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Słowa kluczowe dance body gender ankoku butoh sign


This article presents examples of the relationship between culture, dance, and the body in the fields of communication (with oneself, the community, God/deity), the social hierarchy, social values, relations between the individual and the group, and relations between genders, from the perspective of the sociology of the dance. The sociological perspective also indicates the various historical, ritual, control, and regulatory roles that traditional and modern dances play in the communities in which they arise and are performed. The second part of the text contains a case study of the Japanese ankoku butoh dance. The author presents the philosophical roots of the dance (e.g., Japanese mythology, Zen Buddhist philosophy) and the creator’s personal experiences (childhood trauma and post-war social situation) as factors that influenced the dance’s development. The example of ankoku butoh illustrates the interrelation between cultural meanings and dance movements.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Dominika Byczkowska-Owczarek


Because of the value of time, investors are interested in obtaining economic benefits rather early and at a highest return. But some investing opportunities, e.g. mineral projects, require from an investor to freeze their capital for several years. In exchange for this, they expect adequate remuneration for waiting, uncertainty and possible opportunities lost. This compensation is reflected in the level of interest rate they demand. Commonly used approach of project evaluation – the discounted cash flow analysis – uses this interest rate to determine present value of future cash flows. Mining investors should worry about project’s cash flows with greater assiduousness – especially about those arising in first years of the project lifetime. Having regard to the mining industry, this technique views a mineral deposit as complete production project where the base sources of uncertainty are future levels of economic-financial and technical parameters. Some of them are more risky than others – this paper tries to split apart and weigh their importance by the example of Polish hard coal projects at the feasibility study. The work has been performed with the sensitivity analysis of the internal rate of return. Calculations were made using the ‘bare bones’ assumption (on all the equity basis, constant money, after tax, flat price and constant operating costs), which creates a good reference and starting point for comparing other investment alternatives and for future investigations. The first part introduces with the discounting issue; in the following sections the paper presents data and methods used for spinning off risk components from the feasibility-stage discount rate and, in the end, some recommendations are presented.

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Piotr W. Saługa


Article investigates the issue of terms of trade in energy products. The goal of this paper is to check how the terms of trade in energy fluctuate. The analysis is carried out on the example of Poland as a country which offers an interesting energy imports and exports structure. The time horizon covers the period from 2005–2015 and is extended to give the broader picture of the phenomenon wherever possible. In the research, the author uses the barter terms of trade concept. The paper has been organized in four sections. The study opens with introductory remarks presenting Polish energy situation, which is followed by a description of the terms of trade concept on the grounds of international economics. The results of the research are discussed in section three which ends with a summary and conclusions. The last part includes an additional description of study constraints and suggestions the next research steps. The statistical data used in the paper comes from national databases of the Polish Central Statistical Office and international sources such as the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. Additional information on energy prices was derived from recognized branch sources such as BP Statistical Review of World Energy.
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Honorata Nyga-Łukaszewska


Zmiany, które dokonują się na krajowym rynku paliw stałych, w szczególności prognozy dotyczące wzrostu cen, a także rosnące wymagania związane z przestrzeganiem obowiązujących norm ochrony środowiska, powodują wzrost zainteresowania odnawialnymi źródłami energii, zwłaszcza biomasą, wiatrem i promieniowaniem słonecznym. Źródła te umożliwiają osiągnięcie redukcji emisji CO2, a tym samym uniknięcie kosztów środowiskowych po 2020 roku. Dlatego też istotne znaczenie w tym zakresie będzie miał rozwój energetyki rozproszonej, która wyposażona w kotły biomasowe, kotły gazowe i wysokosprawne CHP, umożliwi spełnienie obowiązujących norm w zakresie efektywności energetycznej oraz emisji zanieczyszczeń do powietrza. Trzeba podkreślić, że podejmowane działania związane z ograniczeniem emisji (ustawa antysmogowa) będą przyczyniać się do zmniejszenia zużycia węgla w sektorze drobnych odbiorców (gospodarstwa domowe, rolnictwo oraz pozostali odbiorcy) na korzyść biomasy bądź innych źródeł odnawialnych. W artykule dokonano przeglądu wybranych technologii biomasowych:

- kotły opalane biomasą rozdrobnioną (fluidalne, pyłowe oraz rusztowe),

- kotły do spalania słomy,

- układy kogeneracyjne zasilane biomasą,

- toryfikacja i karbonizacja biomasy.

W wymienionych technologiach biomasowych pokłada się nadzieję na ich dynamiczny rozwój i praktyczne zastosowanie w najbliższych latach, a tym samym na poprawę trudnej sytuacji w sektorze energetyki rozproszonej w zakresie mocy do 50 MW.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tomasz Mirowski
Eugeniusz Mokrzycki
Mariusz Filipowicz
Krzysztof Sornek



Accuratius hic quam antea disceptatur de aetate, qua libri De lingua Latina a Varrone scripti ac producti sint. Demonstratur Varronem opus suum in lucem edidisse desinente anno 45 aut ineunte 44 a.C.n., cum fasti a Caesare emendarentur. Praetera docet auctor teste Censorino (De die nat. 22, 9–13) Varronem ea, quae ibi de mensium nominibus disseruisset, in posteriore quodam scripto correxisse.
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Bartosz Jan Kołoczek


This study analyzes the conditional structures in the Spoken Arabic of Siirt, focusing on a series of aspects such as the topic of the sentences in such syntactical structures, the conditional markers, the verbal patterns and preverbal particles employed for introducing the conditionals and a compositional analysis of the conditional clause, with focus on the distinction between the real, open, generic, habitual and hypothetical conditionals, among other known types of the structure under study.

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Gabriel Bițună


The purpose of this article is to present the preparation of Project Risk Assessment Methodology and its mitigation in complex construction projects. The main text provides a summary of the approach, the method used and the findings. The conclusions have been drawn that the proper tools for quantifying risks have to be based on the criteria specific for mathematical statistic and probability or at least fuzziness. Function, which makes possible to categorize any risks into one of the five categories, is a combination of probability and the impact on one of the items: people and their safety or budget, cost, schedule and planning or quality and performance. An attempt was made to express numerically the relationship between risks impacts and their level of likelihood. Also, a method of associating the influence of projects risks impacts on the extent of the likelihood of project risk occurrence which makes possible to determine the direction and the strength of this relationship was presented.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

J. Konior


In the paper the influence of moisture content of wood on the heat losses and thermal efficiency of a boiler is analysed. The moisture content of wood has a negative effect, especially on flue gas loss. The mathematical dependence of the thermal efficiency of a boiler is presented for the following boundary conditions: the moisture content of wood 10–60%, range of temperatures of emitted flue gases from the boiler into the atmosphere 120–200 C, the emissions meeting the emission standards: carbon monoxide 250 mgm-3, fly ash 50 mgm-3and the heat power range 30–100%.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ladislav Dzurenda
Adrián Banski

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