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In Old English dual personal pronouns constituted a small but significant pocket of its inflectional morphology. Their disappearance in Middle English is usually taken as evidence for their marginal and tenuous status already in the preceding centuries. They are seen as optional, poetic, and unpredictable. It is the argument of this paper on the basis of the evidence of the Old English Genesis that these claims warrant a careful revision as – at least in this one poem – there is nothing random or irregular about their use.
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Marcin Krygier

  1. Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań
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The achene morphology and pericarp anatomy of 12 taxa representing three genera ( Anemone, Hepatica, and Pulsatilla) of the subtribe Anemoninae were investigated using microtome and light microscopy to evaluate the taxonomic implications of achene characters. The achenes of Anemone were elliptical or obovoid and beaked, whereas the achene of Hepatica and Pulsatilla were obovoid and elliptical, respectively. Noticeable variations in both quantitative and qualitative features of achenes were observed among the species of the three genera. One-way analysis of variance indicated that the quantitative achene variables among the species were highly significant (P<0.001). Pearson’s correlation coefficient also showed a significant correlation between different achene variables. The pericarp structure, particularly the number of cell layers and cell forms in the exocarp and endocarp, seems to be very useful for species delimitation in Anemone and Hepatica. The nature of the endotesta could provide substantial proof for sub-generic classification in Anemone. Unweighted paired group analysis showed the utility of achene features for taxonomic groupings of the species within the studied genera. Although the specimen samples represented a limited range of taxa, the achene features and pericarp anatomy provided a reasonable source for the taxonomic treatment of the studied genera within the subtribe.
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Balkrishna Ghimire
Dabin Yum
Jae Hyeun Kim
Mi Jin Jeong

  1. Division of Forest Biodiversity, Korea National Arboretum, Pocheon 11186, Korea
  2. Division of Plant Resources, Korea National Arboretum, Pocheon 11186, Korea
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On the basis of observations and topographic surveys carried out mainly in the northern part of Linnedalen on Spitsbergen, geological structure of the valley was described and determination of the forms of relief by the means of lithology was demonstrated. The relief of the valley was characterized with particular regard to periglacial processes. A geomorphological map of the northern part of Linnédalen was made and a part of a cataloque of polygonal and structural soils was prepared.

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Waldemar Gogołek
Wojciech Lewandowski
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The distribution and some aspects of the ecology of Euphausia crystallorophias, Euphausia frigida, Euphausia triacantha and Thysanoessa macrura are presented. The investigations in the Polish Sector "A" show that E. triacantha is the northernmost and E. crystallorophias the southernmost species. These two species occurred least frequently. T. macrura was the most numerous and most regularly distributed species in the region under investigations.

