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The aim of this article is an attempt to analyse the world-famous documentary film entitled The Parade (Polish title Defilada). The film has a unique narrative structure, as it belongs to the performing arts, and makes use of hyperbole which represents one of rhetorical tropes. Thus, the narration of the film is characterised by a specific rhetorical order which follows the rules of composing a text about art, culture and other phenomena. The result is often art itself. At the level of creative intention, Andrzej Fidyks’s films constitute spectacles which have to be appealing enough to attract the attention of a contemporary viewer. Thus, spectacularity of this film is not only a feature directly related to audiovisual art. It constitutes an aesthetic value as well, and the spectacle appears as a parade in honour of the country’s leader. Research methods include two types of text analysis, i.e. the rhetorical analysis, and the analysis based on film studies. The neo-rhetorical (i.e., argumentative) approach to the cinematographic text is visible in studying The Parade as a documentary which was created under conditions of full control over the director, together with lack of access to information. Perversity is a deliberate argumentative strategy, as Fidyk uses it in order to explain to the viewers the reality of the visited country.
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Bogumiła Fiołek-Lubczyńska

  1. University of Lodz, Poland
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FMEAs have been prioritized using RPN; however, a new standard has introduced AP for prioritization. This study seeks to determine if the number of required improvement actions increases, decreases, or stays the same when using AP in place of RPN. Statistical software was used to simulate 10,000 combinations of severity, occurrence, and detection. Both AP and RPN were calculated for the 10,000 combinations. Statistical hypothesis testing was performed to determine if there was a difference between RPNs when sorted by AP and to determine if there was a difference in actions required using RPN or AP. There is a statistically significant difference between RPNs when sorted by high, medium, and low AP. Using an RPN threshold equal to or greater than 100 would result in no change in the number of actions required if prioritizing by high and medium, but would result in fewer actions required if only high is used.
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Matthew Barsalou

  1. Automotive Industry, Germany
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In the research it has been assumed that an observation corresponds to a measured height difference of a levelling section while a pseudo-observation corresponds to a sum of observations for consecutive levelling sections which make up a levelling line. Relations between observations and pseudo-observations are shown. It has also been assumed that observations are not correlated. The study compares Helmert - Pranis-Praniewicz. algorithm of parametric. multi-group (parallel) least squares adjustment of observations with the algorithm of rwo-stage least squares adjustment of levelling network. The two-stage adjustment consists of least squares adjustment of pseudo-observations and then the adjustment of observations, which is carried out separately for each levelling line. It was shown that normal equations concerning heights of nodal points, created on the basis of pseudo-observations, are identical to the reduced normal equations formed on the basis of observations in multi-group adjustment. So, adjusted heights of nodal points and their variance-covariance matrix are the same in the case of adjustment of observations and in the case of adjustment of pseudo-observations. Following a brief presentation of known algorithm of height computation for intermediate benchmarks of levelling lines there is shown the proof that the value of a square root of the a posteriori variance of unit weight 1110, known also as mean square error of a typical observation/pseudo-observation, is the same in the case of adjustment of observations and in the case of adjustment of pseudo-observations. The conclusion states that the results of two-stage adjustment and rigorous least squares adjustment of observations are identical.
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Idzi Gajderowicz
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The article is a critical analysis of an exhibition entitled The Primer that was opened at the State Museum at Majdanek in 2003. Tomasz Pietrasiewicz’s project is not a classic historical exhibition and the aim of the article is to prove its innovative character.
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Anna Ziębińska-Witek
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In this paper the MTPA, MTPF, constant torque and constant flux control trajectories are presented. These trajectories are calculated for a 6-phase asymmetric insettype SMPMSM generator with the assumption of a certain level of 3rd harmonic current injection. This injection technique increases the generator performance due to the cooperation of the fundamental and 3rd harmonic. The presented trajectories are used for fast control of the generator working in the gearless wind turbine system.
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Marek Gołębiowski
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Centrifugal pumps are used for different applications that include pressure boosting, wastewater, water supply, heating and cooling distribution and other industrial processes. This paper presents theoretical and experimental investigations of mechanical vibrations of a centrifugal pump. The flow in this pump, which induces pressure pulsations and mechanical vibrations, have been monitored. Vibration measurements and data collection (overall vibrations levels and frequency spectrum) were extracted from the system. In addition, one of the methods used to study vibration amplitudes for this pump is forced response analysis. To study and analyze the pump system, the finite element analysis software (ANSYS) was applied. Depending on the analysis performed and investigations outcomes, the system natural frequency coincides with the vane-pass frequency (VPF) hazardously. To attenuate the system’s vibration, a vibration control element was used. The vibration levels were reduced by a factor of 2 for a tuned element as obtained from a forced harmonic response analysis of the pump system with absorber. It is shown that the inserted element allows the centrifugal pump to work in a safe operating range without any interference with its operation.

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Nidal H. Abu-Hamdeh

  1. King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
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In this article, strategies and writing tricks (the trick of “defamiliarization”, imagery) which in Nabokov’s short story A Guide to Berlin serve to design the image of the city and simultaneously to explore the world of values (axiological map of Berlin/Eden) are being interpreted. The author of this article proves that the semantics of the title guide is connected with the strategy of transition from empirical observation and one “fragment of space” to expression of a situation in which the subject of speech has found himself. Moreover, it is shown that the subjectivity of the observer, his way of experiencing the world and his creative sensitivity seem crucial in the story, because he evaluates the surrounding reality and in the “act of individual creativity” builds upon it yet another space – an unusual, transformed one, close to the emigrant/the author of the guidebook. Attention is also paid to the differentiation of two ways of perceiving the world and two types of consciousness: the artist’s/narrator’s and his listener’s (“average consciousness”).

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Małgorzata Ułanek

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