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Marine rock-accumulative terraces at 2-230 m a.s.l. in the southern Sörkapp Land are typical for glacioisostaticly uplifted areas. The Holocene terraces reach up to 19 m a.s.l. An outstanding coastal ridge at 9-10 m a.s.l. was radiocarbon-dated at 6580±160 years B.P. No marine transgression during the Holocene on higher and older terraces was noted, what is also confirmed by well preserved raised storm ridges. Any of glacial advances during the Holocene were more extensive than the one of the Little Ice Age. However the Pleistocene glaciations were more extensive. Among glacial landforms in the area there are: ice-cored frontal and lateral moraines up to 70 m high, plains of ground, ablation and fluted moraines, complexes of glaciofluvial fans. The glaciers retreated 0.3-2 km since 1936 i.e. ca 10 m a year on the average. There are large consequent structural landslides on eastern slopes of Keilhaufjellet.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Antoni Wójcik
Wiesław Ziaja


The paper discusses the influence of the initial parameters on the strength parameters of S235JR steel at low stress triaxiality. The analysis was performed using the Gurson-Tvergaard-Needlem (GTN) material model, which takes into consideration the material structure. The initial material porosity was defined as the void volume fraction f₀. The fully dense material without pores was assumed and the typical and maximum values of porosity were considered for S235JR steel in order to analyse the porosity effect. The strength analysis of S235JR steel was performed basing on the force-elongation curves obtained experimentally and during numerical simulations. Taking into consideration the results obtained, the average values of the initial void volume fraction f₀ = 0.001 for S235JR steel is recommended to use in a common engineering calculations for elements operating at low stress triaxiality. In order to obtain more conservative results, the maximum values of f₀ = 0.0024 may be used.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

P.G. Kossakowski
Słowa kluczowe microhydraulic cavitation noise


This paper presents selected applications of the miniaturized hydraulic components offered by specialized manufacturers and some results of the authors' own research on microflows, including results of hydraulic microfeeder vibration measurements performed by the touchless method using a laser vibrometer. The latter was chosen in order to eliminate measuring instrument influence on the investigated microhydraulic object. Special attention was focused on acoustic problems: noise sources and methods of noise reduction.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Wacław Kollek
Zygmunt Kudźma
Janusz Rutański
Michał Stosiak

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