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The article presents the results of a psycholinguistic study of the concept JOY based on the materials of the Ukrainian Associative Dictionary by S. Martinek. The associative meaning of the word joy has been identified and a comparative analysis has been conducted, juxtaposing the obtained results with the lexicographic definitions and survey data provided by the sociological group “Rating”. The paper provides a comprehensive overview of the major psychological theories of emotions and various linguistic approaches to studying emotions. All reactions of the conducted free associative experiment to the word-stimulus joy were classified according to the structures of knowledge representation, with their quantitative ratio determined. The research has shown that the emotion of joy is described by the hyperonyms emotion, feeling, mood. The core of the associative field of the concept JOY in Ukrainian linguaculture is formed by happiness, cheerfulness, merriment, satisfaction, pleasure. The most frequent characteristics of joy are great and sincere, and the most typical oppositions – sadness and sorrow. Joy is most frequently associated with laughter and smiling as an outward expression of emotion, with the colours yellow and white as well as with light and sun. Among the reasons for joy, life draws the greatest number of reactions while family, friends, home are of significant importance for Ukrainians.
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Mariya Ol’khovych-Novosadyuk

  1. The Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
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According to the requirements of green mine construction and the coordinated development of environmental protection regulations, the existing filling technologies in China are compared and analysed. Several types of technologies are discussed, including the dry filling technology for gangue, grouting and filling for separated strata zones in overburden, grouting and filling technology for caving gangue fissures, paste and paste-like filling, high-water and ultra-high-water filling, and continuous mining and continuous filling. Then, the characteristics of these individual technologies are analysed. Through the analysis and comparison of these technologies, considering the requirements of green mine construction and coordinated development of environmental protection regulations, it was found that continuous mining and continuous filling technology is a feasible mean for constructing green mines and protecting the environment. In this study, the application of continuous mining and continuous filling technology in the Yuxing coal mine is introduced. Results show that surface subsidence was less than 80 mm, and the recovery rate of the working face reached 95%. This indicates that continuous mining and continuous filling technology can solve the problems of surface subsidence, environmental damage, and coal resource waste. Finally, the development prospects of continuous mining and continuous filling technology are proposed, providing theoretical and technical support for similar mining.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dongmei Huang
1 2
Daqian Xing
1 2
Xikun Chang
1 3
Yingying Zhu
1 2
Chunjing Gao
1 2

  1. Shandong University of Science and Technology, State Key Laborat ory of Mining Disaster Prevention and Control Co-Founded by Shandong Province and the Ministry of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590, China
  2. Shandong University of Science and Technology, College of Safety and Environmental Engineering, Qingdao 266590, China
  3. Shandong University of Science and Technology, College of Energy and Mining Engineering, Qingdao 266590, China

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