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Discussions of the disciplinary roots of second language (L2) composition studies contain no mention of cognitive linguistics, even though there are regular references to systemic functional linguistics, which is one of the cognitive-functional approaches to language of which cognitive linguistics is a central member (Nuyts 2007). In fact, systemic functional linguistics is recognized in composition studies as an infl uence in composition’s social turn (cf. Grabe and Kaplan 1996). However, composition researchers have apparently taken no interest in cognitive linguistics, a discipline which epitomizes the linguistic turn within linguistics. The linguistic turn became a slogan in the academic community in the 1970s, after Rorty (1967) used the phrase as the title of his anthology presenting the steps in what he called the philosophical revolution of the 20th century. The revolution meant the recognition that philosophical problems were in an important sense linguistic/conceptual: Knowledge depends on language, and philosophical concepts (e.g., truth, reality, etc.) are linguistic constructs that have a human socio-cultural (i.e., embodied and embedded) foundation rather than an ultimate transcendental foundation. As a result of this major development in 20th-century philosophy, the humanities and social sciences started to recognize the importance of language as a structuring agent of human consciousness. This fundamental idea affected the development of composition studies (bringing about its social turn) as well as contributed to the rise of cognitive linguistics in the 1980s. The paper looks into this affi nity between composition studies and cognitive linguistics, focusing on how the two fi elds are defi ned by their opposition to what is called Cartesian or fi rst-generation cognitivism.
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Jan Zalewski
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Contemporary design of food labels use different landscape pictures. Using the landscape in trade and market as a way of serving the message has long history and is very common. It was the main reason to create the concept of consumers landscape. According to research results two basic landscape images were observed — images of real landscape (pictures of recognizable and existing places, sites, cities, buildings, etc.) and images of imaginary landscape (imaginary view suggesting the certain type of landscape). The results of conducted researches could be helpful in recognizing the difference between real landscape and imaginary landscape. Conducted researches could be used not only in landscape architecture, but also in trade and marketing. Wide range of phenomenon called consumers landscape allows for expanding the studies on the dependency between a landscape vista and recognizing and selling the product.
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Anna Gałecka-Drozda
Ewa De Mezer

  1. Poznan University of Life Sciences, Department of Landscape Architecture
  2. Association of Polish Landscape Architects, Greater Poland Branch
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Sections of the superconducting magnets of the SIS100 particle accelerator, under construction at the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR), the Society for Heavy Ion Research (GSI), Darmstadt, are going to be connected with the by-pass lines. Each line will be used to transfer a two-phase helium flow and an electric current. The electric current will be carried by four pairs of superconducting Nuclotron-type cables. Fast-ramping currents are expected to cause the generation of heat within the cables. In this work the results of a numerical thermal analysis of a bus-bar are presented. The amount of heat transferred from the environment was found based on geometric dimensions of the line and applied insulation. The amount of hysteresis loss, generated in the cable during the operation under most demanding regime of the operation of the accelerator, was calculated. According to the amount of the generated heat, the amount of the hysteresis loss is low in relation to the heat generated in the superconducting magnets. Also it was found that the cable used in the line still retains a large margin of current-carrying capacity.

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Łukasz Tomków
Maciej Cholewiński
Marian Ciszek
Maciej Chorowski
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Due to urbanization, the population in the major cities in Malaysia is approximately 72.8% of its total population. The increase of population density has directly increased the amount of sewerage sludge waste that poses threat to the environment. In line with the green initiatives, alternative method to develop good quality concrete material from sewerage sludge waste can be further explored. Traditionally, sewerage sludge waste is processed using incinerator that require high energy and it is time consuming. In this study, microwave heating which require less energy consumption and less time consuming is used for sewerage sludge preparation. Prior to heating process, sewerage sludge waste is over dried at 105°C for 24 hours. Three types of microwave heating namely medium heating, medium high heating and high heating has been used. The chemical and physical properties microwaved sewerage sludge ash (MSSA) was tested using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Based on the result, the recommended temperature for the MSSA production for the concrete is High Mode Temperature. This is due to the result of MSSA for X-Ray Fluorescent test as its shows the highest in the content for pozzolanic element which are SiO2 and Fe2O3 that produce after the microwave burning process. The mineralogical composition and the crystalline phase of the High temperature MSSA due to X-Ray Diffraction test also shows high content of SiO2 as the major component as it is good for pozzolanic reaction in concrete. From the Scanning Electron Microscope test, it is observed that particle of High heated MSSAare slightly smaller than other temperature. Also, the densification occurs at High temperature MSSA. Hence, the optimal burning temperature mode for MSSA is High Mode temperature.
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Authors and Affiliations

Doh Shu Ing
Ramadhansyah Putra Jaya
Chia Min Ho
Siew Choo Chin
Marcin Nabiałek
Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri Abdullah
Sebastian Garus
Agata Śliwa

  1. College of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, 26300 Gambang Kuantan Pahang, Malaysia
  2. Department of Physics, Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland
  3. Faculty of Chemical Engineering Technology, University Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia
  4. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science, Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland
  5. Division of Materials Processing Technology and Computer Techniques in Materials Science, Silesian 21 University of Technology, Poland

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