 3 Zenona, 1 Leona i 1 Bazyliskusa”. Mennica nie rozpoznała próby monet (jak stwierdzono, można by to uczynić tylko metodą ogniową) i wyceniła je wedle wagi na 57 talarów. Spośród nich cztery sztuki, niestety dziś nie do zidentyfi kowania, sprzedano do Królewskiego Gabinetu Numizmatycznego w Berlinie — gdzie odnotowano jedynie w 1800 i 1801 r. akcesję czterech złotych monet wczesnobizantyńskich ze skarbu spod Wielkiej Wsi (Grossendorf, dziś Władysławowo). Pozostałe nabyli trzej dygnitarze, a trzy sztuki zaoferowano Adlerowi.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Peter Ilisch


The multidisciplinary journal Polish Polar Research is bibliometrically analysed as a medium of international scientific communication in light of current citation data from SCI Ex 1996 -2002. Despite its world-wide distribution and distinctive visibility in the polar society, the journal 's two-years impact factor is invariably not very high (below 0.35) because the cited papers are mostly from the 1980s. The increasing participation of foreign (co)authors in the Polish quarterly, paired with the slowly growing number of citing articles in SCI Ex are already promising steps to the immediate information transfer and subsequently improved brief-term journal impact. Citation links with polar investigators from Germany,and also from Great Britain, Spain and the USA are clearly manifested, especially in fields of marine Antarctic ecology and biology. Even if Polish Polar Research may successfully compete with several low-rated journals from different countries indexed in SCI Ex in related categories, its continuing internationalization is urgently required.

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Grzegorz Racki


Microbes living in the polar regions have some common and unique strategies to respond to thermal stress. Nevertheless, the amount of information available, especially at the molecular level is lacking for some organisms such as Antarctic psychrophilic yeast. For instance, it is not known whether molecular chaperones in Antarctic yeasts play similar roles to those from mesophilic yeasts when they are exposed to heat stress. Therefore, this project aimed to determine the gene expression patterns and roles of molecular chaperones in Antarctic psychrophilic Glaciozyma antarctica PI12 that was exposed to heat stress. G. antarctica PI12 was grown at its optimal growth temperature of 12ºC and later exposed to heat stresses at 16ºC and 20ºC for 6 hours. Transcriptomes of those cells were extracted, sequenced and analyzed. Thirty-three molecular chaperone genes demonstrated differential expression of which 23 were up-regulated while 10 were down-regulated. Functions of up-regulated molecular chaperone genes were related to protein binding, response to a stimulus, chaperone binding, cellular response to stress, oxidation, and reduction, ATP binding, DNA-damage response and regulation for cellular protein metabolic process. On the other hand, functions of down-regulated molecular chaperone genes were related to chaperone-mediated protein complex assembly, transcription, cellular macromolecule metabolic process, regulation of cell growth and ribosome biogenesis. The findings provided information on how molecular chaperones work together in a complex network to protect the cells under heat stress. It also highlights the evolutionary conserved protective role of molecular chaperones in psychrophilic yeast, G. antarctica, and mesophilic yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Nur Athirah Yusof
Clemente Michael Vui Ling Wong
Abdul Munir Abdul Murad
Farah Diba Abu Bakar
Nor Muhammad Mahadi
Ahmad Yamin Abdul Rahman
Nursyafiqi Zainuddin
Mohd Nazalan Mohd Najimudin


Studies of the Quaternary evolution of the Hornsund Region in Spitsbergen focused in nine key areas, in which detailed fieldworks with mapping and sampling to radiocarbon and thermoluminescence analyses have been done. Glacial history of the Hornsund Region is known from the Torellkjegla (Holsteinian) Interglacial up to the recent times. The Wedel Jarlsberg Land (Saalian) Glaciation was the most widespread in this part of Spitsbergen and consisted of two stades(?). It was followed by considerable glacier retreat during the Bogstranda (Eemian) Interglacial, the latter being represented by development of soils. Four glacier advances (the two younger ones are the Lisbetdalen and the Slaklidalen stages) occurred during the Sörkapp Land (Vistulian) Glaciation. Three glacier advances (Gronfjorden and Revdalen stages, followed by the Little Ice Age) were recognized for the Holocene. The oldest and highest (although somewhat questionable) raised marine beaches come presumably from the Wedel Jarlsberg Land Glaciation. The beaches 80-100 m a.s.l. were formed during the Bogstranda (Eemian) Interglacial. The beaches 20-60 m a.s.l. are correlated with the Sórkapp Land Glaciation. All the lower marine beaches were formed during the Holocene.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Leszek Lindner
Leszek Marks


