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Weeds in sweet corn reduce the yield and are economically more harmful than other pests. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of mechanical weed control and efficacy of pre- and postemergence applied herbicides in sweet corn, and their influence on weed control expressed by various indices, corncob yield and net return. Field studies were carried out with preemergence thiencarbazone-methyl + isoxaflutole (at 29.7 + 74.3 g · ha –1), postemergence S-metolachlor + terbuthylazine (937.5 + 562.5 g · ha –1), mesotrione + terbuthylazine (100 + 652 g · ha –1), terbuthylazine + mesotrione + S-metolachlor (656.3 + + 131.3 + 1093.8 g · ha –1), weed free (WF, hand weeding), and mechanical weeding (MW, hoeing) to assess weed control, corncob yield and net return. Variability in potential yield losses was observed between years due to weather conditions at the level of 30 to even 93%. Hand weeding was the most effective, but it is expensive and needs is labour consuming, unlike mechanical weeding which was the cheapest but simultaneously the least effective. Among pre- and postemergence applied herbicides, a mixture of terbuthylazine + mesotrione + S-metolachlor was the most efficacious weed control treatment. It gave high corncob yield and economic net return.
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Robert Idziak
Hubert Waligóra
Violetta Szuba

  1. Department of Agronomy, Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poznan, Poland
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Heavy minerals in sandur deposits from the forefield of the Renard Glacier were investigated. They are concentrated only in fractions below 0.1 mm in diameter. Composition and preservation of heavy minerals indicate very high dynamic in the sedimentary environment. Most resistant minerals as zircon and tourmaline predominate and are strongly crumbled. They probably may serve as mineral indicators of sandur deposits. If distinguished regularities are confirmed in forefield in other Spitsbergen sandurs, then contemporary and Pleistocene sandur deposits could be compared. No mineralogie differentiation of intra- and extramorainal sandurs was noted.

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Roman Chlebowski
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Structural, magnetic, and magnetostrictive properties of two-sublattice Tb 0.27Dy 0.73 (Fe 1−xAl x) 2 polycrystalline intermetallic ferrimagnets ( x = 0−0.2 and 1.0) were studied using X-ray powder diffraction, magnetometry, and strain gauge magnetostriction measurements. Temperature dependences of magnetization starting from 80 K were presented, and Curie temperatures were estimated. Coercive force, residual, and saturation magnetizations were determined from the magnetic hysteresis loops at room temperature. Longitudinal, transversal, form and volume magnetostrictions were investigated against the x parameter and the intensity of the magnetic field. The piezomagnetic coefficients were determined and the maximum value at the field below 1 kOe, even enhanced than that in Terfenol-D, was observed for the material Tb 0.27Dy 0.73 (Fe 0.9Al 0.1) 2. It means that this compound is promising for use in magnetoelectric composites.
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B. Winiarska
P. Guzdek
J. Kuciakowski
3 4
W. Tokarz
M. Sikora
J. Pszczoła

  1. Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom, ul. Malczewskiego 29, 26-600 Radom, Poland
  2. Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics, Al. Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warsaw, Poland
  3. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
  4. Academic Centre for Materials and Nanotechnology AGH, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
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In the paper, there is discussed and presented maritime navigation as an operational process, as a field of study and as a branch of applied science. There is shown the content of these forms, parts of navigation as well as relations among them.
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Zdzisław Kopacz
Wacław Morgaś
Józef Urbański
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1. Bucholc, Marta. 2016. Sociology in Poland: To Be Continued? Springer.
2. Sułek, Antoni. 1994. “Systemic Transformation and the Reliability of Survey Research: Evidence from Poland.” Polish Sociological Review, 106: 85–100.
3. Sułek, Antoni. 1998. “Stefan Nowak and Empirical Sociology in Poland.” Polish Sociological Review, 122: 165–76.
4. Sułek, Antoni. 2007. “The Marienthal 1930/1931 Study and Contemporary Studies on Unemployment in Poland.” Polish Sociological Review, 1(157): 3–26.
5. Sułek, Antoni. 2009a. “Le Suicide in Poland: Analysis of the Spread and Reception of a Sociological Classic.” Durkheimian Studies / Études Durkheimiennes, 15: 41–63.
6. Sułek, Antoni. 2009b. “On the Unpredictability of Revolutions Why Did Polish Sociology Fail to Forecast Solidarity?” Polish Sociological Review, 168: 523–37.
7. Sułek, Antoni. 2010. “‘To America!’: Polish Sociologists in the United States after 1956 and the Development of Empirical Sociology in Poland.” East European Politics and Societies, March.
8. Sułek, Antoni. 2011. Obrazy z życia socjologii w Polsce. Wydanie pierwsze. Warszawa: Oficyna Naukowa.
9. Sułek, Antoni. 2012. Socjologia na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim: fragmenty historii. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Instytutu Filozofii i Socjologii PAN.
10. Sułek, Antoni. 2013. “Tracing de Tocqueville.” The Polish Review, 58 (4): 29–43.
11. Sułek, Antoni. 2014. “A Sociology Engaged on Behalf of the Polish Society.” Soziologie – Forum der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, 4 (October): 381–98.
12. Sułek, Antoni, and Barbara Młynarz-Pomorska. 1992. “The Rise And Decline of Survey Sociology in Poland.” Social Research, 59 (2): 365–84.
13. Sztompka, Piotr, ed. 1984. Masters of Polish Sociology. Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.

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Agata Zysiak

  1. Instytut Studiów Społecznych im. R. Zajonca, Uniwersytet Warszawski
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The aim of this paper is presentation and comparison of calculation methods of the inductance matrix of a 3-column multi-winding autotransformer. Main and leakage autotransformer inductance was obtained using finite elements method. Static calculations were made at the current supply for 2D and 3D models, and mono-harmonic calculations were made at the voltage supply. In the mono-harmonic calculations the eddy current losses were taken into account, this made it possible to study relationship between the autotransformer parameters and the frequency. Calculations were made using Ansys and the authors' own programs in Matlab.

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Marek Gołębiowski
Damian Mazur
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The town of Siemianowice Śląskie is where we can find a palace-and-park complex which nowadays serves as the Town Park. The complex used to be owned by the Henckel von Donnersmarck family; today it is open to everyone looking for either active or passive leisure. Apart from its historical value (the complex being the most significant monument of the town), the park is also of special importance to the environment. It can be seen as an enclave of greenery and a sanctuary for plants and animals. Moreover, together with the neighbouring recreation area and ecological sites, the park contributes to the symbolic “green lungs” of the town

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Bożena Łebzuch

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