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This study used PM10 and PM2.5 measurements from the State Environmental Monitoring stations in Warsaw and its suburban areas. Analysis of variability characteristics at the traffic and urban background stations was carried out for 2016-2021. A six-year analysis (2016-2021) of air quality in Warsaw, Poland, focusing highlights the persistent impact of transportation on particulate matter concentrations. Comparing a city centre traffic station with urban background locations reveals consistently higher PM10 concentrations at the traffic station throughout the year, with an annual traffic-related increase of 12.6 μg/m³ (32%). PM2.5 concentrations at the traffic station are also consistently about 1.5 μg/m³ (7%) higher. For monthly averages, the highest PM10 concentrations at the traffic station were noted in March, which may be related to the resuspention of sand and salt left over from winter snow removalp rocesses. In the case of PM2.5, the typical annual cycle with maximum concentrations in winter and minimum concentrations in summer was not observed. Diurnal variability patterns show elevated PM10 concentrations at the traffic station from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., attributed to the resuspension process. PM2.5 patterns exhibit a smaller amplitude at the traffic station, with nighttime accumulation due to inflow. This study emphasizes the lasting impact of transportation on air quality, providing insights into pollution control strategies in urban areas.
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Authors and Affiliations

Aleksandra Starzomska
Joanna Strużewska

  1. Institute of Environmental Protection—National Research Institute, Poland
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A Polish translation of Horace’s final Ode in Book I.
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Anna Maciejewska

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Katarzyna Kłosińska

  1. Kierownik Obserwatorium Językowego Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
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In 1981, Polish canoeists (members of the Bystrze Academic Travel Club) made the first journey along the waters of the River Colca in the section located in Arequipa Province (Peru), along which the waters flow in a deep canyon. Information on this sporting achievement – and a description of the Canyon and its surrounding area filled the Peruvian press and tourist publications around the world, ensuring that the Colca Canyon became one of the most important goals for tourists anywhere in Peru from that time on. However, mass infl uxes of tourists, noisy trips, the development of hotel infrastructure and other items required in tourism have generated permanent change in the character of the Colca Valley, and done much to influence the lives of its inhabitants.

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Hildegardo Córdova Aguilar
Mirosława Czerny
Andrzej Czerny
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The objective of the paper is to evaluate the implications of trade liberalization under the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) for the Polish economy. We analyze the level of tariffs and non-tariff protection in the US and in the EU and identify products particularly “sensitive” from the point of view of TTIP liberalization. With the help of a partial equilibrium model, we simulate the trade implications of the TTIP for Poland’s trade with the US at the detailed product level. We analyze trade creation and diversion effects of tariff elimination and partial removal of non-tariff barriers. We found that the TTIP can increase Poland’s trade with the US by around 45 percent with a limited impact on its trade with the European Union (EU) members. Subsequent general equilibrium simulations show that trade diversion effects of the TTIP are substantial, while the welfare benefits of the agreement are limited.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jan Hagemejer
1 2
Jan Jakub Michałek
Karolina Pawlak

  1. University of Warsaw, Poland
  2. CASE Center for Economic and Social Research, Warsaw, Poland
  3. Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poland
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Transition of the global energy sector is in progress. The share of renewable energies has increased over time and achieved 36.6% of global electricity capacity in 2020. Marine Renewable Energy plays a substantial role in this transition. However, while marine renewable energy will contribute to less GHG emissions, and thus enhance compliance with the Paris Agreement, there are concerns over potential impacts marine renewable energy installations may have on biodiversity. Such impacts include, among others, habitat loss, collision risks, noise and electromagnetic fields. This paper addresses these issues from the perspective of international environmental law, illustrating how potentially conflicting objectives (mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and preserving biodiversity) can be accommodated. This requires a discussion of broader concepts such as no harm and precautionary action as well as detailed rules extending from marine protected areas to the discussion of specific treaty issues, even public participation, including participation of indigenous peoples. The paper aims at illustrating the ability of international law to ensure not just an environmentally sound but a biodiversity-compatible transition towards marine renewable energy.
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Thilo Marauhn
Ayşe-Martina Böhringer
Magdalena Jaś-Nowopolska

