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Celem pracy było określenie wpływu hydraulicznego czasu zatrzymania (H RT) i wydajności cyrkulacji wewnętrznej (Gel na różnorodność mikroorganizmów w biomasie unieruchomionej w porowatym nośniku ceramicznym. Bioreaktor, wykorzystywany do usuwania związków organicznych ze ścieków komunalnych, był eksploatowany przy HRT 70 i 60 min oraz qc w zakresie 20-70 drn"h'. Różnorodność mikroorganizmów była określana na podstawie wzorów RISA przy użyciu indeksu Shannona-Wienera (1-1'). Przy HRT równym 70 min, H' obniżył się z 2,48 ± 0,14 do 2,13 ± 0,23 ze wzrostem Ge z 20 do 60 drn+h'. Przy HRT 60 min. zwiększenie qc z 40 do 70 drnvh' spowodowało spadek 1-1' z 2,41 ± O, 13 do 2,08 ± O, 19. Przy każdej wartości HRT, najwyższą efektywność usuwania związków organicznych uzyskano przy najniższej wartości qc i najwyższej bioróżnorodności.
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Magdalena Zielińska
Agnieszka Cydzik-Kwiatkowska
Irena Wojnowska-Baryła
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The results of ecotoxicological investigation of chosen components of textile wastewater have been presented. There were two detergents Awiważ and Tetrapol and one anthraquinone dyestuff. The toxicity of the compounds were checked by means of microbiological methods with the use of bacterial strains. In the case of pure cultures (Vibrio fischeri, Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis) the values of effective concentration EC50 were found to be almost the same for a given compound with the use of various bacteria. Application of the test with mixed cultures from activated sludge gave difTerent results in EC50 for the investigated dyestuff.
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Stanisław Ledakowicz
Teresa Jamroz
Barbara Sencio
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This paper presents a new approach to study the palaeoecological and archaeological benefits of the previously investigated Szeged-Öthalom area. The aim was to combine the archaeological results with the palaeoecological ones by a new integral view. Age-depth models of 14C dated charcoal were calculated via Bayesian method to reconstruct the sediment accumulation rates in the investigated loess- palaeosol sequences. Moreover, the age of a Mammoth bone found in 1935 at the nearby Palaeolithic site was correlated with the calculated accumulation rates. Through our new results, the age of the Palaeolithic site could be correlated to the late LGM dust-accumulation-peak period. Even if this period is considered as cold and dry, the palaeoecological settings indicated dense forest cover and cool climate in the investigated area. This means that the palaeoenvironment may have encouraged the diffusion of Gravettian hunters in this area, founding campsites like Öthalom in the southern part of the Carpathian Basin.

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Dávid Molnár
László Makó
Pál Sümegi
Balázs P. Sümegi
Tünde Törőcsik
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In this work, three ceramic composite coatings Al2O3-3TiO2 C, Al2O3-13TiO2 C, and Al2O3-13TiO2 N were plasma sprayed on steel substrates. They were deposited with two conventional powders differing the volume fraction of TiO2 and nanostructured powder. The mechanical and tribological properties of the coatings were investigated and compared. The increase in TiO2 content from 3 wt.% to 13 wt.% in the conventional feedstock improved the mechanical properties and abrasion resistance of coatings. However, the size of the used powder grains had a much stronger influence on the properties of deposited coatings than the content of the titania phase. The Al2O3-13TiO2 coating obtained from nanostructured powder revealed significantly better properties than that plasma sprayed using conventional powder, i.e. 22% higher microhardness, 19% lower friction coefficient, and over twice as good abrasive wear resistance. In turn, the Al2O3-13TiO2 conventional coating showed an increase in microhardness and abrasive wear resistance, 36% and 43%, respectively, and 6% higher coefficient of friction compared to the Al2O3-3TiO2 conventional coating.

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A. Góral
W. Żórawski
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The indoor aerosols that arc. among others, generated by air-conditioning systems arc especially significant in school facilities. The measurements carried out in the new, air-conditioned auditorium have shown that the aerosol concentrations arc strongly dependent on the operation or the air-conditioning system and the presence of students. The aerosol concentration was approximately 5 times higher when the air-conditioning (AC) system was switched on. An increased air movement inside the auditorium and the connected with it rcsusperuion of the particles settled on the indoor surfaces could be responsible for this fact. It could also result from the ineffective operation ofthe AC filters. The presence of students in the auditorium caused an increase of the coarse aerosol particles irrespectively of the AC system operation. The results of aerosol particle monitoring should be taken into consideration while controlling the AC processes in order to ensure the desired indoor air quality in this type or facilities.
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Bernard Połednik
Marzenna Dudzińska
Mariusz Skwarczyński
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The European Water Framework Directive can have enormous consequences for agricul-ture in the Netherlands. In parts of the country agriculture should be taken out of production because the nutrient loads to the surface water system are far too high. This doom scenario is of course unde-sired and a number of source-specific and effect-specific measures are necessary. The fate of nutri-ents in the soil is strongly interrelated with its hydrology. Directly, because nutrients are transported by water and the distribution of the residence time of drainage water is a good measure for the time behaviour of the nutrient loads to the surface water system. Longer residence time in the soil means more of nutrients applied by farmers but also a longer recovery period, after applying source-specific measures. In this paper three promising effect-specific hydrological measures are described buffer strips, retention strips, and controlled drainage.

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Jan van Bakel
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The edge extraction seem to be an important step in matching of aerial images for 3D city and also in analysis and interpretation of satellite imagery for middle scale mapping production. Since twenty years the problem of edge and line extraction is still actual. The degree of full automation for edge and line extraction is in the way to advance. In practice there are several groups of methods using for extraction of edges and lines. The methods based on the differential geometry are often useful to solve this tasks. This paper presents a new algorithm approach to find the coefficients of function fitting to an edge in 2D image that is written by Fouriers expansion. Basing on the gradients of edge pixel that is Gausians line-spread function, the fitting function to edge should be constituted. For improving reliability of linking edge pixels into line it is proposed to apply three thresholds in which one is based on the finding correlation coefficients of grey levels between the neighbouring pixels in the image window.
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Chinh Ke Luong

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