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The tomato crop is more susceptible to disease than any other vegetable, and it can be infected with over 200 diseases caused by different pathogens worldwide. Tomato plant diseases have become a challenge to food security globally. Currently, diagnosing and preventing tomato plant diseases is a challenge due to the lack of essential methods or tools. The traditional techniques of detecting plant disease are arduous and error-prone. Utilizing precise or automatic detection methods in spotting early plant disease can improve the quality of food production and reduce adverse effects. Deep learning has significantly increased the recognition accuracy of image classification and object detection systems in recent years. In this study, a 15-layer convolutional neural network is proposed as the backbone for single shot detector (SSD) to improve the detection of healthy, and three classes of tomato fruit diseases. The proposed model performance is compared with ResNet-50, AlexNet, VGG 16, and VGG19 as the backbone for Single shot detector. The findings of the experiment showed that the proposed CNN-SDD achieved 98.87% higher detection accuracy, which outperformed state-of-the-art models.
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Benedicta Nana Esi Nyarko
Wu Bin
Zhou Jinzhi
Justice Odoom

  1. School of Information Engineering, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang, Sichuan, China
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Developing an effective and safe cancer therapy could significantly reduce the number of deaths and improve the quality of life of treated patients. Nowadays medicine has developed a wide range of anticancer chemotherapeutics but at the same time there is a lack of effective drug delivery methods. Therefore, the development of the targeted drug delivery system which will selectively release drug into the cancer cells is a key challenge of modern medicine.
The main aim of the presented research was to investigate the targeting effect of a drug delivery system based on the controlled release of dextran nanoparticles containing the anticancer drug – doxorubicin from the alginate microspheres coated with chitosan multilayers.
During the research the physicochemical properties of the alginate microspheres and its stability in the physiological environment were investigated. Moreover, the kinetics of the nanoparticles with doxorubicin release from the alginate microspheres covered with chitosan multilayers was characterized, depending on the thickness of the chitosan layer. Further, the cytotoxicity study of the alginate microspheres covered with chitosan multilayer and containing nanoparticles was performed to determine the therapeutic effect of the released nanoparticles with doxorubicin on the HeLa cells during the in vitro cell culture.
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Aleksandra Kulikowska-Darłak
Agata Stefanek
Iga Wasiak-Wojasińska
Paulina Wiechecka-Ożdżyńska
Tomasz Ciach

  1. Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Warynskiego 1 Street, 00-645 Warsaw, Poland
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Deep bed filtration is an effective method of submicron and micron particle removal from the fluid stream. There is an extensive body of literature regarding particle deposition in filters, often using the classical continuum approach. However, the approach is not convenient for studying the influence of particle deposition on filter performance (filtration efficiency, pressure drop) when non-steady state boundary conditions have to be introduced. For the purposes of this work the lattice-Boltzmann model describes fluid dynamics, while the solid particle motion is modeled by the Brownian dynamics. For aggregates the effect of their structure on displacement is taken into account. The possibility of particles rebound from the surface of collector or reentrainment of deposits to fluid stream is calculated by energy balanced oscillatory model derived from adhesion theory. The results show the evolution of filtration efficiency and pressure drop of filters with different internal structure described by the size of pores. The size of resuspended aggregates and volume distribution of deposits in filter were also analyzed. The model enables prediction of dynamic filter behavior. It can be a very useful tool for designing filter structures which optimize maximum lifetime with the acceptable values of filtration efficiency and pressure drop.

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Rafał Przekop
Leon Gradoń
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In the paper, which can be treated as a continuation of research intended to identify the time period when the Rotunda of St. Nicholas in Przemyśl had been built, we made another attempt to define the period of the church’s construction based on the current state of the art and with the use of precise research equipment. Our study was aimed at defining the structures of the building’s material obtained via chemical and crystalline composition analysis of collected mortar samples. We also attempted to define the site of the quarry from where the material used to build the church had been procured from, using tools to assess their chemical and crystalline compositions. We identified the composition of the samples via in situ and laboratory testing (instrumental analyses). The findings allowed us to determine the chemical and crystalline composition of mortars and the chemical and crystalline composition of stone and to compare it with other dated buildings.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marek Gosztyła
Krystian Sikorski

  1. Rzeszów University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture

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