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The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of humic substances on performance and selected blood biochemical parameters in turkeys. A total of twenty 6-week-old turkey hybrids (Big 6) were divided into two groups. The first group of turkeys was fed the basal diet without any supplementation of humic substances as a control group. The second group was fed the basal diet supplemented with 5 g of humic substances per kg of diet. The study lasted 35 days, until the 11th week of age of the turkeys. The addition of humic substances had no effect on the live body weight, body weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion ratio, or growth rate of turkeys. Similarly, the monitored blood biochemical parameters, except for the levels of P, Mg, and Na, were not significantly affected by the addition of humic substances. The addition of humic substances led to a significant decrease in the concentration of P (p˂0.05), Mg (p˂0.05), and Na (p˂0.01) in the blood serum of turkeys. It was concluded that the addition of humic substances may lead to a reduction of some mineral substances in the blood of animals, which may be due to their chelating effects. This may indicate a reduced availability of some biologically important minerals for the body, which could subsequently manifest itself in some health issues and a decrease in animal production. During the duration of our study, there were no signs of disturbance in the health of the animals. In view of the achieved results, further studies will be necessary to determine the appropriate concentration and duration of administration of the monitored preparation and to evaluate its influence on the availability of nutrients and feed conversion and its possible use as a safe non-antibiotic growth stimulator in turkey nutrition.
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Authors and Affiliations

Hreško Šamudovská
L. Bujňák
A. Marcin
T. Mihok
M. Harčárová
L. Zábranský
P. Naď

  1. Department of Animal Nutrition and Husbandry, University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Kosice, Komenskeho 73, 041 81 Kosice, Slovak Republic
  2. Department of Animal Husbandry Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture and Technology, University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice, Studentska 1668, 370 05 Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic
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The aim of the study was to evaluate the tourism and recreational space of Lubaczowski County in Poland. The evaluation was carried out by using a multidimensional comparative analysis while taking into account tourism assets, transportation accessibility, natural environmental protection, the level of tourism infrastructure development as well as the factors contributing to an opportunity for the development of tourism via investment attractiveness (the level of infrastructure development, population relations, or the financial situation of the communes). Moreover, a questionnaire survey was carried out among the inhabitants with the aim of learning of their opinions on tourism assets and tourism infrastructure development in the commune. The study is supplemented by a comparison of the analysis results with the results of a questionnaire survey conducted among the Lubaczowski County inhabitants, which concerned the county’s attractiveness to tourists. Based on the evaluation and the questionnaire survey results, it was found that urban communes of Lubaczów and Horyniec-Zdrój had the best conditions for tourism development. These communes took the first (0.701) and the second (0.492) position in the ranking, respectively. Both communes are characterised by well-developed accommodation and catering facilities, a wealth of natural assets, and good transportation accessibility. For the better development of tourism in the county, it is necessary to take appropriate measures aimed at eliminating limitations and highlighting the strengths. To this end, it will be necessary to incorporate measures aimed at enhancing the quality of tourism infrastructure development and establishing a marketing plan that will allow tourists to learn about the tourism assets of the commune into the strategy for commune development.

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Agnieszka Ziernicka-Wojtaszek
Marta Lisiak
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An active beam-pointing stabilization system has been developed for a high-power KrF laser system to eliminate the long-term drift of the directional change of the beam in order to have a stable focusing to a high intensity. The control of the beam direction was achieved by a motor-driven mirror activated by an electric signal obtained by monitoring the position of the focus of the output beam. Instead of large sized UV-sensitive position sensitive detectors a simple arrangement with scatter plates and photodiodes are used to measure the directionality of the beam. After the beam stabilization the long-term residual deviation of the laser shots is ~14 μrad, which is comparable to the shot-to-shot variation of the beam (~12 μrad). This deviation is small enough to keep the focal spot size in a micrometer range when tightly focusing the beam using off-axis parabolic mirrors.
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A. Barna
I. B. Földes
J. Bohus
S. Szatmári
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The article is a review of te book by Urszula Topolska. The disseration’s methodological approach comprises an examination of response, based on the aesthetics of response and utilising institutional analysis.
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Violetta Julkowska
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The article is devoted to a book by David lnving. Goebbels. Mózg Trzeciej Rzeszy (Goebbels, Brain of the Third Reich) published in the Polish translation in 1998.
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Marcin Karas
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The myth of Orpheus in the second postwar decade in Italy and Poland – The myth of Orpheus, in the second postwar decade, becomes a paradigmatic tale describing the horror of mourning and separation. Cesare Pavese and Anna Świrszczyńska, in their rewritings, elaborate that mith in a completely original way, tracing a new path of Orpheus’ journey to the underworld.

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Marina Ciccarini
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The commission held 8 meetings using a hybrid approach to its work (remote work as well as work on-premises). CRI has pointed to shortcomings of remote work in science and education, where direct contacts between members of academic community assure optimal envirnment for achieving highest standards of research and teaching. Moreover, focusing the vast majority of research on COVID-related projects endangers progress in other scientific disciplines while an exaggerated pressure for the fast development of new anti-COVID medications may cause lowering of standards used to evaluate research results. CRI has expressed its concern caused by activities of Ministry of Education and Science related to s.c. „freedom package” – a planned amendments to Act on Higher Education and Science. CRI believes that the proposed changes may endanger academic freedom and contribute to dissemination of knowledge not based on solid scientific grounds. Following consultations with the entire Polish academic and scientific community CRI has amended its Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and published its updated version (approved by General Assembly of PAS on 25 June 2020). The new version addresses in a more detail the issue of conflict of interest (CoI). CRI believes that the issue of CoI is of growing importance in science, medicine and other aspects of human activities. Following the examples of leading universities and research institutions CRI has introduced an ethical requirement to report – on an annual basis – the existing CoI to university/research institute administration for possible instructions informing if and how such existing CoI need to be adjusted.
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Andrzej Górski
Mieczysław Grabianowski

  1. przewodniczący Komisji do Spraw Etyki w Nauce
  2. dyrektor Gabinetu Prezesa PAN

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