  1. Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Faculty of Law, Chair for Public and International Law
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The circular economy (CE) has been a European Union (EU) priority since 2014, when first official document on the CE was published. Currently, the EU is on the road to the transformation from a linear economy model to the CE model. In 2019, a new strategy was announced – the European Green Deal, the main goal of which is to mobilize the industrial sector for the CE implementation. The CE assumes that the generated waste should be treated as a secondary raw material. The paper presents an analysis of the possibility of using selected groups of waste for the production of fertilizers. Moreover, an identification of strengths and weaknesses, as well as market opportunities and threats related to the use of selected groups of waste as a valuable raw material for the production of fertilizers was conducted. The scope of the work includes characteristics of municipal waste (household waste, food waste, green waste, municipal sewage sludge, digestate), industrial waste (sewage sludge, ashes from biomass combustion, digestate) and agricultural waste (animal waste, plant waste), and a SWO T (strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis. The fertilizer use from waste is determined by the content of nutrients (phosphorus – P, nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, calcium ) and the presence of heavy metals unfavorable for plants (zinc, lead, mercury). Due to the possibility of contamination, including heavy metals, before introducing waste into the soil, it should be subjected to a detailed chemical analysis and treatment. The use of waste for the production of fertilizers allows for the reduction of the EU’s dependence on the import of nutrients from outside Europe, and is in line with the CE.
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Marzena Smol
Dominika Szołdrowska

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
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The mean-reversion model is introduced into the study of mineral product price prediction. The gold price data from January 2018 to December 2021 are selected, and a mean-reverting stochastic process simulation of the gold price was carried out using Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) method. By comparing the statistical results and trend curves of the mean-reversion (MR) model, geometric Brownian motion (GBM) model, time series model and actual price, it is proved that the mean-reversion process is valid in describing the price fluctuation of mineral product. At the same time, by comparing with the traditional prediction methods, the mean-reversion model can quantitatively assess the uncertainty of the predicted price through a set of equal probability stochastic simulation results, so as to provide data support and decision-making basis for the risk analysis of future economy.
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Shuwei Huang
1 2 3
Zhaoyang Ma
Feng Jin
Yuansheng Zhang

  1. BGRIMM Technology Group, China
  2. Beijing Key Laboratory of Nonferrous Intelligent Mining Technology, China
  3. BGRIMM Intelligent Technology Co. Ltd, China
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The paper deals with the issue of financial efficiency, measured by the arithmetic rate of return, of indirect financial investments in the area of strategic raw materials (hard coal, copper, crude oil). Two forms of indirect investments were analyzed: shares of natural resources companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and futures contracts for strategic commodities: hard coal, copper and crude oil.

The time of the analysis is the first 6 months of 2019 and 2020. The year 2019 was regarded as an analysis of the period of economic growth, and the year 2020 was the analysis of the period of economic crisis. The comparisons were made in two dimensions. Firstly, it whether indirect commodity investments show the characteristics of efficiency resilience to the time of the economic crisis was checked (by comparing the achieved rates of return in the two analyzed periods). Secondly, which of the analyzed forms of investment (stocks, contracts) gives better investment results during economic growth and economic crisis was compared.

As it was shown in the paper, indirect commodity investments do not show an above-average rate of return neither during economic growth nor economic crisis. The achieved rates of return on shares compared to changes in the WIG20 index in the analyzed first half of 2019 were negative. Only one company showed a positive and significantly higher than the market rate of return. Very similar results were achieved by the analyzed companies in 2020.

On the other hand, the analysis of prices and rates of return on commodity futures contracts showed that in the period of economic growth it is effective to take a long position on crude oil contracts and a short position on hard coal contracts. In a period of economic crisis, the opposite position is profitable due to the observed growth in hard coal prices and a significant drop in crude oil prices.

