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The paper presents a classification of the healthy skin and the skin lesions (basal cell carcinoma) basing on a statistics of the envelope of ultrasonic echoes. The echoes envelopes distributions were modeled using Rayleigh and K-distribution. The distributions were compared with empirical data to find which of them better models the statistics of the echo-signal obtained from the human skin. The results indicated that the K-distribution provides a better fit.

Also, a characteristic parameter of the K-distribution, the effective number of scatterers (M), was investigated. The values of the M parameter, obtained for the skin cancer (basal cell carcinoma), were lower as compared to those obtained for the healthy skin. The results indicate that the statistical quantitative ultrasound parameters have a potential for extracting information useful for characterization of the skin condition.

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Authors and Affiliations

Hanna Piotrzkowska
Andrzej Nowicki
Jerzy Litniewski
Elżbieta Szymańska
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The profile of the Polish foundry engineer in the Industry 4.0 age is presented in the present paper. The presented results were obtained by means of three research methods consisting of: analyses of professional expertise documents, questionnaires filled-up by the executive staff of foundry enterprises and analyses of work offers for the foundry engineer position. The investigations indicated the key competences of the foundry engineer, demanded currently by employers and meeting the requirements of the Polish foundry sector. The obtained results were discussed in relation to the fourth industrial revolution and its requirements with regard to the engineering staff. This concept is based on information technology and robotizing, which means the total automation of industrial production processes as well as the widespread access to data and machines. Such an approach requires changes in applied machines, technologies and employees’ competencies. The competences of employees constitute the element deciding on the company success, aimed at obtaining a competitive advantage. Therefore adjusting the employees’ competencies to continuously changing reality is so essential.

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K. Liszka
K. Klimkiewicz
P. Malinowski
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One of the fragments of the system of temporal meanings in Polish is a so-called distribution time. The draft proposed herein opens a series of articles devoted to Polish temporal constructions which express a meaning of distribution. The present paper includes general characteristics of distribution time and its concrete meanings as well as an overview of linguistics means which express the said meanings.
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Czesław Lachur
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A novel approach to a trigger mode in the Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detector readout system is presented. The system is already installed at WEST tokamak. The article briefly describes the architecture of the GEM detector and the measurement system. Currently the system can work in two trigger modes: Global Trigger and Local Trigger. All trigger processing blocks are parts of the Charge Signal Sequencer module which is responsible for transferring data to the PC. Therefore, the article presents structure of the Sequencer with details about basic blocks, theirs functionality and output data configuration. The Sequencer with the trigger algorithms is implemented in an FPGA chip from Xilinx. Global Trigger, which is a default mode for the system, is not efficient and has limitations due to storing much data without any information. Local trigger which is under tests, removes data redundancy and is constructed to send only valid data, but the rest of the software, especially on the PC side, is still under development. Therefore authors propose the trigger mode which combines functionality of two existing modes. The proposed trigger, called Zero Suppression Trigger, is compatible with the existing interfaces of the PC software, but is also capable to verify and filter incoming signals and transfer only recognized events. The results of the implementation and simulation are presented.
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Piotr Kolasinski
Krzysztof Pozniak
Andrzej Wojenski
Paweł Linczuk
Rafał Krawczyk
1 3
Michał Gaska
Wojciech Zabolotny
Grzegorz Kasprowicz
Maryna Chernyshova
Tomasz Czarski

  1. Institute of Electronic Systems, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
  2. Institute of Electronic Systems, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
  3. CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  4. Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion, Warsaw, Poland
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Ongoing energy measurement is one of the parameters such as: electron beam current, transporter speed, or scanning width, that must be recorded according to the conditions imposed in the accelerator validation procedure. Described measurement method based on the use of a secondary electron collecting electrode has been tested at the electron beam linear accelerator installation typically used for radiation sterilization. Data processing and presentation of the electron beam characteristics is based on the information obtained via dedicated pulse acquisition interface. The energy spectra parameters provide data for modeling and calculation of dose distribution for irradiation process optimization and also knowledge of accelerator RF alignment in case of service.
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S. Bułka
Z. Zimek

  1. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Centre of Radiation Chemistry Research and Technology, Warsaw, Poland
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This study was aimed to evaluate the effects of inulin used as prebiotic on the kidney in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced endotoxemia model.
Wistar Albino rats were divided into four groups: Control group, LPS (endotoxemia) group, Inulin + LPS group in which LPS (1.5 mg/kg, E. coli, Serotype 0111: B4) was treated after inulin (500 mg/kg) given by gavage for 21 days and Inulin group. The animals were sacrificed 24 h after the last LPS injection. Kidney samples were taken for biochemical and immunohistochemical analyses. Total antioxidant status (TAS), total oxidant status (TOS), oxidative stress index (OSI), malondialdehyde (MDA) and myeloperoxidase (MPO) values were determined. In addition, kidney sections were stained for inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and interleukine-6 (IL-6) expression, and leukocyte infiltration.
LPS caused oxidative stress and inflammation. Inulin administration could prevent oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation. Moreover, inulin decreased iNOS, TNF-α and IL-6 expression. However, it did not change the distribution of leukocytes in kidney tissues.
These results suggest to promising benefits of inulin as prebiotic in reducing the effects of endotoxemia. Further studies should be conducted to evaluate the capacity of prebiotics in endotoxemia.
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Authors and Affiliations

A. Kandil

  1. Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Istanbul University, 31134, Istanbul, Turkey
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Blood of 71 specimens of Notothenia rossii marmorata and 61 specimens of Notothenia neglecta from the region of Admiralty Bay (King George Island) was examined. The number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin content were higher in the blood of N. neglecta. The number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin content were similar in males and females of both species. Considerable differences were noted between individual specimens.

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Stanisław Rakusa-Suszczewski
Czesław Żukowski
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The arylsulphatase activity (E. C. 3. 1.6. 1.) was compared in different species ol Antarctic mammals, birds of the genus Pygoscelis, fish of the genus Notothenia and two crustaceans oi the genus Euphausia. The role of arylsulphatase in the hydrolysis of sulphate phenol esters was pointed out. Considerable differences were observed in the arylsulphatase activity both within genera and species. But no differences in the activity of the enzyme examined were observed in relation to the sex or maturity stage of gonads of chosen Antarctic animals. The activity of arylsulphatase from liver and hepato- pancreas homogenates оf Antarctic animals was lower than the activity of this enzyme in similar animals of the temperate zone.

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Gerard Drewa
Hanna Jackowska
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The aim of this paper is to create a research methodology that allows a quick analysis of the structural state of high alloy austenitic steels using non-destructive ultrasonic tests, in contrast to destructive standard methods. Electromagnetic acoustic transducers (EMAT) are used to generate and receive the ultrasonic wave and detect the microstructural changes caused by sample sensitization in elevated temperature, even after 0.5 h in high temperature exposition. Different acoustic response for reference sample and sensitized samples were recorded. In this work, changes in share wave amplitude were measured.

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M. Cieslik
K. Darowicki

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