This paper discusses the results of gravimetric and magnetic investigations carried out on the Hans Glacier (Hansbreen) in the area of the Hornsund Fiord in Spitsbergen. These pilot investigations were performed in profiles running across to the extension of the glacier. Analysis of the magnetic measurements permits the supposition that in the base of the glacier there are amphibolites assigned to the Skålfjellet series, one of the oldest links of the metamorphic complex in Spitsbergen. Fig. 3 shows the behaviour of the amphibolites determined from the qualitative and quantitative properties of the anomalies ΔT. This paper also determined the thickness of the glacier in a cross-section 1.5 km distant from its front. From interpretation of the gravity anomaly, thickness varies between several and more than 100 m, taking the highest values in the central part of the glacier.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej Koblański
Stanisław Małoszewski
Janusz Śliz


The safety of the masonry structure is determined by the value of the partial factor used, which is influenced by many factors. The variability of these factors determines obtaining significant differences in the load levels of various masonry structures. Hence, the analysis of masonry structures should be carried out taking into account a sufficient range of variability of factors affecting its safety. The article presents a multi-stage safety analysis of an exemplary brick masonry column. For the construction, the relationship between partial factors used for interactions in different configurations and factors for the masonry compressive strength was examined. The analyses consisted in determining the reliability index beta with the Monte Carlo method. The article presents the results of experimental tests carried out on a real construction, as well as the results of FEM numerical simulations.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Joanna Zięba
Lidia Buda-Ożóg
Izabela Skrzypczak

  1. MSc., Eng., Rzeszow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Building Structures, Poznańska 2, Rzeszów 35-084, Poland
  2. DSc., PhD., Eng., Rzeszow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Building Structures, Poznańska 2, Rzeszów 35-084, Poland
  3. DSc., PhD., Eng., Rzeszow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Geodesy and Geotechnics, Poznańska 2, Rzeszów, 35-084, Poland


Złoże dolomitów Ujków Stary jest pozabilansowym fragmentem dawnego złoża rud cynku i ołowiu kopalni Bolesław. Opracowanie jego dokumentacji geologicznej z 2006 roku stworzyło nowe perspektywy pozyskania surowca skalnego ze skał dolomitycznych dolnego i środkowego wapienia muszlowego, występujących w serii złożowej. Skały te są wyraźnie zróżnicowane pod względem cech strukturalnych i teksturalnych oraz udziału składników mineralnych. W artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę tej zmienności na podstawie badań próbek skał pobranych z różnych części dwóch poziomów eksploatacyjnych złoża. Stwierdzono, że w złożu występują dolomity o strukturze mikrosparytowej i sparytowej (drobnokrystalicznej i średniokrystalicznej) oraz brekcje dolomityczne. Dowiedziono, że różnorodność petrograficzna skał, związana z ich genezą, ma istotny wpływ na zmienność ich podstawowych fizyczno-mechanicznych właściwości: gęstości objętościowej, nasiąkliwości i wytrzymałości na ściskanie. Ta zmienność petrograficzna skał decyduje także o niejednorodności jakościowej uzyskanych z nich kruszyw. Podstawą do wnioskowania w tym zakresie były wyniki badań odporności na ścieranie (wskaźnik mikro-Devala) i rozdrabnianie (wskaźnik Los Angeles) oraz ocena poziomu reaktywności alkalicznej kruszyw reprezentujących wybrane odmiany dolomitów oraz mieszaninę wszystkich wydzielonych odmian. Stwierdzono, że poszczególne partie kruszywa dolomitowego, pozyskiwane z różnych części złoża, mogą odpowiadać odmiennym kategoriom, określonym przez normy PN-EN. Wykazują one tym samym zróżnicowaną przydatność do stosowania ich między innymi w betonach, mieszankach bitumicznych stosowanych w powierzchniach przeznaczonych do ruchu oraz w niezwiązanych i związanych hydraulicznie materiałach używanych w obiektach budowlanych i budownictwie drogowym.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Marek Rembiś


This research proposes a method to enhance the payload message by embedding messages on the dilated edge areas by the Least Significant Bit (LSB) method. To add security aspects to messages, messages are not embedded directly on the LSB but encrypted with XOR operations with Most Significant Bit (MSB). The experimental results of the test in this study showed that the dilation process to some extent can increase the payload of 18.65% and the average bpp is 1.42 while maintaining the imperceptibilty quality of stego image with an average PSNR value of about 47 dB, SSIM is 0.9977 and MSE is 1.13.

