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This article has three objectives. The first one is to compare and interpret the exceptionally large social and economic costs of policy errors by central authorities in Greece 2000–2010, Poland 1970–1980 and the G7 countries 2000–2010. The second objective is to analyse the risks to the pace and stability of Poland’s economic growth and the state of public finances after 2020. The third objective is to propose policy adjustments in responses to these risks in the period 2023–2030.
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Stanisław Gomułka
1 2

  1. członek korespondent PAN, Polska Akademia Nauk
  2. London School of Economics 1970–2005
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In this work we analyse basic characteristics of Love wave sensors implemented in waveguide structures composed of a lossy viscoelastic surface layer deposited on a lossless elastic substrate. It has to be noted that Love wave sensors working at ultrasonic frequencies have the highest mass density sensitivity $S_σ^(v_p )$ among all known ultrasonic sensors, such as QCM, Lamb wave or Rayleigh wave sensors. In this paper we have established an exact analytical formula for the mass density sensitivity $S_σ^(v_p )$ of the Love wave sensors in the form of an explicit algebraic expression. Subsequently, using this developed analytical formula, we compared theoretically the mass density sensitivity $S_σ^(v_p )$ for various Love wave waveguide structures, such as: (1) lossy PMMA surface layer on lossless Quartz substrate and (2) lossy PMMA on lossless Diamond substrate. The performed analysis shows that the mass density sensitivity $S_σ^(v_p )$ (real and imaginary part) for a sensor with a structure PMMA on Diamond is five times higher than that of a PMMA on Quartz structure. It was found that the mass density sensitivity $S_σ^(v_p )$ for Love wave sensors increases with the increase of the ratio: bulk shear wave velocity in the substrate to bulk shear wave velocity in the surface layer.
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Kiełczyński
Marek Szalewski
Andrzej Balcerzak
Krzysztof Wieja

  1. Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Academy of Sciences Warsaw, Poland
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Due to the observed increase in the amount of waste in landfills, there has been an increase in the demand for products made of biomaterials and the composition of biomaterials with petroleum-derived materials. The problem of waste disposal/management also applies to waste from the casting production process with the use of disposable casting moulds made with the use of organic binders (resins), as well as residues from the process of regeneration of moulding sands. A perspective solution is to add a biodegradable component to the moulding/core sand. The authors proposed the use of polycaprolactone (PCL), a polymer from the group of aliphatic polyesters, as an additive to a casting resin commonly used in practice. As part of this study, the effect of PCL addition on the (bio) degradation of dust obtained after the process of mechanical regeneration of moulding sands with organic binders was determined. The (bio) degradation process was studied in the environment reflecting the actual environmental conditions. As part of the article, dust samples before and after the duration of the (bio) degradation process were tested for weight loss by thermogravimetry (TG) and for losses on ignition (LOI).
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Authors and Affiliations

K. Major-Gabryś
I. Stachurek
M. Hosadyna-Kondracka

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Foundry Engineering, Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Cracow, Poland
  2. ŁUKASIEWICZ Research Network - Foundry Research Institute, Zakopianska 73, 30-418 Cracow, Poland
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The study was conducted on 26 male, 30 days-old goats, separated from their mothers, divided into two equal groups: I - control and II - experimental, consisting of 13 animals each. All animals were fed with milk replacer, experimental group received additionally 50 g/kg body weight, additive of HMB, for 60 days. The following features were analyzed: body weight, daily increases of body weight, as well as hematological and biochemical blood features. Differences in body weight were found, between experimental and control group, after 60 days of experiment 0.57 kg (p≤0.01). The daily weight gain of experimental animals was higher in comparison with control group. Significant differences were also noted in results of hematological and biochemical blood parameters. Experimental animals showed a higher level of red blood cells as well as number of lymphocytes in comparison with the control group, (p≤0.01).Significant changes were also observed in the level of triglycerides, inorganic phosphorus and protein between both groups. The acid-base balance parameters and ionogram, showed a higher pH level (p≤0.05) HCO – act., HCO – std., BE, ctCO , O sat, K+, Cl– (p≤0.01), while the anion gap (AG) and Na+ were significantly lower in control group (p≤0.01).

