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Testing of image intensifier tubes is still done using mostly manual methods due to a series of both technical and legal problems with test automation. Computerized stations for semi-automated testing of IITs are considered as novelty and are under continuous improvements. This paper presents a novel test station that enables semi-automated measurement of image intensifier tubes. Wide test capabilities and advanced design solutions rise the developed test station significantly above the current level of night vision metrology.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Chrzanowski


Jak wejść i utrzymać się na światowym rynku high- tech? Gotowych rozwiązań i odpowiedzi na kluczowe pytania można szukać w doświadczeniu innych.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Chrzanowski


Thermal imagers often work in extreme conditions but are typically tested under laboratory conditions. This paper presents the concept, design rules, experimental verification, and example applications of a new system able to carry out measurements of performance parameters of thermal imagers working under precisely simulated real working conditions. High accuracy of simulation has been achieved by enabling regulation of two critical parameters that define working conditions of thermal imagers: imager ambient temperature and background temperature of target of interest. The use of the new test system in the evaluation process of surveillance thermal imagers can bring about a revolution in thermal imaging metrology by allowing thermal imagers to be evaluated under simulated, real working conditions.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Chrzanowski
1 2

  1.   Institute of Optoelectronics, Military University of Technology, gen. Sylwestra Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warsaw, Poland
  2. INFRAMET, Bugaj 29a, Koczargi Nowe, 05-082 Stare Babice, Poland


This paper presents a detailed review on a present confused situation related to defining and measurement of the eyepiece diopter range of optical/electro-optical devices to be used for a direct observation by human observers. On the basis of this review three precise definitions of a direct view imagers eyepiece diopter are presented. One of these definitions is determined as optimal fit to describe the perception of human observers. Further on, design and measurement uncertainties of diopter meters are discussed and rules of accurate measurements are formulated. Finally, recommendations for the maximum acceptable errors of the diopter scale of eyepieces of classic types of direct view imagers are presented, as well.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Chrzanowski
Słowa kluczowe metrology night vision


A review of night vision metrology is presented in this paper. A set of reasons that create a rather chaotic metrologic situation on night vision market is presented. It is shown that there has been made a little progress in night vision metrology during last decades in spite of a big progress in night vision technology at the same period of time. It is concluded that such a big discrep- ancy between metrology development level and technology development can be an obstacle in the further development of night vision technology.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Chrzanowski


What does it take to secure a foothold in the global high-tech market and keep such a business afloat? We can look at the experiences of other companies to find proven solutions and answers to the most important questions.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Chrzanowski
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Solar blind UV cameras are not theoretically supposed to be sensitive to solar light. However, there is practically always some sensitivity to solar light. This limited solar sensitivity can sometimes make it impossible to detect the weak emission of a corona target located on the solar background. Therefore, solar sensitivity is one of the crucial performance parameters of solar blind UV cameras. However, despite its importance, the problem of determining solar sensitivity of solar blind UV cameras has not been analysed and solved in the specialized literature, so far. This paper presents the concept (definition, measurement method, test equipment, interpretation of results) of measuring solar sensitivity of solar blind UV cameras.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Chrzanowski
1 2
Bolesław Safiej

  1. Military University of Technology, Institute of Optoelectronics, 2 gen. Kaliskiego St., 00-908 Warsaw, Poland
  2. INFRAMET, Bugaj 29a, Koczargi Nowe, 05-082 Stare Babice, Poland


This paper presents a critical analysis of a current typical method to measure sensitivity of solar blind ultraviolet cameras using a high temperature blackbody as a calibrated source of ultraviolet light. It has been shown that measurement of sensitivity of solar-blind ultraviolet (SBUV) cameras defined as minimal detectable blackbody irradiance at optics plane of the tested SBUV camera generates inflated, misleading and prone to measurement errors' results that should not be used for evaluation of SBUV cameras' performance.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Chrzanowski
W. Chrzanowski

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