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De Rosal Ignatius Moses Setiadi
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Idea przestrzegania warunków kontraktu, o ile inni będą ich przestrzegać, jest osią normatywności w doktrynie sprawiedliwości społecznej, ujętej w głównych dziełach Johna Rawlsa – zarówno w Teorii sprawiedliwości, jak i w Liberalizmie politycznym. W swoim artykule argumentuję, że w systemie Rawlsa właśnie zasada wzajemności pozwala w sposób spójny pogodzić dwa konkurujące ze sobą nurty myślowe w tradycji liberalnej – nurt wolnościowy i nurt egalitarny. Na zasadzie wzajemności, ukierunkowanej na realizację ideału rozumności w społeczeństwie dobrze urządzo-nym, opiera się autentyczna akceptacja politycznej koncepcji sprawiedliwości oraz więź i przyjaźń obywatelska. Jednak analiza historyczna i kulturowa pozwala wysnuć wniosek, że tym, co wzmacnia Rawlsowską więź obywatelską, jest wielopokolenio-we doświadczenie dyscypliny i etosu gospodarki kapitalistycznej, czego Rawls nie przyznaje wprost w swoich rozważaniach. Bez tego doświadczenia trudno byłoby budować solidarność wokół instytucji neutralnych światopoglądowo i aksjologicznie, niewyrażonych w wartościach komunitariańskich, patriotycznych czy religijnych.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Dariusz Dańkowski SJ

  1. Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie, ul. Kopernika 26, 31‑501 Kraków


Based on real-time multi-domain communication signal analysis architecture, a high-efficiency blind carrier frequency estimation algorithm using the power spectrum symmetry of the measured modulated signal is presented. The proposed algorithm, which utilizes the moving averaged power spectrum achieved by the realtime spectrum analysis, iteratively identifies the carrier frequency in according to the power difference between the upper sideband and lower sideband, which is defined and revised by the estimated carrier frequency in each iteration. When the power difference of the two sidebands converges to the preset threshold, the carrier frequency can be obtained. For the modulation analysis, the measured signal can be coarsely compensated by the estimated result, and the residual carrier frequency error is eliminated by a following carrier synchronization loop. Compared with previous works, owing to the moving averaged power spectrum normalization and the smart iterative step variation mechanism for the two sidebands definition, the carrier frequency estimation accuracy and speed can be significantly improved without increasing the computational effort. Experimental results are included to demonstrate the outstanding performance of the proposed algorithm.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Qian Wang
Xiaomei Yang
Xiao Yan
Kaiyu Qin


Optimization of dialysis needs methods for quantitative assessment of fluid and solutes transport in body compartments and solute

and fluid exchange between body and dialysate. A mathematical model describing the dynamics of these quantities during dialysis is presented. This model is first and foremost based on the existing models, but also includes some new solutions. All parts were combined and extended by the detailed descriptions of selected aspects. The “virtual patient” model was applied to simulate and test different methods of treatment and their influence on the condition of the patient. The purpose of this model is to serve as a decision support system for selection of “optimal” treatment options for particular patient.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Gałach
A. Weryński


The presented article is a report on progress in photovoltaic devices and material processing. A cadmium telluride solar cell as one of the most attractive option for thin-film polycrystalline cell constructions is presented. All typical manufacturing steps of this device, including recrystalisation and junction activation are explained. A new potential field of application for this kind of device - the BIPV (Building Integrated Photovoltaic) is named and discussed. All possible configuration options for this application, according to material properties and exploitation demands are considered. The experimental part of the presented paper is focused on practical implementation of the high- temperature polymer foil as the substrate of the newly designed device by the help of ICSVT (Isothermal Close Space Vapour Transport) technique. The evaluation of the polyester and polyamide foils according to the ICSVT/CSS manufacturing process parameters is described and discussed. A final conclusion on practical verification of these materials is also given.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Sibińksi
Z. Lisik


Reinforced concrete composite slab consists of a thin prefabricated slab in which span reinforcement is located and of concrete joined with the slab, with such concrete being laid on site.

The existence of a joint of two concretes in such floors is interpreted as introducing a contact layer into a monolithic slab. In the paper parameters of two models are estimated. The first is a model of a contact layer and the second is a model of a composite slab with a single degree of freedom. The models consider that the contact has elastic properties and inelastic properties causing energy dissipation. Experimental investigations are discussed further based on which the parameters values of the contact layer model were determined.

Delamination was experienced for the slabs characterised by low contact layer stiffness after applying a maximum load. In addition, the strains of a contact layer having low stiffness are accompanied by lower energy dissipation than of a layer with high stiffness.

The smaller stiffness of composite floors, as compared to monolithic floors, occurs as a consequence of the existence of a joint. Such decrease for a composite slab is interpreted in the model with a single degree of freedom as the serial connection of stiffness of a monolithic slab and an element considering the existence of a contact layer.

The stiffness of an element considering the existence of a contact layer decreases along with a load, and the elements corresponding to the higher stiffness of the contact layer are characterised by higher energy dissipation.

The aforementioned results of the investigations confirm the assumptions of the contact layer model and a composite slab model with a single degree of freedom. The findings made represent a basis for establishing a method of evaluating the condition of a joint in composite slabs according to statistical investigations.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

K. Gromysz

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