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Authors and Affiliations

K. Cebulska
P. Sobiech
S. Milewski
K. Ząbek
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‘Dhokra’ or ‘Dokra’ casting is a sophisticated cast metal craft tradition of the Indian subcontinent. It has been practiced by the countryfolk now since the Copper Age. It is a lost wax casting process in the hot clay mold. The technology is such sophisticated that it can produce up to 400 μm thin-walled hollow cast products with complicated and intricate shapes using Brass, Bronze, Copper, and other copper alloys. The investigation was for engraving Brass (2% lead) which is used by Dhokra artisans nowadays. In a field visit during dimensional analysis, one discrepancy was identified. The metal thicknesses of hollow castings are thicker than the thickness of the wax pattern. This cast metal dilation phenomenon is unusual. Shrinkage of metals compared to the pattern dimension is familiar in the casting world. The same abnormalities in the repeated investigation at different sites were observed. All the studies and experiments were organized to explain the reason hidden behind the phenomenon.
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Authors and Affiliations

S. Roy
A.K. Pramanick
P.K. Datta

  1. Dept. of Metallurgical and Material Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata-700032, India
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The dynamic changes in selected heavy metal concentrations were analyzed in two ombrotrophic peat bogs from southern Poland: Puścizna Mala (PK) and Puścizna Krauszowska (PM). The highest contents of Pb and Zn occur at the top of profiles examined: 115.36 mg/kg (PM1), 90.61 mg/kg (PM2), 182.40 mg/kg (PK1), 121.68 mg/kg (PK2) and 127.43 mg/kg (PM1), 89.73 mg/kg (PM2), 170 mg/kg (PK1), 130.4 mg/kg (PK2), respectively. Concentrations of copper are similar to those of local soils varying from 9.4 to 12.8 mg/kg. Cadmium strongly varies with depth, which indicates distinct mobility of this element. Two peaks of elevated Fe concentrations are observed at the top and bottom of the Puścizna Mala profile, while the maximum in Puścizna Krauszowska was at the top of the peat bog. The Ti content distinctly varies with depth and correlates with the ash content (R 2 = 0.91-0.99). The strongest and positive correlation is observed between Zn-Pb and Ti-Pb contents. The significant differences of metal concentrations are noted between the profiles, which is probably connected with a rate of peat accumulation and plant composition of the profiles investigated, as well as with their disturbance by human activity.

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Barbara Fiałkiewicz-Kozieł
Beata Smieja-Król
Bernard Palowski
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Lacustrine chalk is very common in post-glacial lakes of northern Poland. In the deposit of Lake Kruk lin (NE Poland) carbonates occur as a layer 2-3 m thick. Samples for laboratory studies were collected from three profiles in SW part of the deposit. Mineral composition of the sediments was determined using differential thermal analysis (DT A) and thermogravimetry analysis (TGA), while the age was determined on the basis of pollen analysis. The sediment profiles represent an age of early Holocene. Calcite is the major component of lacustrine chalk. It forms small crystals (<I O μm), sometimes grouped in aggregates, or present as bioclasts. Calcium carbonate precipitated from lake water. Chemical weathering of glacial and fluvioglacial material of the lake catchment is the main source of ions, transported to the lake mainly by groundwater. Formation of the Kruk lin lacustrine chalk deposit must have required 300-350 kg of dry weight calcium carbonate to be carried away from each square meter of the lake catchment. If only top one-meter layer of glacial sediments had been decalcified, it should have contained 13-22 percent of calcium carbonate. The results of petrographic analysis show this value to be possible.
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Michał Gąsiorowski
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Oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production in some Arctic soils were measured in different thermic and humidity conditions. Testing temperatures was following: 4, 8 and 12°C. The rate of metabolic processes was temperature and humidity dependent. In the temperature of 4°C the metabolic processes intensity was negatively correlated with humidity, however in higher temperatures the higher was the humidity the higher was also the intensity of metabolic processes. The interaction of humidity and temperature is probably to great extent responsible for low rate of decomposition processes of organic matter in polar conditions.

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Zofia Fischer
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Today’s agriculture is facing a range of challenges, the most important of which is the adjustment to the changing climate. In this context, water management is particularly vital. Droughts in Poland are becoming more and more frequent. That fact adds to the significance of irrigation and drainage systems.
This paper is an attempt at diagnosing the condition of (in 2016) and changes in (over the period of 2006–2016) irrigation and drainage systems in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship (analysed by communes, until 2016 – according to Local Administrative Units – LAU level 2). The multidirectional analysis involves a comprehensive description of ameliorated lands, including the allocation of the EU funds dedicated for the support of flood protection and land improvement ventures.
It has been demonstrated that the present condition of land improvement does not reflect the needs of the agriculture in the studied area and that the changes implemented on the ongoing basis fail to make the situation better. In 2016, slightly over 40% of agricultural acreage was ameliorated, while the level at which land improvement needs would be satisfied approximated 70%. In over 1/5 of the ameliorated area, facilities needed reconstruction or modernisation. Drainage systems were in the majority, which indicates that the current needs, i.e. water scarcity, are not addressed.
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Authors and Affiliations