The answers to the research questions posed in the paper do not provide indications for recommending indirect forms of investment in commodities as an alternative to analogous forms of other sectors of the economy. The analysis shows that the impact of the economic situation on the efficiency of commodity investment is most noticeable for crude oil, and the least (among the analyzed commodities) for indirect copper-based investments.

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Krystian Pera
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This paper researches the application of grey system theory in cost forecasting of the coal mine. The grey model (GM(1.1)) is widely used in forecasting in business and industrial systems with advantages of minimal data, a short time and little fluctuation. Also, the model fits exponentially with increasing data more precisely than other prediction techniques. However, the traditional GM(1.1) model suffers from the poor anti-interference ability. Aimed at the flaws of the conventional GM(1.1) model, this paper proposes a novel dynamic forecasting model with the theory of background value optimization and Fourier-series residual error correction based on the traditional GM(1.1) model. The new model applies the golden segmentation optimization method to optimize the background value and Fourier-series theory to extract periodic information in the grey forecasting model for correcting the residual error. In the proposed dynamic model, the newest data is gradually added while the oldest is removed from the original data sequence. To test the new model’s forecasting performance, it was applied to the prediction of unit costs in coal mining, and the results show that the prediction accuracy is improved compared with other grey forecasting models. The new model gives a MAPE & C value of 0.14% and 0.02, respectively, compared to 1.75% and 0.37 respectively for the traditional GM(1.1) model. Thus, the new GM(1.1) model proposed in this paper, with advantages of practical application and high accuracy, provides a new method for cost forecasting in coal mining, and then help decision makers to make more scientific decisions for the mining operation.

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Di Liu
Guoqing Li
Emmanuel K. Chanda
Nailian Hu
Zhaoyang Ma
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The energy obtained from biomass in the global balance of energy carriers is the largest source among all RES. It should be borne in mind that the share of biomass as an energy carrier in the total balance is as much as 14%. The basic sources of renewable energy used in Poland are the wind power industry and biomass. Organic chemical compounds are the source of chemical energy for biomass. The biomass can be used in a solid form (wood, straw) or after being converted to liquid (alcohol, bio-oil) or gas (biogas) form.

Pellets, meaning, the type of fuel of natural origin created from biomass compressed under high pressure without the participation of any chemical adhesive substances are recognized as the most common and available grades of biomass. Wood pellets manufactured from sawdust, shaving, or woodchips are the most popular type of pellets on the market. Fuel created in the form of granules is very dense and can be manufactured with low humidity content, which translates into an exceptionally high burn efficiency.

The authors of this article burned agro pellets from Miscanthus giganteus without additives and with solid catalyst and conducted a series of tests that determine the impact of boiler settings (blast power, time of feeding, chimney draft) on the process of burning fuel in real conditions. A solid catalyst was used to improve combustion conditions in one of the fuels. The catalyst burns carbon monoxide and reduces nitrogen oxides. The results in the form of observation of selected parameters are summarized in the table.

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Tomasz Mirowski
Marta Jach-Nocoń
Iwona Jelonek
Adam Nocoń
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Objectification in the workplace refers to relationships in which employees can be reduced to the status of objects. This phenomenon has deleterious consequences for health. In this study we examine the protective role of reflexivity, i.e. self-consciousness and team reflexivity. 98 employees answered an online questionnaire which measured objectification, self-consciousness, team reflexivity, mentalization and instrumentality/humanness. The results highlighted a moderation effect of private self-consciousness in the relations between objectification and its consequences. An elevation of self-consciousness is associated with a decrease in dementalization and is associated with an increase in instrumentality. Team reflexivity promotes a decrease in instrumentality and an elevation in humanness either directly or indirectly via the diminution of objectification. The two forms of reflexivity are therefore complementary when facing objectification in the workplace and its consequences. The question of the articulation of the self and co-regulation processes is discussed in connection with these results.
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Auzoult Laurent Auzoult

