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The article is part of a course on Quantum Information Technologies QIT conducted at the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology of the Warsaw University of Technology. The subject includes a publishing workshop exercised by engineering students. How do ICT engineers see QIT from their point of view? How can they implement quantum technologies in their future work? M.Sc. students usually have strictly declared topics for their master’s theses. The implementation of some works is at an advanced stage. The potential areas of application of QIT are defined and narrow if they are to intellectually expand the area of the completed theses. This is the idea of incorporating QIT components or interfaces into classic ICT solutions at the software and hardware level. It is possible to propose a solution in the form of a functional hybrid system. QIT systems should be functionally incorporated into the existing ICT environment, generating measurable added value. Such a task is quite demanding, but practice shows that it interests students. Solutions don’t have to be mature or even feasible. They can be dreams of young engineers. The exercise is a publication workshop related to the fast development of QIT. The article is a continuation of publication exercises conducted with previous groups of students participating in QIT lectures.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Anna Twarowska
Justyna P. Wietczak
Kamil Ł Szydłowski
Michał Kaczmarczyk
Maciej L. Kaczkowski
Oliwia Pawlak
Bartłomiej Mastej
Maciej Stranz
Kinga Hacaś
Bartłomiej Sweklej
Ryszard S. Romaniuk

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland


This study investigates the possible errors related to Mandarin tone perception and production by German speakers. In a preliminary test, 23 German listeners should identify the tones of 186 monosyllables. Results show that exposure to Mandarin Chinese can help to discriminate lexical tones as highly expected. In the main experiment, 17 German subjects were asked to take part in a perception and production test. Stimulus of perception involves 48 monosyllables uttered by a standard professional Chinese speaker; acoustic measures were conducted to analyze the production of 72 monosyllables for each subject. It is found that German speakers have much smaller f0 range than Chinese native speakers. Findings can provide implications for cross language studies and teaching practices.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Hongwei Ding
Rüdiger Hoffmann
Oliver Jokisch

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