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Lipolytic activity was assayed in samples of Antarctic krill frozen in different conditions and in its liquid digesta with synthetic (tributylglycerol, esters of 2-naphtol and fatty acids C3, C9 , C14 and C18 ) and natural (olive oil) substrates. It was testified that the lipolytic activity is several-fold higher in the crustaceans with high food intake than in those with an empty digestive tract. Krill lipases show higher activity against esters of unsaturated fatty acids that against analogous derivatives of saturated ones and 10-fold higher affinity tributylglycerol (Km = 1.12 mM). Their maximal activity is at pH 6.4 and 37°C. E. superba lipases preserve total activity up to 35°C for 45 minutes, and are completely inactivated at 55°C for 5 minutes. Prevailing part of lipolytic activity is present in krill cephalothorax, however, extracts from krill abdomen also display a marked activity. Krill lipases are probably resistant to an attack of crustacean's proteinases.

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Marianna Turkiewicz
Halina Kalinowska
Alina Krystynowicz
Maria Kałużewska
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This article concerns numerical modeling of the impact of mining operations on fault behavior, carried out on the basis of a calculation program based on the finite element method. It was assumed that the fault is a single discontinuity in the form of a vertically-oriented plane, and the conditions in which surfaces merge are defined by the right of the Coulomb friction. On the one hand, the calculations are related to the fault’s response to additional weight resulting from mining operations, and on the other, they are related to the impact that occurrences in the fault’s plane had on the immediate surroundings of the extraction center. The behavior of the fault was analyzed based on distributions in the plane of shear stress and slip, together with their range and energy dissipated due to friction. In turn, the impact of the fault on its immediate environment was analyzed based on variations in the total energy density of elasticity. The results of numerical modeling made it possible to draw conclusions concerning mining operation in the proximity of tectonic dislocations in the context of seismic hazard’s levels.

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Zbigniew Burtan
Dariusz Chlebowski
Jerzy Cieślik
Andrzej Zorychta
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A proper description of ground motions generated by seismic and paraseismic events requires gathering data of six components of seismic waves. T hree of them, the so called translational waves, are well researched and identified. Unfortunately, until recently, the remaining three components named as rotational waves were generally estimated with the use of indirect methods based on theoretical calculations. T his was related mostly with the lack of proper instruments for the recording of rotational seismic waves. T hus, rotational waves were not fully recognized thus far. Recently, several types of advanced instruments for direct measurements of rotation were invented. Based on the measurements of strong ground motions it was indicated that the amplitude of the rotational components in close distances from the seismic source can be significantly larger than expected. Apart from this, there is still a lack of analyses considering the characteristic of rotational seismic waves generated by induced seismic events. In this paper, the results of preliminary measurements of rotational motions generated by induced seismic waves were presented. Ground movements related with mining tremors were analyzed in terms of amplitude, frequency and duration.

