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In the family of iron-based alloys, ductile iron enjoys the highest rate of development, finding application in various industries. Ductile iron or the cast iron with spheroidal graphite can be manufactured by various methods. One of them is the Inmold spheroidization process characterized by different technological solutions, developed mainly to increase the process efficiency. So far, however, none of the solutions has been based on the use of a reactor made outside the casting mould cavity. The method of spheroidization inside the casting mould using a reaction chamber developed at the Foundry Research Institute is an innovative way of cast iron treatment. The innovative character of this method consists in the use of properly designed and manufactured reactor placed in the casting mould cavity. Owing to this solution, the Inmold process can be carried out in moulds with both horizontal and vertical parting plane. The study presents the results of examinations of the microstructure of graphite precipitates and metal matrix of castings after spheroidization carried out by the Inmold process using a reactor and mould with vertical parting plane. Special pattern assembly was made for the tests to reproduce plates with wall thicknesses of 3; 5; 7; 10; 20 and 30 mm. The content of residual magnesium was determined for all tested castings, while for castings of plates with a wall thickness equal to or larger than 10 mm, testing of mechanical properties was additionally performed.

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Authors and Affiliations

J. Kamińska
M. Angrecki
Z. Stefański
A. Palma
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Jak można obrazować świat roślin? Czym się różni rysunek od mikrografii i dlaczego najlepszej jakości zdjęcie nie dorównuje ręcznie przygotowanym ilustracjom?
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Authors and Affiliations

Dominik Tomaszewski
Marzenna Guzicka

  1. Instytut Dendrologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk w w Kórniku
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W muzeach przyrodniczych możemy zobaczyć repliki wymarłych przed wiekami zwierząt. Na czym polega sztuka ich „ożywiania”? Jak się je rekonstruowało kiedyś i jak to się robi dzisiaj?
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Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka Kapuścińska

  1. Muzeum Ewolucji Instytutu Paleobiologii PAN w Warszawie
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How can the world of plants best be depicted? How do drawings differ from micrographs? Why is it that even the best quality photographs are no match for hand-drawn illustrations?
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Authors and Affiliations

Dominik Tomaszewski
Marzenna Guzicka

  1. Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences in Kórnik
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Visitors to natural history museums can admire replicas of animals that died out ages ago. What tricks can be used to “bring them to life”? How have such animals been reconstructed in the past, and how is it done today?
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Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka Kapuścińska

  1. Museum of Evolution, PAS Institute of Paleobiology in Warsaw

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