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The core goal of this paper is to put forward a feasible scheme of noise reduction for a target forklift on the basis of solving the problem of vibration and acoustic radiation from complex structures in infinite domain. Based on the previous report and vibration acceleration tests, the acoustic virtual wind tunnel model of forklift power compartment was established using finite element method and boundary element method, in which the perfectly matched layer was first applied to simulate the attenuation propagation of sound waves in air. In addition, according to the distribution characteristics of sound pressure field with different frequencies, the acoustic energy mainly radiated through the bottom and right side, and concentrated in the low frequency. Consequently, the acoustic packaging design for the whole forklift power compartment was presented, and a satisfying noise reduction effect was achieved.
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Authors and Affiliations

Enlai Zhang
1 2
Zhiqi Liu
Jingjing Zhang
Jiahe Lin

  1. School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Xiamen University of Technology, Xiamen, China
  2. Chengyi University College, Jimei University, Xiamen, China
  3. College of Applied Science and Technology, Hainan University, Danzhou, China
  4. Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
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Automotive industry is constantly interested in building cars made of light and high strength parts in order to reduce the emission levels, the fuel consumption and minimize the effects of a car crash. Some parts may be made of lighter materials, but the steel ones must compensate the strength needed for the car body. Research is made for finding new materials showing high strength combined with high ductility. Among them, transformation – induced – plasticity steels are of great interest, efforts being made to improve their characteristics. A new composition of such a steel is presented, its features being compared with those of three other steels of the same class and category. Optical microscopy at different magnifications is performed, together with Vickers hardness test. Structural particularities are found for each tested steel, justified by their own chemical compositions. The new steel reveals important characteristics: besides the mainly bainitic structure, it has both larger ferritic areas and amounts of retained austenite, making him proper for further study.
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Authors and Affiliations

M.C. Pantilimon
A.C. Berbecaru
G. Coman
M.G. Sohaciu
R.E. Dumitrescu
S. Ciucă
I.A. Gherghescu
C. Predescu

  1. Politehnica University of Bucharest, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Splaiul Independenței No. 313, Bucharest 060042, Romania

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