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Występowanie największych złóż węgla brunatnego w Polsce jest ściśle związane z granicami tektonicznymi i z występowaniem złóż soli kamiennej. Co łączy oba rodzaje złóż?
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Paweł Urbański
Jacek Kasiński
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Oryginalne elementy wystroju łączą odbudowany Zamek Królewski w Warszawie z przeszłością.
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Bożena Radzio

  1. Zamek Królewski w Warszawie
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The distribution of lignite deposits in Poland turns out to be closely related to tectonic boundaries and the occurrence of salt deposits. What mechanism underlies the connection between these elements?
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Authors and Affiliations

Paweł Urbański
Jacek Kasiński

  1. Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute
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The restored Royal Castle in Warsaw includes original decorative pieces that link it back to its illustrious past from before WWII
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Authors and Affiliations

Bożena Radzio

  1. Royal Castle in Warsaw
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Formation of cities was always dependent on water. Location over the water areas gave the opportunity for develop-ment and increase of prosperity. And although water was also a threat and cause of damage, the benefits of its neighbour-hood prevailed. Today, the challenge for developing cities is a climate change observed in recent decades, which results in violent natural phenomena, e.g. floods and hurricanes. One of the main problems faced by residents of housing estates lo-cated on the water is the increasing risk of flooding. Actions are taken to adapt the functioning of the urban structure and buildings to new water conditions. Currently, the process of floodplain development is progressing on a larger scale. This phenomenon is intensifying and as a result many housing estates are created in areas exposed to flooding. The approach to flood issues in the context of architecture and spatial planning has evolved in recent decades. The new water paradigm is expressed in striving to keep it in place.

How did the settlement in the floodplains look once and today in Warsaw? The research study was preceded by a his-torical feature and then the article drew attention to the ways of shaping new housing estates in flood areas in Warsaw. Us-ing the case study method, new housing estates developed in the flood plains have been analysed, with a listing of their strengths and weaknesses and the assessment of solutions. Issues were discussed on how to protect the buildings from the harmful effects of water. On the basis of the conclusions from the Warsaw case study, project guidelines for floodplains in Warsaw were developed, the aim of which was to identify the most important priorities in the development of floodplains and increase the security of investment arising in these areas.

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Eliza Maciejewska

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