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Dmitriev-Mamonov is primarily known for his story that describes inhabitants of other planets. The story contains some controversial elements including an unflattering image of the clergy, heliocentrism, and the possibility of multiplicity of worlds. He also authored a Chronology and a free translation of part of the Psalter in which he included some of his theological views.

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Authors and Affiliations

Adam Drozdek
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In 1790, a small book appeared anonymously, Les fruits de la grâce. The article identifies the sources of this book and presents views of its two principal authors, prince Nikolay Repnin and Nikolay Kraevich. Both of them were Rosicrucians; they expressed a very deep Christian spirituality while their Masonic allegiance appears to have been a result of dissatisfaction with the legalism of the official Orthodox Church.
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Authors and Affiliations

Adam Drozdek

  1. Pittsburgh, Duquesne University
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Walter Charleton, a physician and a Christian believer, was on the first advocates of physico-theology that started on a large scale at the end of the 17 th century and flourished in the 18th century. In his battle with the English deism and atheism, he used the arguments of the orderliness of nature to prove the existence of God. He was one of few authors trying to reconcile atomism with Christian theology. He also grappled with the problem of the immortality of the soul supporting at one point Gassendi’s idea that humans have two souls, sensitive and rational.
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Authors and Affiliations

Adam Drozdek

  1. Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

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