Roman Rudnicki
Łukasz Wiśniewski

  1. Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management, ul. Gagarina 11, 87-100 Toruń, Poland
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Binder jetting (BJ) sand printing is a 3D printing process in which a sand mould or sand core is produced from an STL file. A single layer of a sand matrix consisting of one or more grains in height of sand is applied to a worktable, and then a liquid resin or binder is applied to bond the grains together. This process is repeated until the final result matches the CAD model. The sand matrix is the main component of ceramic cores and moulds. The present study aims to demonstrate the influence of the matrix used on the properties of the resulting moulding sand. Three types of sand matrices were selected for the study. The first was a quartz matrix for 3D printing with binder jetting; this is characterised by a sharp geometry that allows for proper layering during printing. Ordinary quartz sand was also used for the study; this type of sand is usually used for the production of sand cores in the hotbox process, among other things. The shape of this sand is irregular. The last matrix to be tested was Cerabeads sand; this was selected because its spherical geometry clearly distinguishes it from the other two matrices. The matrices were analysed for their grain sizes. Scanning electron microscope images were also taken to compare the geometries and chemical compositions of the respective matrices. In presented research utilises a sand matrix for the production of self-curing compounds with furan resin dedicated for binder jetting 3D printing. The moulding masses were produced in a laboratory circulation mixer. The laboratory moulds were produced with wooden core boxes and pre-compacted by vibration. The samples from the matrix for the 3D printing were produced using the binder jetting method. The samples were produced to determine the flexural strength, tensile strength, gas permeability, hot distortion, and apparent density. It was not possible to carry out tests for the Cerabeads sand, as the obtained moulds were too brittle to perform adequate tests. Tests with the other matrices have shown that the shape and size of the matrix affect the apparent density and gas permeability.
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Authors and Affiliations

D.R. Gruszka
R. Dańko
M. Dereń
A. Wodzisz

  1. AGH University of Krakow, Faculty of Foundry Engineering, Poland
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The aim of the research was to evaluate effects of different rootstocks and management practices to counteracting replant disease in an apple orchard. The experiment was conducted in the Experimental Orchard of the National Institute of Horticultural Research in Dąbrowice, Poland, in 2014–2020. Apple trees of the cultivar ‘Ligolina’ were planted in autumn of 2013 at spacing of 3.8 × 1.4 m in the rows of an apple orchard that had been grubbed up in spring. The following experimental setups were used: (i) two types of rootstocks of different growth vigour (M.9, P14); (ii) replacement of soil in rows of trees with virgin soil; (iii) fertigation with ammonium phosphate; (iv) control (cultivation in the exhausted soil). Replantation significantly limited the growth of apple trees by reducing the cross- sectional area of the tree trunk, and the number and length of annual shoots. Fruit yields of apple trees grown on the replantation site were significantly lower than those of the trees grown in virgin soil. The use of ammonium phosphate fertigation had a positive effect on the growth and yield on the replantation site, especially when it was combined with the use of a stronger-growing rootstock (P14). The most effective environmentally friendly method of eliminating the apple replant disease is the replacement of the exhausted soil with virgin soil, i.e. soil that has not been used for growing fruit trees before.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Tryngiel-Gać
Waldemar Treder
Krzysztof Klamkowski
Katarzyna Wójcik
Mirosław Kiełkiewicz

  1. National Institute of Horticultural Research, Konstytucji 3 Maja 1/3, 96-100, Skierniewice, Poland
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In this work the nickel-based coatings were obtained by electroless catalytic deposition on light-hardened resins dedicated for 3D printing by SLA method. The effect of external magnetic field application on the properties of nickel-based coatings was determined. During metallization, the magnetic field was applied to the sample’s surface with different orientations. Due to the magnetic properties of metallic ions, the influence of the magnetic field on coatings properties is expected. The coatings were analyzed by Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (ED S) the X-Ray diffraction (XRD ) methods, and surface morphology was observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The catalytic properties in a hydrogen evolution reaction (HER ) were measured by electrochemical method in 1 M NaOH solution. The best catalytic activity has been observed in the case of the ternary Ni-Fe-P alloy deposited under a parallel magnetic field. The primary outcome of the presented research is to produce elements based on 3D printing from resins, which can then be metallized and used for highly-active materials deposited on complex 3D models. Furthermore, these elements can be used as low-cost, highly-developed sensors and catalysts for various chemical processes.
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Authors and Affiliations

K. Kołczyk-Siedlecka
D. Kutyła
K. Skibińska
A. Jędraczka
P. Żabiński

  1. AGH University of Krakow, Faculty of Non-Ferrous Metals, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland

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