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Zagadnieniem dotąd nierozwiązanym w kopalniach rud miedzi LGOM jest określanie pionowej lokalizacji ognisk wstrząsów. Podejmowane próby w tym względzie, bazujące na parametrach czasowych i amplitudowych rejestrowanych zjawisk sejsmicznych nie przyniosły dotychczas zadawalających rezultatów. Dająca pozytywne wyniki lokalizacji metoda, oparta na rejestracji układem stanowisk zlokalizowanych na różnej głębokościach w szybach kopalnianych posiada natomiast ograniczony zasięg odległościowy. Zaproponowane przez autorów nowe podejście do wyznaczania pionowej lokalizacji ognisk wstrząsów polega na wykorzystaniu do tego celu, ich parametrów energetycznych określanych z rejestracji dołową siecią stanowisk sejsmicznych oraz siecią stanowisk powierzchniowych przeznaczonych do oceny oddziaływań sejsmicznych na obiekty powierzchniowe. Niepodważalną przesłanką dla przyjętego rozwiązania jest istnienie obiektywnych relacji pomiędzy umowną energią sejsmiczną określaną na poziomie złoża, względem umownej energii sejsmicznej wyznaczonej dla stanowisk powierzchniowych. Stosunek tych energii musi bowiem zależeć od wielkości tłumienia fali sejsmicznej na drodze przejścia od źródła wstrząsu do stanowisk pomiarowych, a tym samym od głębokości położenia ogniska wstrząsu. Przeprowadzona analiza na zbiorze danych pomiarowych potwierdziła poprawność przyjętego rozwiązania, którego końcową postać stanowi opracowany wskaźnik głębokości położenia ognisk wstrząsów. Uzyskane wyniki lokalizacji głębokościowej są zbieżne z pionową lokalizacją ognisk wstrząsów wyznaczoną na podstawie stanowisk sejsmicznych w szybach kopalnianych.

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Wiesław Grzebyk
Izabela Jaśkiewicz-Proć
Lech Stolecki
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Maritime law is being faced with developments in design and production of autonomous vessels. With the rise of new technologies different risks emerge while traditional cease to exist. This paper suggests possible scenarios in relation to development of law relating to unmanned vessels. Second part of the paper is dedicated to analysis of the IMO civil liability convention and its application to autonomous ships on the example of the CLC.

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Zuzanna Pepłowska-Dąbrowska
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This paper describes a three phase shunt active power filter with selective harmonics elimination. The control algorithm is based on a digital filter bank. The moving Discrete Fourier Transformation is used as an analysis filter bank. The correctness of the algorithm has been verified by simulation and experimental research. The paper includes exemplary results of current waveforms and their spectra from a three phase active power filter.
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Krzysztof Sozański
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The paper presents an analysis of energy and economic effectiveness of the combined heat and power (cogeneration) technologies fired with natural gas that may be deemed prospective for the Polish electric power system. The current state of the cogeneration technologies fired with natural gas in Poland is presented. Five cogeneration technologies fired with natural gas, prospective from the point of view of the Polish electric power system, were selected for the analysis. Namely, the paper discusses: gas-steam combined heat and power (CHP) unit with 3-pressure heat recovery generator (HRSG) and steam interstage reheat, gas-steam CHP unit with 2-pressure HRSG, gas-steam CHP unit with 1-pressure HRSG, gas CHP unit with small scale gas turbine, operating in a simple cycle and gas CHP unit with gas engine. The following quantities characterizing the energy effectiveness of the cogeneration technologies were selected for the analysis: electricity generation efficiency, heat generation efficiency, primary energy savings (PES) and CO2 unit emission. The economic effectiveness of particular technologies was determined based on unit electricity generation costs, discounted for 2019, including the costs of purchasing CO2 emission allowances. The results of calculations and analyses are presented in a table and on a figures.

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Bolesław Zaporowski
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This paper deals with the results of chemical pre-treatment of effluents from Chip Washing by coagulation. Three different, most frequently used coagulants i.e. calcium hydroxide, aluminium sulphate and ferric chloride were applied. Influence of single and simultaneous dosage of the reagents was investigated. Fully randomized block systems were applied in the factorial variance analysis and final approximation analytic-empiric mathematical equations with application of the central point method were formulated.
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Jacek Piekarski
Tadeusz Piecuch
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This study aims to investigate and compare the thermal performance of a solar air heater using a passive technique to enhance heat transfer between the absorber plate and the flowing fluid. The technique involves generating turbulence near the heat transferring surface through the use of artificial rib roughness. The study focuses on two different novel roughness geome-tries: full symmetrical arc rib roughness and half symmetrical arc rib roughness. By introducing additional gaps and varying the number of gaps in the roughness geometries, the study examines their effects on the solar air heaters thermal performance. The artificially roughened surface creates different turbulent zones, which are essential to the development of different types of turbulence in the vicinity of the heat transferring surface. The study finds that an optimal escalation in Nusselt number and friction factor by 2.36 and 3.45 times, respectively, occurs at certain gap numbers as 6 and ng as 5 for full symmetrical arc rib roughness. The maximum thermal-hydraulic performance parameter of 1.66 is attained at a Reynolds number of 6 000. The study also conducts correlation, mathematical modeling, and performance prediction under different operating circumstances.
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Jitendra Singh
Atul Lanjewar

