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The article presents the problem of shaping national identity out of individual ethnic identity in the light of Mieczysław Wallis’ intellectual biography. As a representative of the second generation of the Lvov‑Warsaw school, he belonged to the group of several 20th‑century Polish humanists of the Jewish extraction. This condition left an indelible mark in his intellectual biography. Being aware of his ethnic background, he struggled for many years against the stigma of anti‑Semitism (in the form of social depreciation and racial categorization), yet he remained strongly attached to his Polish identity. He confirmed his resolution in everyday attitudes and in his writing. Repeatedly giving proof of his civic and patriotic attitudes, he fought for the survival of the Polish identity in the duties of the soldier, and continued to perform his cultural and educational activities during his internment as a prisoner‑of‑war for the period of several years. Then, after the war, he engulfed himself in academic activity in Poland, and constructed a specific program of aestheticization of reality, intended as a form of intellectual opposition to the manifestations of abhorrent ethnic discrimination culminating in disastrous dehumanizing effects. Following the indications contained in the archivized notes on and by Wallis, the author attempts to select, analyze and interpret these biographical clues, and she highlights the philosopher’s statements that reveal his personal experiences, reflections and views relating to the issue of national affiliation and identity. They inspire hope for finding out which factors were decisive in influencing Wallis’ life and intellectual interests.
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Joanna Zegzuła-Nowak

  1. Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filozofii, Al. Wojska Polskiego 71A, 65‑762 Zielona Góra
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Complex multi-disciplinary models in system dynamics are typically composed of subsystems. This modular structure of the model reflects the modular structure of complex engineering systems. In industrial applications, the individual subsystems are often modelled separately in different mono-disciplinary simulation tools. The Functional Mock-Up Interface (FMI) provides an interface standard for coupling physical models from different domains and addresses problems like export and import of model components in industrial simulation tools (FMI for Model Exchange) and the standardization of co-simulation interfaces in nonlinear system dynamics (FMI for Co-Simulation), see [10].

The renewed interest in algorithmic and numerical aspects of co-simulation inspired some new investigations on error estimation and stabilization techniques in FMI for Model Exchange and Co-Simulation v2.0 compatible co-simulation environments. In the present paper, we focus on reliable error estimation for communication step size control in this framework.

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Martin Arnold
Christoph Clauss
Tom Schierz
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Since the ’70 Vienna has taken up the political, economic and planning actions heading to make the city the significant European business centre. The mentioned above has been realised by development of the modern workplaces connected with generating, transforming, distributing and commercialising information, it is to say by developing the office and conferencing functions. The first was built the Uno-City, then it was recreated into the multifunctional business plot with the office function as the main, namely the Donau-City. With the business area of more than 11mln squaremetres, Vienna is the biggest centre of this type in the eastern part of the European Union, and within the limits of Donau-City there have been risen many interesting architectural objects. The six of them are presented in the article.

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Maciej Złowodzki
Katarzyna Zawada-Pęgiel
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The article analyzes some selected themes that may have been of interest to the Polish expatriates in Brazil, judging by the content of the Gazeta Polska w Brazylii [ The Polish Newspaper in Brazil] after it resumed publication in July 1893 until the end of the year. The analysis reveals that the range of topics which the editors thought attractive to their readers was fairly broad. It included, apart from Brazilian and Polish affairs, information about developments in Germany, Russia, Austro-Hungary, France and Italy.
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Tomasz Landmann

  1. Wydział Logistyki i Transportu, Międzynarodowa Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki i Transportu we Wrocławiu, ul. Sołtysowicka 19B, PL 51-168 Wrocław
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In 2019 the Polish Jazz Association will celebrate its 50th anniversary. Its activities over that period were accompanied by countless publications in the following categories: 1) regular periodicals; 2) mimeographed typescripts and bulletins; 3) festival programmes and graphics; 4) others (flyers, ephemera, posters). The aim of this article is to examine the mechanisms of PJA publicizing its activities and using media to reach out to the jazz fan community

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Artur Mariusz Trudzik

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