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O tym, czym jest intuicja, w jaki sposób działa i jakie bodźce pomagają w jej wykorzystaniu, mówi mgr Małgorzata Godlewska z Uniwersytetu SWPS.

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Małgorzata Godlewska


Kontrola nad otoczeniem jest potrzebna człowiekowi od najmłodszych lat. Jaki jest jej sens?

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Małgorzata Godlewska
Słowa kluczowe Antarctic acoustic krill


The compilation of experimental data on krill target strength is performed and results compared with the theory. A modification of the Johnson's theory is proposed to fit experiment.

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Małgorzata Godlewska


A need to control our environment is apparent from an early age. Where does it stem from?

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Małgorzata Godlewska
Słowa kluczowe intuition psychology


Małgorzata Godlewska from the SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities defines intuition, explains how it works and what stimuli help us tap into its potential.

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Małgorzata Godlewska


Most of the basic control methods of the grid-connected converter (GCC) are defined to work with a sine wave grid voltage. In that case if the grid voltage is distorted by higher harmonics, the grid current may be distorted too, which, in consequence, may increase the value of the THD of the grid voltage. The paper deals with an improved finite control set model predictive control (FCS-MPC) method of an LCL-filtered GCC operating under distorted grid conditions. The proposed method utilizes supplementary grid current feedback to calculate the reference converter current. The introduced signal allows to effectively improve the operation when the grid is subject to harmonic distortion. The paper shows a simulation analysis of the proposed control scheme operating with and without additional feedback under grid distortions. To validate the practical feasibility of the proposed method an algorithm was implemented on a 32-bit microcontroller STM32F7 with a floating point unit to control a 10 kW GCC. The laboratory test setup provided experimental results showing properties of the introduced control scheme.

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P. Falkowski
A. Godlewska


On the basis of hydroacoustic observations it is shown that migrations of krill during spring are stronger than during summer. Migrations of krill are described by the function: H(t) = A + Bcos((2ᴨt/T + φ ) + C c o s ( 2 ᴨt/T + φ ), where: H is depth of the mass center of krill biomass, A — mean depth of krill occurrence, В — amplitude of migrations with period T! = 24 h, С — amplitude of migrations with period T2 = 12 h, (φ1, φ2 — phases of migration process with T, = 24 and T2 = 12 hours. Parameters of the equation are the following: spring — A = 62.2 m, В = 19.5 m, С = 4.6 m, φ1 = 0.1 h, φ2 = 0 . 1 5 h; summer — A = 75.8 m, В = 0.5 m, С = 3.6 m, φ1 = 1.8 h, φ2 = 6.4 h.

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Zygmunt Klusek
Małgorzata Godlewska
Słowa kluczowe Antarctica krill BIOMASS III


On the basis of acoustically registered cross-sections of krill aggregations, regular, irregular and layer forms were distinguished. Regular forms are most frequently observed during spring and in the day time, while irregular forms are most frequent during summer and night hours. The density histograms made for two hour intervals clearly show the day-night difference, but the seasonal (spring, summer) difference is less pronounced. Mean density of swarm is lowest during the night and reaches a maximum in early morning hours. The mean volume backscattering strength values (Sv) for spring and summer are nearly identical. We suggest that regular forms correspond to foraging swarms and irregular forms to feeding swarms as described by Hamner (1984).

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Małgorzata Godlewska
Zygmunt Klusek
Słowa kluczowe krill migration


At the ice edge krill undergoes diurnal migrations with the period of 12 hours and amplitude of about 6 meters. The mean depth of krill occurrence is 41 m, shallower then for open waters. In our opinion these migration parameters are characteristic of juvenile adolescent krill dominating at the ice edge.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Małgorzata Godlewska
Zygmunt Klusek


Prezentowana praca obejmuje badania wpływu zastosowania trzech różnych biopreparatów (jednego naturalnego N2 oraz dwóch komercyjnych - Kl i K2) w glebie gliniastej o wieloletnim skażeniu substancjami ropopochodnymi. Badaną glebę pobrano z terenu rafinerii w Czechowicach-Dziedzicach i zaklasyfikowano, jako silnie zdegradowaną o stosunku C:N = 100:0,7. Badano wpływ wprowadzonych szczepionek na rozwój mikroflory oraz efekty usunięcia substancji skażających. Stwierdzono, że wprowadzenie biopreparatów nie spowodowało intensywnego wzrostu liczebności bakterii, utrzymujących się przez większy okres eksperymentu na poziomie kontroli. Aktywność biodegradacyjna badanej gleby również wzrosła w stopniu mniejszym od oczekiwanego.
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Ewa Zabłocka-Godlewska
Korneliusz Miksch