  1. MANIT, Bhopal 462033, India
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Knowledge of uterine fibroids has existed since the time of Hippocrates. However, there are still wide gaps in the understanding of its pathogenesis. No single theory explains the background of uterine fibroid pathology, which affects more than 50% of women worldwide. By contrast, a newly depicted cell type called telocytes was only recently identified in the past twenty years. Th ese cells have evoked ambivalent opinions in the scientific community. The unique features of telocytes coupled with experimental evidence by numerous researchers and our hypotheses and conceptions are discussed in this review. We emphasize the main telocyte interactions in the context of the uterine fibroid architecture. This review reveals the pivotal role of telocytes, describing their contacts with smooth muscle cells, fibroblasts, vessels and nerves, inflammatory cells and stem cells. Our data are based on the latest publications and our own results.

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Veronika Aleksandrovych
Artur Pasternak
Krzysztof Gil
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Tonnacypris glacialis (G.O. Sars, 1890) is a meiobenthic species widely distributed in Arctic freshwater lakes. Field study of its life cycle as well as the laboratory experiments showed clearly that only one generation of this ostracod species occurs during the vegetation season, and that the condition necessary for the next generation to appear is eggs freezing.

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Barbara Wojtasik
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Genetic variability of two populations of Arctic freshwater crustacean Lepidurus arcticus (Crustacea, Notostraca) occuring in small tundra reservoirs near the Polish Polar Sta− tion in Hornsund (Spitsbergen) was studied. The allozyme polimorphism analysis of 11 en− zyme systems indicates a considerable distinctness and genetically heterogeneous character of the populations of L. arcticus inhabiting freshwater reservoirs of similar hydrological con− ditions situated close to each other (2 km). Our research revealed a complicated and geneti− cally heterogeneous character of the populations. Three hypotheses about genetic structure and type of reproduction were tested: hypothesis M – the free transfer without assigning a clone for particular reservoir and the lack of doublemutations; hypothesis I – separation of in− dividuals between reservoirs and the possibility of doublemutations; hypothesis S – presence of partial sexual reproduction in the population, probably with males. In conclusion participa− tion ofmales in reproduction is probable, despite their presence was not recorded in our study. Males usually occur in low numbers or not every year. The populations' clonal structure as well as the genetic diversity typical of species reproducing sexually was observed. The Hardy−Weinberg genetic equilibrium is maintained as new clonal lines appear due to the ge− netic diversity increasing incidentally as a result of sexual reproduction.

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Barbara Wojtasik
Magdalena Bryłka-Wołk
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Despite the tormented national reality, the faith in the future redemption of Poland and the idea of change and purification gave birth in the works of the Polish romantics to the hope of salvation, of the advent of the divine kingdom on Earth. Undoubtedly an idea contributed to the birth of this optimistic vision, that was the conception of a Poland like the “Christ of the nations”, which took hold in the new mystical atmosphere of the early nineteenth century and which was combined with Christian eschatologism, revolutionary aspirations and hopes for the future redemption of history. The apocalyptic and millenarian motifs present in the Divine Comedy undeniably played a part in strengthening the messianic ideas of the romantics: the present from a fertile ground for evil and chaos, through suffering and destruction, became the privileged moment of expiation that prepared the advent of the city of God. The paper aims to analyze some motifs from Dante’s Paradise which inspired some of the most stunning pages of Polish romantic literature.
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Andrea F. de Carlo

  1. Università degli Studi di Napoli L'Orientale
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The selection of the most proper strengthening method/system with an assessment of its effectiveness is quite complicated in the case of masonry structures, mainly due to their huge diversity in materials. The most popular strengthening materials based on the composite fibres and are laid on the masonry wall using epoxy adhesives (FRP system) or mineral mortars (FRCM system). This article presents a comparison of external strengthening made using different glass-fibre-based materials on the behaviour of specific masonry walls. The walls are made of AAC blocks (Autoclaved Aerated Concrete), commonly used in rather low urban buildings or skeleton construction. As a strengthening material the GFRP sheets and two types of glass meshes are used. The walls are subjected to diagonal compression, which reflects the shearing of the walls. The scope of research describes cracking stage, shear capacity and analysis of the mode of failure of tested walls.

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Marta Kałuża

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