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Authors and Affiliations

Borys Mikułowski
V. Groger
Gerhard Krexner
Michael Hewarth
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The paper describes a system that utilizes a microprocessor in controlling the clamping force of the band saw teeth against the cutting metals. This control system allows the blades to operate more efficiently, and prolongs the blade life. It also has an influence on the removal of chips from the blade and maintains a constant strength over the blade. The system can operate in the vertical and horizontal position. A highly advanced and powerful microcontroller PIC18F4455 is programmed to operate with feedback from 4 sensors. Additionally system requires the parametrical data on the shape, the profile and the kind of material to be cut, for adjustment the process of cutting. Feedback control is implemented via a collocated force actuator/rate sensors. The control theory is used to develop controllers, which achieve robust stability.

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Authors and Affiliations

Józef Wojnarowski
Bohdan Borowik

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