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The aim of this study was to examine the changes in the chemical composition of shallow groundwater and its quality that have occurred in the last decade in an agriculturally used, heavily populated and characterized by a complex geological structure, catchment of the Stara Rzeka river, located in the flysch part of the Outer Carpathians. Water samples were collected during 2013 from 19 still operating wells. Analyses of pH, electrolytic conductivity and chemical composition by ion chromatography were conducted. The obtained results were compared with the results of studies conducted in 2003 for the same wells. The quality of groundwater and its suitability for consumption was assessed based on the regulations currently existing in Poland. 21% of the wells still do not meet the requirements for drinking water in terms of at least one component. However, there was a decrease in the concentration of mineral forms of nitrogen and phosphorus in most of the wells and their mean concentration as compared to 2003 was reduced. In terms of physical and chemical characteristics groundwater of this region is typical of the hypergenic zone of the temperate climate. The highest concentrations were observed for Ca2+ and HCO3- ions, while K+ and Cl- were characterized by the largest variability. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) demonstrated that the factors determining the quality and chemical composition of the analyzed waters include the composition of bedrock (mineralogy of the rock environment) and human economic activity, and that they have not been significantly changed over the past decade.

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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Bojarczuk
Ewelina Jelonkiewicz
Łukasz Jelonkiewicz
Anna Lenart-Boroń
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Improvements in water quality requires the removal of nitrogen compounds from wastewater. The most promising and cost-effective methods for this purpose are biological ones based on activated sludge microorganisms such as nitrifiers, denitrifiers, and anammox bacteria. Due to the most of the nitrogen removal bacteria are uncultivable in a laboratory, the application of the molecular tools is required to investigate microorganisms involved in the nitrogen removal. In case of this study for the analysis of relative genes abundance of nitrogen removal bacteria, quantitative PCR (qPCR) based on bacterial DNA and qPCR preceded by reverse transcription (RT-qPCR) based on bacterial mRNA as a template, were used with specific bacterial functional genes ( amoA, nrxA, nirS, nirK, hzo). Samples from four anammox sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) were analyzed, while the nitrogen removal process and bacteria growth were supported by biomass immobilization and nanoparticles addition. There were statistically significant differences between results obtained in the case of mRNA and DNA (p<0.05). Statistically significant positive correlations were found between results obtained with those two approaches. In case of mRNA analysis, positive results were obtained only for hzo, amoA and partly for nirS genes, despite additional purification and removal of inhibitors from samples prior to reaction.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Banach-Wiśniewska
Filip Gamoń
Aleksandra Ziembińska-Buczyńska

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Power and Environmental Engineering, Environmental Biotechnology Department, Gliwice, Poland
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Currently more and more research is being done on integrated weed management to reduce or avoid herbicide use. Some growers are already using isotherapic dilutions to control weeds in organic farming. Isotherapy is different from homeopathy because it uses diluted and potentized (succussed) solutions of alcoholic macerate of the very pest causing health troubles. We set up a germination experiment to test if isotherapic dilutions of leaf macerate of annual ryegrass affect the dynamics of its seed germination in Petri dishes. Our results were diverse, from no effect to 10% more growing degree days necessary to reach 50% germination. It is doubtful that so low an effect will contribute to integrated weed management unless the slightly delayed germination triggers secondary effects at other life stages. This is in accordance with the scientific literature on that topic: two-fifths of the reports showed no effect, two-fifths resulted in positive responses and one-fifth had diverse responses for the criteria tested.

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Authors and Affiliations

Gwladys Fontanieu
Henri Darmency
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The paper presents the results of an investigation of the gases emission of moulding sands with an inorganic (geopolymer) binder with a relaxation additive, whose main task is to reduce the final (residual) strength and improves knocking-out properties of moulding sand. The moulding sand without a relaxation additive was the reference point. The research was carried out using in accordance with the procedure developed at the Faculty of Foundry Engineering of AGH - University of Science and Technology, on the patented stand for determining gas emissions. Quantification of BTEX compounds was performed involving gas chromatography method (GC).The study showed that the introduction of relaxation additive has no negative impact on gas emissions - both in terms of the total amount of gases generated, as well as emissions of BTEX compounds. Among the BTEX compounds, only benzene is emitted from the tested moulding sands. Its emission is associated with the introduction a small amount of an organic hardener from the group of esters.

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Authors and Affiliations

A. Bobrowski
S. Żymankowska-Kumon
K. Kaczmarska
D. Drożyński
B. Grabowska
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The present study tries to quantify soil losses using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and analytic hierarchy pro-cess (AHP) in the Medjerda watershed (Algerian-Tunisian border). The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is used in the quantification of erosion qualitative characteristics, through its weighting. It is used for many problems requiring decision-making. This catchment area is characterized by moderately consistent lithology, irregular rainfall, medium slope and low vegetation cover, which makes it very sensitive to erosion. Therefore we claim to develop a spatialization map of vulnerable areas, based on analytic hierarchy process and GIS that define the combination of specific factors. The integration of the thematic maps of the various factors makes it possible to identify the impact of each factor in the erosion, to classify the sensitive zones, and to quantify the soil losses in the basin. This mapping will be an important tool for land use planning and risk management. From the distribution map of erosive hazards, we have identified four classes of vulnerabil-ity, areas with very high to high vulnerability are mainly in the northern part of the watershed (where the relief is very important).

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Authors and Affiliations

Moufida Belloula
Hadda Dridi
Mehdi Kalla

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