  1. Université de Bourgogne Franche Comté
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The paper investigates the supply structure of the capacity market in Poland in the coming years. The results of the capacity auctions conducted in 2018 are analyzed for this purpose. Three auctions were held at that time. The products traded in the capacity market are capacity obligations for the following years: 2021, 2022 and 2023. The auctions were organized in accordance with (i) he Act of December 8, 2017 on the Capacity Market and the (ii) Capacity Market Regulations published by the Polish Power Grid. The source of data used in this study is the official information of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office on the final results of the main auctions for 2021–2023 delivery periods. The list of the capacity suppliers who won capacity auctions contains the type of capacity market units, the volume of capacity obligations, the duration of capacity agreements and the business name of the capacity suppliers. The conducted analysis indicates that the auction for 2021 was won mainly by existing units (45.81%) and refurbishing units (33.51%). In subsequent years, the share of existing generating units is significantly higher and amounts to 91.67% for 2022 and 84.54% for 2023. The results of the study carried out in this paper also show that one energy company, being the owner of power generating daughter companies, has a very high share in these capacity auctions. The PGE Capital Group contracted 51.95% for 2021, 69.92% for 2022 and 64.44% for 2023 of the total capacity obligation. The volume amounts to over 70% of their total installed capacity.

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Aleksandra Komorowska
Jacek Kamiński
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The present paper describes the temporary language situation in Sweden. The country has a high rate of immigration and large minority groups have lived in Sweden for many hundreds of years. In order to reflect its cultural and language diversity Sweden has developed its own Language Law. This establishes Swedish as the main language in Sweden and declares five other languages to be national minority languages: Finnish, Meänkieli, Romani, Yiddish and Sami. Furthermore, the country’s language law protects and at the same time promotes Swedish Sign language. Swedish communes offer free Swedish courses for adult immigrants and immigrant children attend courses in Swedish as a Second Language both in primary and secondary school. Due to the multinational composition of Swedish suburbs a new variety of Swedish called rinkebysvenska has developed. This variety is characterized by many loan words from other languages, divergent pronunciation, morphology and syntax. Rinkebysvenska is used primarily by young immigrants living in Stockholm, Göteborg and Malmö and has assumed the status not only of a Sociolect, but also of a special Swedish slang. The mobility of Swedish inhabitants within the country has led to a smoothing out of Swedish dialects so that differences can only be observed in pronunciation. On the other hand, there is a strong tendency to protect and develop Övdalian – one of the dialects that differs most from Swedish.

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Iwona Kowal
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This paper unpacks the legitimacy gap existing between post-communist policies of citizenship restitu-tion, the experiences of these policies, and the media coverage of these policies. Considering citizenship restitution first as analogous to property restitution, theoretically citizenship restitution appears as com-pensatory, to right the wrongs of communist- and Soviet-era seizures and border changes, and appears to establish citizenship restitution as a right. Using UK media coverage of Romania’s policy of citizen-ship restitution vis-à-vis Moldova, the paper shows the extent to which this policy is framed as an ille-gitimate loophole propagated by a ‘Romanian Other’ which is ‘giving out’ EU passports, exploited by an impoverished and criminal ‘Moldovan Other’, and inflicted on a ‘UK Self’ that is powerless to stem the tide of migration and block routes to gaining access to the EU via such policies. However, the paper also contrasts, and challenges, this media framing by using interviews with those acquiring Romanian citizenship in Moldova to demonstrate the extent to which acquiring Romanian citizenship in Moldova is a costly and lengthy procedure. Overall, the paper shows the extent to which citizenship restitution is a contested procedure, constructed as a right by the state seeking to compensate former citizens, and as illegitimate by those who construct a logic resulting from feeling threatened by policies of citizenship restitution.

