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Several surface measurement methods for determining the volume of deep or layered stone exist.

One of the key indicators of coal extraction efficiency in open cast mining is to determine the volume

of excavated rock. Procedures for determining the volume have been used for many centuries.

Determining the extracted volume or layered material has been a periodically recurring role of mine

-surveying practice, and mine surveyors apply different methods for its determination. The incorrect

determination of the rock volume may result in large economic losses of the mining enterprise. The

choice of the method for determining the volume depends on the deadline by which the determined

volume has to be submitted to the superior components or the mining enterprise management, as well

as on the requirements for accuracy of the volume determination, and a financial limit beyond which

this volume determination has to be done. Secondary conditions for determining the volumes include

the level of personnel training in the individual procedures and methods of measuring and calculating

volumes, the technical standards of the enterprise, the applied instrumentation, hardware and

software. The article compares the values of the accurately defined mathematical solid (a cylindrical

segment) to the methods of calculating the volume normally used in mining and surveying practice

and programs commonly used to calculate volumes in order to determine the threshold value of the

systematic deviation in input measurements to determine the volume. The mathematical model is the

basis for determining the correct volumes of the extracted material. The surface of the drawn or layered

material does not form a smooth surface as a mathematical model. The process of determining

volume errors on the mathematical model has been verified on the real body of coal deposition. The

comparison of the determination of the errors between the digital terrain model on the mathematical

body and the real homogenization coal stock is presented at the Conclusion of the article.

Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Hana Staňková
Vaclav Šafář
Rostislav Dandoš


The article describes mine survey works during opening old St. Anthony of Padua water adit in Horní Město (Czech Republic) to make it accessible to visitors. The works cover the connecting survey and orientation measurement, traverse measurement of the first opened part, setting-out projection of the end of opened part to the surface to make shaft from the surface, new connecting survey and orientation measurement by shaft and traverse measurement of the rest of water adit. Non-standard aids and techniques were used during surveying. One of the tools is a suspended prism holder developed at Institute of geodesy and mine surveying, VSB – Technical university of Ostrava, registered as a utility patent.

Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Miroslav Novosad
Rostislav Dandoš
Pavel Černota
Jiří Pospíšil

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