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Krzysztof Fuławka
Witold Pytel
Piotr Mertuszka
Eugeniusz Koziarz
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1. Bauman, Zygmunt. 2008. The Art of Life. Cambridge: Polity Press.
2. Dawson, Matt. 2021. Review of ‘Bauman A Biography’ by Izabela Wagner. European Journal of Social Theory, 24, 4: 637–641.
3. Dorahy, James. 2022. A subject-out-of-place: Reflections on the recent works on the life and legacies of Zygmunt Bauman, Thesis Eleven, Col. 179, 1: 136–145;
4. Fitzpatrick, Sheila. 2020. Whatever Made Him. London Review of Books, Vol 42, No 17, 10 September 2020. Dostęp 06.10. 2022.
5. Fleck, Ludwik. 2007. Style myślowe i fakty. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN.
6. Goffman, Erving. 1955. On Face-Work. Psychiatry, 18, 3: 213–231.
7. Hand, Martin. 2022. Bauman. A Biography (2020) by Izabela Wagner. Contemporary Sociology, 51, 1: 72–74. Dostęp 06.10. 2022.
8. Heinich, Nathalie. 2010. “our en finir avec l’”illusion biographique. L’Homme, coll.: Auto-biographie, Ethno-biographie, 421–430:; Dostęp 06.10. 2022.
9. Kilias, Jarosław. 2022. Zygmunt Bauman oczyma biografów. Studia Socjologiczne, 3: 213–226. DOI: 10.24425/sts.2022.142640.
10. Konecki, Krzysztof. 2005. Jakościowe rozumienie innych a socjologia jakościowa. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 1, 1: 1–3; . Dostęp 06.10. 2022.
11. Kurski, Jarosław. 2022. Dziady i Dybuki. Opowieść dygresyjna. Warszawa: Agora.
12. Santoro, Marco, Helmes-Hayes Richard, eds. 2017. The Anthem Companion to Everett Hughes, London: Anthem Press;
13. Tokarska-Bakir, Joanna. 2018. Pod Klątwą. Społeczny portret pogromu kieleckiego. Warszawa: Czarna Owca.
14. Tokarska-Bakir, Joanna. 2021. Dwugłos o budowniczym. O Izabeli Wagner i Artura Domosławskiego biografiach Zygmunta Baumana. Zoon Politikon, 12: 188–213. . Dostęp 06.10.
15. Wagner, Izabela. 2011. Becoming Transnational Professional. Kariery i mobilność polskich elit naukowych. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar.
16. Wagner, Izabela. 2020a. Bauman. A Biography. Cambridge: Polity Press.
17. Wagner, Izabela. 2020b. Zdjęcie z konkursu piękności i inne dokumenty osobiste. O pracy badawczej i poszukiwaniu znaczeń «czarnych dziur» – na przykładzie rekonstrukcji biografii Zygmunta Baumana, Autobiografia: Literatura. Kultura. Media, 1, 14: 145–167. DOI: 10.18276/au.2020.1.14-08.
18. Wagner, Izabela. 2021. Bauman. Biografia.Warszawa: Czarna Owca.
19. Wagner, Izabela. 2022. Janina and Zygmunt Bauman – A case study of inspiring collaboration. In: J. Palmer, D. Brzeziński, eds. Revisiting Modernity and the Holocaust. Heritage, Dilemmas, Extensions. London: Routledge, 156–176.

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Izabela Wagner

  1. Collegium Civitas
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Results of the investigation of thermal degradation of polyolefins in the laboratory-scale set-up reactors are presented in the paper. Melting and cracking processes were carried out in two different types of reactors at the temperature of 390-420°C. This article presents the results obtained for conversion of polyolefin waste in a reactor with a stirrer. Next, they were compared with the results obtained for the process carried out in a reactor with a molten metal bed, which was described in a previous publication. For both processes, the final product consisted of a gaseous (2-16 % mass) and a liquid (84-98 % mass) part. No solid product was produced. The light, "gasoline" fraction of the liquid hydrocarbons mixture (C4-C10) made up over 50% of the liquid product. The overall (vapor) product may be used for electricity generation and the liquid product for fuel production.

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Marek Stelmachowski
Krzysztof Słowiński
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An implemented impedance measuring instrument is described in this paper. The device uses a dsPIC (Digital Signal Peripheral Interface Controller) as a processing unit, and a DDS (Direct Digital Synthesizer) to stimulate the measurement circuit composed by the reference impedance and the unknown impedance. The voltages across the impedances are amplified by programmable gain instrumentation amplifiers and then digitized by analog to digital converters. The impedance is measured by applying a seven-parameter sine-fitting algorithm to estimate the sine signal parameters. The dsPIC communicates through RS-232 or USB with a computer, where the measurement results can be analyzed. The device also has an LCD to display the measurement results.

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José Santos
Pedro Ramos
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The technology of recycling with foamed bitumen is a new technology of road rehabilitation. Due to the climatic conditions in the Central European countries, road pavement structure should be moisture and frost resistant. Because of its specific production conditions, this is especially important for pavements rehabilitation with the cold recycling technology. Determining the physical and mechanical properties, as well as moisture and frost resistance, depends on binder and filler contents. They are the key elements before its use for road building. The tests presented here have been performed on mineral recycled base mixes with foamed bitumen. The material from the existing layers was used. The content of bitumen binder amounted to 2.0%, 2.5%, 3.0% and 3.5%, while that of cement to 1.0%, 1.5%, 2.0%, 2.5%. The results were subject to the optimization process. This allowed to state that with the use of 2.5% foamed bitumen and 2.0% of cement, the base had the required properties, as well as the moisture and frost resistance.

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Authors and Affiliations

M. Iwański
A. Chomicz-Kowalska

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