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Wojciech Kittel
Ryszard Stępnik
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Wcięcie wstecz stanowi szczególnie użyteczną konstrukcję geodezyjną ze względu na zredukowanie obserwacji terenowych do pomiaru dwóch kątów na punkcie wyznaczanym. Należy jednak zauważyć, że w przypadku kiedy trzy punkty o znanych współrzędnych i punki wyznaczany leżą na tym samym okręgu kola pozycja jest niewyznaczalna. Niewyznaczalność pozycji powoduje konieczność przeprowadzenia analiz dokladnościowych przed założeniem tych konstrukcji. W przedstawionej pracy ustalono ogólne charakterystyki dokladnościowe dla bezpośredniego dokonywania tych analiz. Podano ogólne funkcje pozwalające na bezpośrednie wyznaczanie średniego błędu pozycji, dokładności odległości centralnej i dokładności azymutu centralnego. Ustalono także funkcje określające błąd wyznaczenia pozycji w dowolnym kierunku i podano orientację oraz wielkości półosi standardowych elips błędów. Załączone przykłady numeryczne ilustrują praktyczne zastosowania otrzymanych funkcji.
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Janusz Martusewicz
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The article presents a spatial data model describing a geographical space which makes it possible to automatically generalize data once the scale of a map has changed. To that end the Molenaar FDS data structure, extended by the geometrical rule, has been applied. The so formed spatial data model has been checked upon the example of the road network of ,,Downtown Cracow", confirmation of the accepted rules for the FDS structure having been acquired.
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Tadeusz Chrobak
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The author deals with changes in current maritime law, changes that stem from, inter alia, the expansion and diversification of the law. New emerging forms ofuse of the sea have led to an increase in the number of entities subject to this branch of the law. On the other hand, the importance of public-legal normalisations continues to grow. Thus, one cannot continue to understand the law of the sea within the traditional formulation of its being the civil-law regulation of maritime shipping. This article proposes that a new branch of maritime law be formulated within maritime law in a broad sense - that is, maritime economic law. As maritime economie law we should understand that part ofmaritime and general legal regulations which apply to maritime trade, broadly understood. Such law must be understood not just in a public legal sense, but also in a private legal sense, and, indeed, in terms of the interaction of both types ofregulation. In practice, it is linked to the relation between maritime economic law and economic law and international economic law. In a further part of the essay, the author presents the range of objects and subjects ofmaritime economic law. Research topics within this branch ofmaritime law should include: the exploitation of the natural resources of the sea; international maritime trade; national and international forms of shaping the shipping market; port-sea trade; and ship building and construction at sea. EC Shipping Law could be the model for economic regulations in maritime law. Maritime economic law, in the author's opinion, should be an instrument of implementing the maritime policies of the state.
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Mirosław H. Koziński
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Time series analysis ofmonthly and daily SO2 data were considered for the detection of trends in SO2 due to possible effect of the emission abatement strategy in the Black Triangle region. Using a time series model, the main components were extracted from the original SO2 time series. Based on SO2 monitoring data from Czerniawa in Izery Mountains in Poland over the period 1993 -1998, our findings showed evidence of declining trends in SO2• A mean annual change of 14.1% was recorded in a 6-year record. It has also appeared that the exponential smoothing which considers a seasonal component and trends provided a reasonable fit to monthly mean SO2 values.
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Jerzy Zwoździak
Artur Gzella
Anna Zwoździak
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General principles of mathematical modelling of transient heat transfer in cross-flow tube heat exchangers with complex flow arrangements which allow a simulation of multipass heat exchangers with many tube rows are presented. First, a system of differential equations for the transient temperature of both fluids and the tube wall with appropriate boundary and initial conditions is formulated. Two methods for modelling heat exchangers are developed using the finite difference method and finite volume method. A numerical model of multipass steam superheater with twelve passes is presented. The calculation results are compared with the experimental data.

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Dawid Taler
Marcin Trojan
Jan Taler
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The purpose of the present article is to provide an analysis of the iconographic sources used in the depiction of Adam and Eve in the 3rd–4th century wall paintings. The scene of the Original Sin initially appeared in wall painting, with the oldest examples dating back to the 3rd century AD. In the following century, images of Adam and Eve were used in both sarcophagus sculpture and crafts. The author of the article compares two different iconographic sources, which together shape the final appearance of Original Sin in the art of the period. A crucial literary source beside the text of Genesis is the apocryphal Lives of Adam and Eve, tracing a different sequence of events related to the story of the Original Sin. On the other hand, the analysis of ancient depictions of Hercules and the goddess Venus reveals an intriguing connection between the representations of the Original Sin and pagan iconography.
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Bartłomiej Żurawski

  1. Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie
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The text presents the achievements of Wiesław Juszczak, who died in 2021, as a challenge that has not yet been taken up by the humanities. The reason for this may be the multiformity and thematic richness of his texts, almost always essayistic in nature (in the best, traditional sense), with an outstanding literary dimension, but at the same time a deep and broad scientific background. This applies to both his books on Polish painting around 1900, works on post-impressionists, as well as analyzes of archaic Greek thought about art, religious roots of art from various cultures, unconventional interpretations of Japanese films or Ingmar Bergman’s oeuvre.
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Andrzej Pieńkos

  1. Uniwersytet Warszawski
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Populism is understood here according to the widely accepted definition by C. Mudde as a para-ideology containing two components, anti-elitism and the sovereignty of the people. It expresses itself in the form of social movements, specific forms of policy pursued, which sustains or inspires social conflicts, and at the same time is intended to please the people. Politics is led by a charismatic leader who gains legitimacy through elections, but the conditions of electoral competition are modified in various ways to ensure the success of the populist party and its leader. The article discusses the results of psychological research that deal with the psychological determinants of populist attitudes. They concern the emotionalmotivational and cognitive functioning of those who accept the para-ideology of populism and populist power. The genesis of populism is also discussed, which is related to some important defects in liberal democracies.
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Janusz Reykowski

  1. Instytut Psychologii PAN, Warszawa

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