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Aspiration dust probes of some isokinctic samplers have such a construction that enables them to measure the gas velocity at the point they arc placed in a duct, the measurement being required for maintaining isokinctic conditions and in determining the dust mass flow rate in the duct. The gas velocity is correlated with a probe specific pressure difference, a quantity measured directly when the train is in operation. This relationship is a mclrological characteristic of a given probe, being established in a calibration procedure. Two types of the above-mentioned probes, namely a pressure balance-type and an in-stack filtration probes (in two versions) combined with a type S velocity sensor, have been tested. The behaviour of the characteristics of the probes was studied in the flows of different turbulence at a laboratory stand. The achieved results, presented in the paper, show that the turbulence state of gas flow is the factor that shapes the mctrological characteristics. Facing the fact that the turbulence of gas flow in industrial installations is not identified during the dust concentration gravimetric measurements, this parameter constitutes a source of uncertainty of the gas velocity measurement. For the probes under test, the values of this uncertainty, varying with the gas velocity, were determined. The test and calculation procedures were described.
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Przemysław Kateusz
Zbigniew Popiołek
Jerzy Szulikowski
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Municipal waste is a global issue and they are generated in all countries around the world. Both in the European Union and the United States, a common method of non-recyclable waste utilization is thermal incineration with energy recovery. As a result of this treatment, residual waste like bottom ash, air pollution control residues and fly ashes are generated. This research shows that residues from waste incineration can be a potential source of critical raw materials. The analysis of the available literature prove that the residues of municipal waste incinerators contain most of the elements important for the US and EU economies. Material flow analysis has shown that each year, the content of elemental copper in residues may be 29,000 Mg (USA) and 51,000 Mg (EU), and the amount of rare earth elements in residues exceeds their mining in the EU. In the case of other elements, their content may exceed their extraction by even over 300%. The recovery of elements is difficult due to their encapsulation in the aggregate matrix. The heterogeneous nature of residues and the many interactions between different components and incineration techniques can make the process of recovery complicated. Recovery plants should process as much of the residues as possible to make their recovery profitable. However, policy makers from the EU and the US are introducing new legal regulations to increase the availability of critical raw materials. In the EU, new regulations are planned that will require at least 15% of the annual consumption of critical raw materials to come from recycling. Therefore, innovative technologies for recovering critical raw materials from waste have a chance to receive subsidies for research and development.
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Radosław Jędrusiak
Barbara Bielowicz
Agnieszka Drobniak
3 4

  1. Krakowski Holding Komunalny Spółka Akcyjna w Krakowie; AGH University of Kraków, Poland
  2. AGH University of Kraków, Poland
  3. University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
  4. Indiana University, Indiana Geological and Water Survey; United States
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The solar photovoltaic technology is one of the renewable technologies with the potential to shape a future-proof, reliable, scalable and affordable electricity system. It is important to provide better resources for any upcoming technology. CdS/CdTe thin films have long been considered as one enticing option for reliable and cost-effective solar cells to be developed. N-type CdS as a transparent window layer in heterojunction structures is one of the best choices for CdTe cells. In a solar cell structure, window layer material plays a very crucial role to improve its performance. For this reason, this review focuses on the basic and significant aspects such as importance of the window layer thickness, degradation effect, use of nano-wire arrays, and an ammonia-free process to deposit the window layer. Also, an attempt has been made to analyze various processes improving window layer properties. Necessary discussions have been included to review the impact of solar cell parameters on the above aspects. It is anticipated that this review article will fulfill the requirement of knowledge to be used in the fabrication of CdS/CdTe solar cells.

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D. Lilhare
A. Khare
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Water samples were collected at 12 oceanographic stations from six standard depths ranging from 0 to 100 and 150 m. The number of bacteria and concentration of organic components were expressed in adequate units per 1 litre of sea water and in the form of the integrated values for the whole water column under I m2 of sea of organic components were expressed in adequate units per 1 litre of sea water and in the form of the integrated values for the whole water column under 1 m2 of sea surface. Total numbers of bacteria (TC) ranged from 0.16 to 7.31 x 107/1 and 1.74 — 5.67 x 10, 2/m2 saprophytic bacteria (CFU) 0.10 — 46.85 x 103/1 and 0.62 — 27.7x 108/m2. contents of particulate organic carbon (РОС) 0.02 — 0.25 mg/1 and 3.5 — 20.0 g/m2 dissolved organic carbon (DOC) 0.07 — 3.02 mg/1 and 53.5 — 207.9 g/m2, dissolved free amino acids (DFAA) 0 — 1.8965 μmol/1 and 2.7 -151.5 mmol/m2, dissolved combined amino acids (DCAA) 0 2.9366 μmо1/1 and 16.5— 163.5 mmol/m2, particulate combined amino acids (PCAA) 0 — 3.0215 μmо1/1 and 3.7 — 249.0 mmol/m2. Total numbers of bacteria and РОС, DOC and DCAA concentrations, widely differentiated in the investigated area, were on the average much lower than the values obtaine in previous years. The saprophytic bacteria content and DFAA and PCAA concentrations were at a similar level to that in the past years. Higher TC and CFU values were observed in the areas with high concentrations of phytoioplankton to the NW of Anvers I. and around Clarence I.

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Marek K. Zdanowski

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