Zanieczyszczenie substancjami ropopochodnymi stanowi jeden z kluczowych problemów środowiskowych. Jedną z wiciu metod stosowanych w remediacji gruntów jest ich bioaugmentacja. Celem tego procesu jest zwiększenie liczebności i aktywności mikroorganizmów degradujących zanieczyszczenia, czego wynikiem jest przyspieszenie i podniesienie wydajności procesów rozkładu zanieczyszczeń. Innym sposobem podniesienia efektywności procesów biodegradacji jest zastosowanie roślin, szczególnie motylkowych, ze względu na ich zdolności symbiotycznego wiązania azotu atmosferycznego. Celem przeprowadzonych badań było porównanie efektywności zastosowania biopreparatów (komercyjnego i naturalnego) oraz koniczyny białej do remediacji gleb o wieloletnim charakterze skażenia substancjami ropopochodnymi. Badania prowadzone były na glebie pochodzącej z terenu rafinerii w CzechowicachDziedzicach, która została zaklasyfikowana jako silnie zdegradowana (o stosunku C/N = 100/0,7) W trakcie czrcrnastotygodniowych badań prowadzono między innymi analizy mikrobiologiczne (ogólna liczba bakterii, grzybów, promieniowców oraz bakterii z rodzaju Pseudomonasi oraz analizy chemiczne (zawartość frakcji ciężkich, całkowitej zawartości węglowodorów ropopochodnych (TPH) i WWA). Najlepszą modyfikacją okazało się zastosowanie samej koniczyny. Obecność rośI iny wpłynęła na polepszenie warunków wzrostu mikroorganizmów, spowodowała wzrost zawartości azotu i efektywności procesów biodegradacji. W próbie tej po 14 tygodniach badań odnotowano usunięcie 63% TPH, 44% frakcji ciężkich oraz 9% i 80% odpowiednio 4-6- i 2-3-picrścieniowych węglowodorów aromatycznych.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ewa Zabłocka-Godlewska
Wioletta Przystaś


Wyrafinowane modyfikacje genetyczne zmieniają groźne dotąd komórki Salmonella w skarb współczesnej biologii molekularnej - szczepionkę nowej generacji skierowaną przeciwko różnym gatunkom bakterii.
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Renata Godlewska
Elżbieta K. Jagusztyn-Krynicka
Słowa kluczowe complaining training


During occupational trainings given to Polish employees, one can quite often observe complaining. The instructor can use it for problem-solving or for purification. Thus, complaining plays an instrumental or cathartic function. This has consequences for the entire training process. The aim of the article is to present the phenomenon of complaining during training courses and to discuss its correlation with different variables such as learning results, participants’ mood and the evaluation of the training course. Questions were therefore posed about which function of complaining would be more conducive to the process of learning the material and result in an improvement of the participants’ mood, as well as how the instructor would be evaluated, at the response level, depending on which function of complaining is activated during the training. In order to answer these questions, the authors designed an experiment in which complaining was induced in members of an organization, performing either an instrumental function or a cathartic function. The results show that the most effective strategy is the use of its object as a point of departure for problem solution.

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Marta Damroka Kaliszewska
Dorota Godlewska-Werner


During SIBEX the acoustically evaluated amount of krill in the Bransfield Strait and Drake Passage was very low with the mean density 3.24 individuals/m2 and 4.29 individuals/m2 accordingly. Any substantial quantities of krill were found North-West from the Elephant Island and North from the King George Island, where the density of krill exceeded 1000 individuals/m2 (about 100 t/nM2]). The total biomass was estimated at 70590 ton in the Bransfield Strait and at 122470 ton in the Drake Passage, which was many times less than during FIBEX 81, especially in the Bransfield Strait.

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Janusz Kalinowski
Małgorzata Godlewska
Zygmunt Klusek
Słowa kluczowe krill ice zone


In the investigated area the overall abundance of krill was small and was increasing with the distance from ice. However, with the data available, it was not possible to decide whether this increase was related to the ice border or was a part of a larger scale phenomenon. The depth distributions as well as the mean values of krill depth were similar to those of open water both in this study and reported in literature.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Małgorzata Godlewska
Zygmunt Klusek
Leszek Kamionka


Refined genetic modifications can turn menacing Salmonella cells into something precious for contemporary molecular biology: a new kind of vaccine that targets particular species of bacteria.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Renata Godlewska
Elżbieta Katarzyna Jagusztyn-Krynicka


