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Celem artykułu jest prezentacja zjawiska feminizacji nieaktywności zarobkowej, rozumianego jako zbiór procesów utrudniających kobietom w wieku aktywności zawodowej podejmowanie i utrzymywanie pracy zarobkowej. Autorzy odpowiadają na pytanie, czym charakteryzuje się zjawisko nieaktywności zarobkowej kobiet i na jakie problemy (kulturowe,funkcjonalne, instytucjonalne) napotykają kobiety w podejmowaniu lub utrzymywaniu pracy zarobkowej. Autorzy egzemplifikują fakt, że feminizacja nieaktywności zarobkowej wynika z genderowych norm opiekuńczych oraz słabości państwa jako dostarczyciela dóbr i usług (także strażnika stanowionych norm). Tekst uwzględnia definicję kluczowego zjawiska, prezentację istotnych treści literatury przedmiotu i zarys kontekstów ważnych dla odczytywania aktywności kobiet na rynku pracy, informacje o zrealizowanych projektach, które dostarczyły podstawy empirycznej dla podjętych analiz oraz omówienie tego materiału wraz z konkluzjami uwzględniającymi zbiór cech feminizacji nieaktywności zarobkowej.
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Authors and Affiliations

Arkadiusz Karwacki
Katarzyna Suwada

  1. Instytut Socjologii UMK
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This article deals with Echo z Polski [ The Echo from Poland] (the title was subsequently altered to Echo Polskie), the first Polish-language newspaper in the United States, published in 1893–1865 in New York. While at first its pages were predominantly filled with news from Poland, it gradually broadened its coverage in an effort to become the leading paper of the Polish- American community.
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Daniel Kiper

  1. Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski, Al. Racławickie 14, PL 20-950 Lublin
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The aim of the paper is to present and discuss traces of a long-distance contacts of the Early Neolithic Linear Band Pottery Culture registered at two sites, of which one is located in the Polish Lowland and second in the uplands of the southern Poland. They are manifested by the presence of obsidian finds and application the wood-tar substances, both of which being considered as a Transcarpathian phenomenon.The paper focuses on determination of characteristic chemical elements of obsidian artefacts from the two Polish Early Neolithic localities using non-invasive Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis (PGAA) as well as on a physicochemical analyses of composite organic-mineral substances found on pottery. The results of the analyses allow a discussion on the relationships between the Early Danubian societies inhabiting territories located on both sides of the Carpathians.

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Jacek Kabaciński
Iwona Sobkowiak-Tabaka
Zsolt Kasztovszky
Sławomir Pietrzak
Jerzy J. Langer
Katalin T. Biró
Boglárka Maróti
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The paper investigates the competitiveness of the Polish hard coal mining sector as a fuel source for heat and power generation. The main objective of the study is to make a quantitative assessment of the impact of the price relationship between domestic and imported steam coal on the consumption of domestic fine coal in the Polish heat and power generation sector. For this purpose, a long-term mathematical model of the Polish steam coal market is employed and scenarios that mimic the relationship between domestic and imported steam coal prices is developed. The following results are analysed:

- the volume of total domestic steam coal consumption under the scenarios analysed,

- the absolute difference in domestic steam coal consumption under the scenarios analysed in comparison with the scenario 0%,

- the total imported and domestic steam coal consumption in the period analysed.

In addition, the results were depicted in cartograms in order to present the distribution of domestic and imported coal consumption in the various regions of Poland.

The results of the study indicate that the supply of steam coal in Poland can be completely covered by domestic mines when the price of domestic coal is from –40% to –20% lower than that of imported coal. For the remaining scenarios, the consumption of imported coal increases and reaches its highest value in the scenario +40%, in which imported coal covered of 71% of total steam coal consumption in Poland over the period.

The conclusions presented in this paper provide valuable findings and policy insights into the competitiveness of domestic mines and management of domestic production both in Poland and other countries in which power generation systems are mostly dominated by coal.

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Authors and Affiliations

Przemysław Kaszyński
Aleksandra Komorowska
Marcin Malec

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