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Petroleum pollution is still one or crucial environmental problems. Bioaugmcntation is a popular technique used in soil remediation. The aim of soil inoculation is acceleration or decomposition processes or improving the degradation efficiency. Effectiveness of bioaugmentation processes depends on the number and activity of microorganisms adapted to pollutant degradation. Enhancement of microorganisms' activity can be reached by the use or plants. Roots or plants excrete organic substances that stimulate microorganisms' growth. Among different species or plants interesting arc papilionaceous plants because of their nitrogen fixation ability in symbiosis with bacteria. The effects or using papilionaceous plants (Trifolium pratense), multiplied autochthonous microorganisms and commercial biopreparation in aged-petroleumpolluted soil were studied. The samples of soil were taken from the refinery in Czechowice-Dziedzice (Poland) and classified as heavily degraded with a C/N-ratio or 100:0.7. Investigations were conducted for 14 weeks. Microbiological analysis included: total bacteria, fungi, Actinomycetes and Pscudonionas counts. Concentration or heavy fractions, TPH (total petroleum hydrocarbons) and PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) were measured at the start and at the end of the experiment. Presence of pap il ionaceous plant (Trifolium pratensei enhanced the growth or microorganisms, nitrogen concentration and biodegradation processes (removal of 63% or TPH, 44% or heavy fractions, 9% or 4-6 aromatic PAHand 80% of 2-3 aromatic PAH) in polluted soil. An increasing number of Pseudomonas species was observed in samples in which pollution removal was more effective.
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Ewa Zabłocka-Godlewska
Wioletta Przystaś
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The paper presents microbiological characteristics of sewage sludge derived from the mechanicalbiological sewage treatment plant and farmyard manure as well as composts manufactured from them. In the performed experiment, four types of composts were analyzed. The first of them comprised the sewage sludge alone, the second one - was made up only of farmyard manure, while the remaining composts were prepared by mixing the above-mentioned bio-wastcs in the following proportions: 75% sewage sludge+ 25% farmyard manure and 50% sewage sludge + 50% farmyard manure. The next stage of experiments involved analyses of the composts incubated with soil. The following assays were carried out in the experimental composts and mixtures of soil and composts: counts of Salmonella sp., E. coli, Clostridium perfringens, total counts of bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes on selective media employing the plate method. The performed investigations revealed that the composting process resulted in complete riddance of the Salmonella sp. and reduction in the numbers of the remaining groups of microorganisms. Therefore, it can be said that the composted sewage sludge was suitable for the utilization for agricultural purposes in accordance with the Directive of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of October 2004. Moreover, it was found that, as early as 60 days after the introduction of composts into the soil, counts of the majority of the analyzed groups of microorganisms (with the exception of actinornycctcs and E. coli), including pathogenic bacteria from the C. perfringens genus, were found reduced. The obtained research results proved that the introduction of bi o-wastes into the soil may decrease survivability in the natural environment of certain pathogens; hence it is a good method of utilization of this organic material.
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Agnieszka Wolna-Maruwka
Jacek Czekała
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The article presents results of research of three sections (Kuców 9, 10 and 16). Two of them record fluvial and lacustrine interglacial sediments and the third, cold-stage glaciolacustrine sediments. They were formed inside the Miocene– Pliocene syncline depressions in a central part of the southern horst within the Kleszczów Graben. Fluvial and lacustrine deposits of the Middle Pleistocene Interglacial (Mazovian or Ferdynandovian in the Czyżów Formation) are described from the Kuców 9 and 10 sections. Their sediments are located in marginal parts of a buried river valley and within an oxbow palaeolake, then covered by glaciofluvial deposits of the Ławki (Early Saalian) and Rogowiec (Late Saalian) Formations. The Kuców 16 section comprises ice-dam sandy lithofacies (Kuców Formation, Elsterian) of a marginal part in a proglacial lake. Two pollen diagrams of K65/15 and Kuców 9 sections represent the Mazovian (Holsteinian) succession, although in the Kuców 9 section some features are typical for the Ferdinandovian succession.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dariusz Krzyszkowski
Lucyna Wachecka-Kotkowska
Małgorzata Nita
Dariusz Wieczorek

  1. University of Wrocław, Institute of Geography and Regional Development, 50-137 Wrocław, Pl. Uniwersytecki 1, Poland
  2. University of Łódź, Department of Geology and Geomorphology, 90-139 Łódź, Narutowicza 88, Poland
  3. University of Silesia, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Będzińska Str. 60, 41-200 Sosnowiec, Poland
  4. Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute, Holy Cross Branch of Jan Czarnocki, Zgoda 21, 25-953 Kielce, Poland
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During austral summer 1978/1979 the content of dissolved oxygen, phosphates, nitrates and nitrites was determined in the waters of Admiralty Bay. Environmental conditions prevailing in Admiralty Bay are compared with the conditions in the open Antarctic waters.

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Ryszard Samp
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Claude Carloman de Rulhière was a French diplomat and writer who was sent to Russia in 1762 as a secretary to the French ambassador. During his stay in St. Petersburg, he eye-witnessed the coup d’état staged by the future Catherine II to dethrone Peter III and to seize the imperial power. Upon his return to Paris, Rulhière publicized his testimony of the event. It soon became notorious and provoked controversy, splitting French elites into supporters and detractors of Catherine II. The agents of the empress attempted to persuade him not to divulge his text, but Rulhière did not succumb to their financial offers and resolved to reveal the truth.

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Marek Mosakowski
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In the current study, we test the discrimination of four basic English tone contours in monosyllabic words by Polish learners using an AXB task and we compare these results to the results of an identification test. Discrimination does not require access to phonological labels and is claimed to tap core auditory mechanism. Relatively high discrimination performance by Polish learners and poor identification performance indicate that difficulties with correct identification of English tones are solely difficulties with labelling.

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Arkadiusz Rojczyk
Andrzej Porzuczek
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An annotated Polish version of selected poems from books XIII (Xenia) and XIV (Apophoreta) of Martial’s Epigrams.

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Agata Łuka
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In this paper the mathematical model of the brushless DC motor (BLDCM) with a double 3-phase stator winding is analysed. Both the 3-phase windings are mutually displaced by 30 electrical degree. Special care has been sacrificed to influence of higher harmonics of induced electromotive forces (EMF) on electromagnetic torque and zero sequence voltages that may be used for sensorless control. The mathematical model has been presented in natural variables and, after transformation to symmetrical components, in a vector form. This allows, from one side, for formulating the equivalent circuit suitable for circuit oriented simulators (e.g.: Spice, SimPowerSystems of Simulink) and, from the other point of view, for analysis of higher harmonics influence on control possibilities. These considerations have been illustrated with some results of four quadrant operation obtainded due to simulation at automatic control.

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Piotr Drozdowski

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