A comparative analysis concerning the influence of different factors on momentum transfer in mechanically agitated systems was carried out on the basis of experimental results for solid-liquid, gas-liquid and gas-solid-liquid systems. The effects of the impeller - baffles system geometry, scale of the agitated vessel, type and number of impellers and their off-bottom clearance, as well as physical properties of the multiphase systems on the critical impeller speeds needed to produce suspension or dispersion, power consumption and gas hold-up were analysed and evaluated.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Magdalena Cudak
Anna Kiełbus-Rąpała
Marta Major-Godlewska
Joanna Karcz


One of the actual challenges in tissue engineering applications is to efficiently produce as high of number of cells as it is only possible, in the shortest time. In static cultures, the production of animal cell biomass in integrated forms (i.e. aggregates, inoculated scaffolds) is limited due to inefficient diffusion of culture medium components observed in such non-mixed culture systems, especially in the case of cell-inoculated fiber-based dense 3D scaffolds, inside which the intensification of mass transfer is particularly important. The applicability of a prototyped, small-scale, continuously wave-induced agitated system for intensification of anchorage-dependent CP5 chondrocytes proliferation outside and inside three-dimensional poly(lactic acid) (PLA) scaffolds has been discussed. Fibrous PLA-based constructs have been inoculated with CP5 cells and then maintained in two independent incubation systems: (i) non-agitated conditions and (ii) culture with wave-induced agitation. Significantly higher values of the volumetric glucose consumption rate have been noted for the system with the wave-induced agitation. The advantage of the presented wave-induced agitation culture system has been confirmed by lower activity of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) released from the cells in the samples of culture medium harvested from the agitated cultures, in contrast to rather high values of LDH activity measured for static conditions. Results of the proceeded experiments and their analysis clearly exhibited the feasibility of the culture system supported with continuously wave-induced agitation for robust proliferation of the CP5 chondrocytes on PLA-based structures. Aside from the practicability of the prototyped system, we believe that it could also be applied as a standard method offering advantages for all types of the daily routine laboratory-scale animal cell cultures utilizing various fiber-based biomaterials, with the use of only regular laboratory devices.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Maciej Pilarek
Michał Wojasiński
Klaudia Godlewska
Aleksandra Kuźmińska
Katarzyna Dąbkowska


Values define the directions of human activities and are related to people’s motivation to undertake specific activities and roles (Schwartz, 1994; Brown, 2002). Researchers and employers observe differences in motivation to work among representatives of different generations and genders (Twenge, Campbell, & Freeman, 2012; Gursoy & Karadag, 2013). In this research project, the authors asked what motivated contemporary employees, whether the intensity of their motives was different in different generations, what relationships there were between the dominant work motives and employees’ dominant values, and whether there were differences between women and men regarding work motives. To verify the hypotheses, they conducted a study with a sample of 307 professionally active people. They used their own Types of Work Motives Questionnaire designed for the purposes of the study and the Valued Living Questionnaire (VLQ; Wilson & Murrell, 2004). The obtained results indicate that younger employees choose the kind of work that gives them comfort and adequate pay. Regardless of age, however, social security support is the most important for all groups of respondents. For women, security and social security support are important at work. Moreover, the study has shown that there is a relationship between work values and work motives. For example people who appreciate values such as friendship and stability are motivated to work by good relationships and security, those who value recreation and stability are motivated by comfort and salary, those for whom respect and education are crucial are motivated by the possibility of development etc.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Dorota Godlewska-Werner
Aleksandra Peplińska
Anna Maria Zawadzka
Piotr Połomski
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of training on body surface temperature over the joints in racehorses, measured by infrared thermography. The study involved monitoring of 14 Thoroughbred racehorses in 6 imaging sessions over a period of 3 months. Temperature measurements of the forelimb and hindlimb joints were made before and just after training. Joint temperature of limbs increased significantly after training. Environmental temperature had a statistically significant influence on surface temperature over the joints. The lowest surface temperatures were recorded over the metacarpophalangeal and metatarsophalangeal joint and the highest temperatures in the shoulder, elbow, hip and stifle joint. The metacarpophalangeal and metatarsophalangeal joints warmed the least during training, but were influenced the most by differences in environmental temperature. The surface temperature difference before and after training is an important indicator of the thermoregulatory response to exercise in racing horses. Understanding surface temperature changes in response to regular training is necessary for future studies on diagnosing injuries of joints.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Soroko
W. Górniak
M. Godlewska
K. Howell

  1. Institute of Animal Breeding, