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Background: Autonomic dysfunction, impaired baroreflex sensitivity (BRS), and deranged circulatory homeostasis have been observed in chronic hyperglycemia and found to be associated with increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. However, the acute effects of hyperglycemia in healthy subjects have been rarely studied. The present study explores the effect of acute hyperglycemia on con-ventional and unconventional parameters of BRS in healthy young adults.
Methods: For the estimation of BRS beat-to-beat blood pressure (BP) and electrocardiogram were recorded in forty-two young, healthy subjects during fasting and at 1hr of the oral glucose load. Analysis of BRS was carried out by sequence and spectral method. Number of UP-, DOWN- and ALL-sequences between ramps of BP and RR-interval were calculated as an unconventional measure of BRS along with the other conventional parameters.
Results: We observed significant alteration of unconventional parameters of autonomic functions [the number of sequences of UP- (p = 0.0039) and ALL-sequences (p = 0.0233) of systolic BP and RR interval; and, UP- (p = 0.0380), DOWN- (p = 0.0417) and ALL-sequences (p = 0.0313) of mean BP and RR- interval] during acute hyperglycemia as compared to the fasting state. However, no significant changes were observed in any of the conventional parameters of BRS during acute hyperglycemia as compared to the fasting state.
Conclusions: Present study concludes that the unconventional parameters of BRS — the number of sequences between the ramp of BP and RR-interval — change significantly during acute hyperglycemia. However, the conventional parameters do not show significant changes during acute hyperglycemia. We may hypothesize that the relatively constant BRS is maintained at the expense of increased oscillations in the ramp of BP and RR-interval.
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Navkiran Ranjan
Kiran Prakash
Anita S. Malhotra

  1. Department of Physiology, Government Medical College and Hospital, Chandigarh, India
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On the basis of the distinctly biplicate and carinate leaves in the distal portion Grimmia lawiana J.H. Willis, the only continental Antarctic endemic moss species, is transferred to the genus Coscinodon Spreng. and the new combination C. lawianus (J.H. Willis) Ochyra is proposed. The species is described and illustrated, its affinities are discussed and its geographical distribution in the Antarctic is mapped. Grimmia reflexidens Müll. Hal., a southern South American endemic species from Chile , is briefly assessed and this species is also shifted to Coscinodon as C. reflexidens (Müll. Hal.) Ochyra, comb. nov. A key to all species of the genus Coscinodon is presented. Guembelia longirostris (Hook.) Ochyra et Żarnowiec is reported for the first time from the Antarctic on the basis of a specimen collected from the Nordenskjöld Coast on the eastern coast of the Antarctic Peninsula.

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Ryszard Ochyra
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The implementation of processes comprising the overall project management consists in the use of various tools, methods and techniques depending on the type of the project. The knowledge of the industry and the characteristics of construction projects make it possible to select those which, on the one hand, will not cause difficulties for the contractors and on the other, will, in fact, constitute a necessary complement to the technical skills of the project manager. Construction companies face situations that have a profound impact on the failure of projects. Such occurrences include a large number of simultaneously implemented projects, the appointment of a person who knows the project mainly from the implementation side as the project manager, a failure to perform risk analysis and procedures that become irrelevant when deadlines are approaching. After reviewing the available construction projects, analysing the literature, consulting experts and making observations, the authors determined that the majority of difficulties and failures result from omissions or errors that take place during the project planning and implementation stages. The following paper outlines the selected elements of project management, whose application in construction projects may significantly affect their final success and the results obtained. It also includes an example of the use of modern management methods, which certainly include risk management methods. A utilitarian tool addressing the effects of risk analysis is a contingency plan. Contingency may be translated as eventuality, possibility and sometimes also as coincidence.
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Magdalena Kowacka
Dariusz Skorupka
Agnieszka Bekisz
Dominika Dudziak Gajowiak
Artur Duchaczek

  1. General Tadeusz Kosciuszko Military University of Land Forces, Faculty of Economics, Czajkowskiego St. 109, 51-147 Wroclaw, Poland
  2. Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, 27 WybrzezeWyspianskiego St., 50-370 Wroclaw, Poland
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The paper presents the impact of the reformed EU ETS (Emission Trading Scheme – ETS in

the European Union) on the currently operating market for trading in CO2 emission allowances.

The new Directive introduced a number of changes aimed at tightening the climate policy, which

the Polish energy sector based mainly on hard coal may mean an increase in the costs of electricity

production, and thus an increase in the cost of the entire economy.

The main goal of the changes is to achieve one of the objectives the European Union has set for itself,

i.e. the reduction of CO2 emissions by 40% until the year 2030. These assumptions are the result of

joint arrangements of the EU countries under the Paris Agreement on climate change adopted in 2015.