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Eleanor Knott
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In contrast to the usual integration of migrant workers in the ‘bottom jobs’ on the labour market, the em-ployment of Ukrainian workers in Hungarian electronics plants seems to take place in a more beneficial way. With the active mediation of temporary (temp) agencies, Ukrainian migrant workers are offered regular blue-collar assembly work, together with the same social rights and benefits as their local Hungarian col-leagues. Relying, in our analysis, on the literature on industrial sociology, migration research and global value chains, we are developing a critical perspective in which migration and employment are not seen as separate spheres but as mutually reinforcing each other. We combine bottom-up empirical research based on interviews with workers and a sectoral inquiry on industrial and employment relations in the temp agency sector supplying multinational corporations. Our main argument is that complex contracting also means subtle controlling. Such contracting is not the cheapest form but it creates a different, efficient employment regime with dependent, controllable, flexibly available, ‘fluid’ employees. Employee respondents described their position as dependent, ‘out of control’ and a temporary earning opportunity. Devoid of clear mecha-nisms for controlling their work conditions or growth within the job, all respondents turned to a more instru-mental approach, in which they invested in building up social capital through friendships, networks and personal relationships. Obtaining Hungarian citizenship and learning the language were two other main strategies for dealing with insecurity. Their efforts correspond with and reinforce a more globally integrated but ethnically motivated immigration regime, characteristic of post-socialist Hungary.

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Tibor T. Meszmann
Olena Fedyuk
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Pre-Brexit media discourse in the UK focused extensively on the end of free movement, the governance of European mobility, and its relationship with state sovereignty. This article, methodologically anchored in Critical Discourse Analysis, discusses how the potential post-Brexit deportee, namely the ‘Vile Eastern Eu-ropean’, is depicted by the leading pro-Leave British press. The Vile Eastern European is juxtaposed with a minority of hard-working and tax-paying migrants from the continent, as well as with unjustly deported Windrush and Commonwealth migrants. As the newspapers explain, the UK has not been able to deport the Vile Eastern European because of the EU free movement rights. The press links the UK’s inability to remove the unwanted citizens of EU countries with its lack of sovereignty, suggesting that only new im-migration regulations will permit this deportation and make the UK sovereign again. The article con-cludes that the media discourse reproduces and co-produces the UK ideology of deportability that has been the basis for the EU Settlement Scheme and new immigration regulations.
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Agnieszka Radziwinowiczówna
1 2
Aleksandra Galasińska

  1. Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw, Poland
  2. University of Wolverhampton, UK
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Research concerning chemical constitution of alluvial sediments was done in the lower course of the Obra River (Western Poland). The fragment of vertical profile, which consisted of various alluvial sediments (fine sands, peats and sandy silts) was chosen lor detailed analysis. Main research problem was to determine if lithology and chemical constitution or alluvial deposits arc interconnected in a distinct way within studied section of' the Obra river valley, and if changes of chemical clements concentration could be used to i I lustratc depositional processes which take place in river bed and floodplain. Concentrations ofFe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Ca, Mg and K were determined in collected sediment samples. Investigated changes of chemical clements concentration show that there is a distinct border between the organic sediments, which mark the place of former functioning of the Obra river bed, and sandy silts, which were deposited within floodplain during floods. Besides, dependence between lithologic variability of alluvial sediments and their chemical constitution was observed. However, this dependence is not clear in some cases. The authors concluded that it is necessary to use statistic analyses to define connection between lithology and chemical constitution or alluvial deposits (distinguishing geochemical groups of alluvial sediments).
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Marcin Słowik
Tadeusz Sobczyński
Zygmunt Młynarczyk
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The theoretical estimation of sound absorption coefficient of a surface may give very different results. This will depend on the type of sound field assumed in the theoretical model used for the estimation of its sound absorption coefficient. Absorption coefficients for normal and diffuse sound fields are widely known, although they may be far from the absorption values given by an absorbing material when it is finally installed inside a room or enclosed space, where a sound field closer to a spherical wavefront is more likely to be found. This work presents a theoretical study, which is addressed at obtaining a mathematical expression to calculate the sound absorption coefficient for a variable range of incidence angles, called αs. The presented method uses a circular sound field incidence as an approximation to a spherical incidence. The estimation of this coefficient αs is based on obtaining the incident and reflected sound fields for a surface located facing a lineal source. The advantage of this calculation method over others lies on its capability to give results for circular, normal and random wave incidence depending on the range of incidence angles considered in the calculation.

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Sergio Alfio Yori

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