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The article presents the most frequent surname in Lithuania — Kazlauskas. Referring to the article “Mysterious Lewandowski” by K. Skowronek (2000), an attempt has been made to account for this frequency in three various ways. First, the principles behind the quantitative structure of anthroponomasticons (Zipf’s law) and the loss of surnames (genetic drift) are discussed. Then the Slavic origin of the surname under consideration has been highlighted as a typical trait of the majority of surnames in Lithuania. In connection with this fact, it has been stressed that caution must be exercised in proposing a thesis on its origin as a translation from Lithuanian on a mass scale, since this thesis requires plentiful empirical evidence. Finally, the etymology of the name is analyzed. Morphologically it is a typical surname derived from a toponym. This supposition is additionally supported by the existence in Poland of numerous localities called Kozłów, Kozłowo or similar name; these in turn are most likely to have been derived from appellative-based personal names of their owners or inhabitants, such as Kozieł.

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Justyna B. Walkowiak
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The article presents the results of research into borrowings from English in a corpus of Polish hip-hop lyrics comprising ten recent albums. Classifications of encountered traces of English influence are supplemented with a quantitative analysis and a discussion of the various roles Anglicisms are hypothesised to play in this context.
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Magdalena Bartłomiejczyk
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In order to fully adapt to market requirements, mining enterprises in recent years have implemented standardized systems for quality, safety and health at work and environmental management. The standards for individual systems define the requirements of applying specific procedures and actions to implement the adopted policy aimed at achieving the assumed goals. The combination of business procedures and practices is more effective in the case of their integration than the activities carried out under separate systems. They then function under the name of an integrated management system (IMS). Properly implemented IMSs most often contributes to a more harmonious functioning of the enterprise and the elimination of recurring activities in the areas concerning individual systems, and thus to the optimization of costs related to their implementation and maintenance. Improving the operational efficiency of the mining enterprise and mines included in it, while maintaining the requirements of work safety and environmental protection. In the conditions of a market economy, improving the efficiency of functioning and providing sources of business financing is a key necefity for mining enterprise (Bąk 2007, 2008). Mines need to be properly managed to survive. The key problem is the design and implementation of an efficient management system and its continuous improvement based on the adequacy of system solutions. This is an answer to the question whether the management system of a mining enterprise (mine) corresponds to its real needs in the process of achieving objectives. Improvement of management systems must be based on an appropriate diagnosis. The aim of the article is to present the original solution, which is a tool for improving the integrated management system in Polish mining enterprises.

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Patrycja Bąk
Agnieszka Nowak
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Szkic związany jest z książką, w której Jerzy J. Wiatr, odpowiadając na pytania Pawła Kozłowskiego, opowiada o swoim życiu i socjologii w Polsce okresu socjalizmu realnego (1944–1989). Wykorzystując podane w książce informacje i wyrażone opinie, szkic pokazuje, jakie zagadnienia z historii socjologii i socjologii nauki można podjąć pod jej wpływem lub badać na podstawie jej treści. Należą do nich: typy karier naukowych w socjologii, rola mistrzów i szkół naukowych, autobiografie socjologów, polityczne zaangażowanie socjologii i jego dylematy.
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Antoni Sułek

  1. Wydział Socjologii, Uniwersytet Warszawski, emeritus
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Saccharamyces cerevisia known as baker’s yeast is a product used in various food industries. Worldwide economic competition makes it a necessity that industrial processes be operated in optimum conditions, thus maximisation of biomass in production of saccharamyces cerevisia in fedbatch reactors has gained importance. The facts that the dynamic fermentation model must be considered as a constraint in the optimisation problem, and dynamics involved are complicated, make optimisation of fed-batch processes more difficult. In this work, the amount of biomass in the production of baker’s yeast in fed-batch fermenters was intended to be maximised while minimising unwanted alcohol formation, by regulating substrate and air feed rates. This multiobjective problem has been tackled earlier only from the point of view of finding optimum substrate rate, but no account of air feed rate profiles has been provided. Control vector parameterisation approach was applied the original dynamic optimisation problem which was converted into a NLP problem. Then SQP was used for solving the dynamic optimisation problem. The results demonstrate that optimum substrate and air feeding profiles can be obtained by the proposed optimisation algorithm to achieve the two conflicting goals of maximising biomass and minimising alcohol formation.

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Ilknur Atasoy
Mehmet Yuceer
Ridvan Berber
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The paper presents a thermodynamic optimization of 900MW power unit for ultra-supercritical parameters, modified according to AD700 concept. The aim of the study was to verify two optimisation methods, i.e., the finding the minimum of a constrained nonlinear multivariable function (fmincon) and the Nelder-Mead method with their own constrain functions. The analysis was carried out using IPSEpro software combined with MATLAB, where gross power generation efficiency was chosen as the objective function. In comparison with the Nelder-Mead method it was shown that using fmincon function gives reasonable results and a significant reduction of computational time. Unfortunately, with the increased number of decision parameters, the benefit measured by the increase in efficiency is becoming smaller. An important drawback of fmincon method is also a lack of repeatability by using different starting points. The obtained results led to the conclusion, that the Nelder-Mead method is a better tool for optimisation of thermal cycles with a high degree of complexity like the coal-fired power unit.

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Łukasz Kowalczyk
Witold Elsner
Archives of Civil Engineering | 2015 | No 4 | MBA for construction managers
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The need for modernization of curricula is growing with the development of new technologies to support teaching, changes in business strategy of universities in Poland and European Union, and development of the society. In response to these changes, at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Poznan University of Technology, new English-language specialty master studies – Construction Technology Management was launched in March 2014. Studies are based on the cooperation between the student, the industry and the university, allowing students to get to know the specifics of the construction industry. In addition, Poznan University of Technology is involved in an MBAIC project MBA in construction aimed at common study for postgraduates.The synergy achieved through the implementation of these two projects enables the possibility to educate construction managers capable of communication in English, possessing knowledge regarding innovation in the construction industry, who are well prepared to enter the labour market and have the possibility of subsequent improvement of managerial competences.

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J. Pasławski
R. Milwicz
P. Nowotarski

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