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● Battaglia J.F., Między Wiedniem a Galicją, Austria a Polska. Kalejdoskop stosunków kulturalnych od XVIII do XX wieku, na stronie:[165]-183%20Forst-Battaglia.pdf;jsessionid=1CFJq-TYi75eiUnEqUoHP2py9x7qphGpMHZ?sequence=1 [data dostępu: 13.09.2020].
● Danowicz B., Realizm, metafora, publiczność, „Nowy Świat. Tygodniowy dodatek Głosu” 1956, nr 17.
● Flach J., „Przegląd Polski” 1913, tom 189.
● Grzymała-Siedlecki A., Tadeusz Rittner, „Listy z Teatru” 1924, z. 1.
● [Gbr] Gubrynowicz B., „Gazeta Lwowska” 1913, nr 257.
● Hebanowski S., „Lato” Rittnera w Zielonej Górze, „Nowy Świat”, dodatek do „Głosu Wielkopolskiego”, 1956, nr 15.
● Litwinowicz-Droździel M., Zmiana, której nie było. Trzy próby czytania Reymonta, Warszawa 2019.
● Milanowski A., Czy Tadeusz Rittner był pisarzem polskim czy niemieckim?, [w:] Recepcja literacka i proces literacki. O polsko-niemieckich kontaktach literackich od modernizmu po okres międzywojenny, red. G. Matuszek, G. Ritz, Kraków 1999.
● Partyga E., Wiek XIX. Przedstawienia, Warszawa 2016.
● Piotrowicz W., „Wrażenia teatralne”: „Lato”, komedia w trzech aktach Tadeusza Rittnera w Reducie, „Słowo” 1929, nr 95.
● Raszewski Z., Wstęp, [w:] Rittner T., Dramaty, t. I, oprac. Z. Raszewski, Warszawa 1966.
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● Ratajczakowa D., Komedia w epoce Młodej Polski, [w:] taż, W krysztale i w płomieniu. Studia i szkice o dramacie i teatrze, T. 1, Wrocław 2006.
● Rittner T., Komedia, „Kurier Warszawski”, 1911, nr 285, s. 5–6.
● Rittner T., Lato. Komedia, [w:] idem, Dramaty. Tom II, oprac. Z. Raszewski, Warszawa 1966.
● Rittner T., O teatrze „wesołym” i „smutnym”, „Świat” 1906, nr 17, s. 10.
● Skucha M., Męskość fabrykowana. Rzecz o homospołeczności, [w:] Formy męskości I, red. A. Dziadek, F. Mazurkiewicz, Warszawa 2018.
● Sussman H., Mężczyzna ekonomiczny i powstanie klasy średniej, przeł. T. Kaliściak, [w:] Formy męskości 3. Antologia przekładów, red. A. Dziadek, Warszawa 2018.
● Wandurski W., Magiczny namiastek życia (Światopogląd teatralny Tadeusza Rittnera), „Listy z Teatru” 1924, z. 1.
● Wysocki A., „Lato” Rittnera w Burgteatrze, „Gazeta Lwowska” 1912, nr 240.
● Zaremba P., Rittner? Fellini? Englert! „wPolityce”. [dostęp: 15.09.2020].
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Sabina Brzozowska

  1. Instytut Nauk o Literaturze, Uniwersytet Opolski
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The optimization process of design parameters for composite lining of heavy haul railway tunnel is a key problem to be solved in tunnel engineering design. In order to put forward a better design scheme of composite lining for heavy haul railway tunnel, combined with field measurement and numerical simulation, the optimal working condition design is carried out by changing the thickness of shotcrete layer, the type of grid steel frame and the thickness of secondary lining. The influence of the above design parameters on the stress state of the composite lining is analyzed to obtain the optimal design parameters. Finally, the safety performance of the optimized lining is evaluated by the ultimate bearing capacity curve of the secondary lining section. The research shows that: 1) The optimal design parameters of the composite lining of the tunnel are the thickness of the shotcrete layer of 25 cm, the type of the grid steel frame of H180, the thickness of the secondary lining arch waist and the side wall of 40 cm and 35 cm respectively; 2) Different from the single-track heavy haul railway tunnel, the displacement value of the vault settlement of the double-track heavy haul railway tunnel is significantly greater than that of the inner convergence. Increasing the thickness of the shotcrete layer and changing the type of the grid steel frame have better effects on reducing the vault settlement, and have little effect on the inner convergence.
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Wei Han
Taoli Xiao
Duanwen Shi
Yupeng Wang

  1. Fujian Forestry Vocational and Technical College, Department of Traffic Engineering, Nanping, 353000, China
  2. Yangtze University, School of Urban Construction, Jingzhou, 434000, China
  3. China Railway Fourth Survey and Design Institute Group Co., Ltd, Tunnel Engineering, Wuhan,430000, China
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In recent years, great emphasis has been placed on the introduction of energy-saving solutions to the construction sector. Building envelopes made of concrete with a specially selected composition give great opportunities in this regard. As part of a wide-ranging experiment, the authors undertook to diagnose how much thermal conductivity, volumetric specific heat and thermal diffusivity can be improved with an aerating admixture and different types of aggregates. Three groups of composites were tested: B1 – on stone aggregate, B2 – on expanded clay aggregate, B3 – on sintered fly ash aggregate. Each of the groups was divided into 4 formulations made without an aerating admixture and with its increasingly higher content of 0.8, 1.1, 1.4% in relation to the weight of cement. The thermal parameters were measured on the top (T) and bottom (B) surfaces of 36 rectangular samples (3 samples from each of the 12 mixtures) with the ISOMET 2104 apparatus. Diagnostic tests concerning the influence of measurement conditions were carried out on dry and water-saturated samples. It has been proven that for each composite and in both conditions, the values of thermal parameters determined on the lower surfaces will not correctly describe the properties of the real structure present in the main volume of the element. Only measurements carried out on surfaces with a structure corresponding to the interior of the element provide adequate data that can be used in decision-making processes and in numerical simulations to assess the real thermal qualities of building envelopes.
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Halina Garbalinska
Małgorzata Matys

  1. West PomeranianUniversity of Technology in Szczecin, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Al. Piastów 50a, 70-311 Szczecin, Poland
  2. Graduate of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Al. Piastów 50a, 70-311 Szczecin, Poland

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