The Directive introduces a new market stability reserve mechanism (MSR) which, according to its

assumptions, is designed to ensure a demand and supply balance of the ETS. Bearing the balance in

mind, it means the reduction of excess allowances, which, although their number is decreasing, it is

decreasing to slowly according to EU legislators, still oscillating around 2 billion EUA.

The paper also draws attention to the rigorous assumptions adopted in the new Directive, aimed at

increasing the price of CO2, that is the costs in electricity production. Due to manually-controlled

prices, are we doomed to high CO2 prices and therefore the prices of electricity? What are its estimated

maximum levels? Will the new assumptions encourage the Member States to switch to lowcarbon

technologies? Can they weaken the economies of countries that are currently based mainly

on coal energy sources, and strengthen countries where green energy is developed?

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Katarzyna Piwowarczyk-Ściebura
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The future and development of energy is one of the most important problems in both domestic and global politics. Limiting the use of fossil fuels in the energy sector results from new legal conditions related to the protection of the natural environment. These changes require the development of a new energy strategy, taking the limits of greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union and the requirements of the Community energy policy into account. One of the documents affecting the structure of Poland’s energy mix is the Directive on renewable energy sources (2009/28/EC). Poland has committed to achieving the goal of a 15% share of energy from renewable sources (RES) in gross final energy consumption by 2020. Current changes in Polish RES support systems – in particular the transition from the system of green certificates to auctions for green energy – may threaten the achievement of the above-mentioned goal. The article analyzes whether Poland will meet renewable energy obligations by 2020 under the current conditions. In addition, the article presents current energy consumption in the world and in the country, legal conditions taken into account when creating the country’s energy mix and forecasts of renewable energy demand.

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Anna Manowska
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This article presents the results of experimental studies of simultaneous transmission of ultrasonic waves and laser signals in optical fibers by the use of both the optical single mode and multimode fiber couplers. This work was aimed, among other things, at the study of the way the acoustic energy affects a laser beam. The light wave was guided into one of the coupler's arms. The optical power applied to one input of the coupler is separated into two coupler outputs according to the rate determined by the coupling coefficient. Only an ultrasonic wave generated by a sandwich type transducer is applied to the other arm of the coupler. In this experiment, as in case of the light wave, the acoustic power is separated into both the outputs. One can observe the interaction of both the waves on the two outputs - a modulation of the light wave by means of the ultrasonic wave is possible. The output signal was detected using a PIN diode and an optical power meter (OPM). Temporary courses were observed on an oscilloscope screen. The simultaneous transmission of ultrasounds and optical radiation in optical fibers can be used in the construction of medical equipment.

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Sylwia Muc
Tadeusz Gudra
Elżbieta Bereś-Pawlik
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The article presents a phenomenological description of existential experience, one of the fundamental issues in the philosophy of existence. At the outset, it is worth emphasizing that showing the specifics of this experience seems to be a difficult, or even an impossible task – due to its individual, subjective and inexpressible nature, and, as a consequence, its elimination from the academic, schematic, scientific reflection. The problem of existential experience is so interesting, however, and philosophically so important that – despite those disheartening limitations – it seems worthwhile to take a closer look at it. The article shows the phenomenon of human existence in the context of its intra‑world situation, exposing its ontic uniqueness.
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Marek Błaszczyk

  1. Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, Instytut Literaturoznawstwa, ul. Fosa Staromiejska 3, 87‑100 Toruń
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The paper describes the formulation and implementation of the broadband finite element time domain algorithm. The presented formalism is valid to analysis of electromagnetic phenomena in linear, frequency selective materials. The complex profile of permittivity of materials is approximated using a set of the Lorentz resonance models. The solution of the integro-differential second order equation is obtained using a singlestep integration scheme and a recursive convolution algorithm. The discussed formulation enables to adopt the structure of the narrowband part as well as the phase of calculation of the convolution equations for the subsequent components. The properties of the algorithm are validated using a finite difference broadband algorithm.

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Bogusław Butryło
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This paper presents the possibility to apply numerical simulation in static analysis of reinforcedconcrete structure strengthened with carbon fibre reinforced polymer composite strips (CFRP).Reinforced concrete beams, with strengthening in form values CFRP made of carbon fibres andepoxy resin, featuring various width, as well as non-strengthened bent beams, were analysed. Thesimply supported beams arranged in a free support scheme were subjected to two concentratedforces within full range of loading (until collapse). The numerical analysis was performed throughapplication of the Finite Elements Method (FEM), and the calculation model applied took intoaccount the geometric and physical nonlinearity. The problem was solved by application of thequasi-staticstrategy method of calculations using ABAQUS software. While analysing the results,we focused on the run of changes in structure displacement and development of material damage,up to the point of destruction of the beam.

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W. Głodkowska
M. Ruchwa

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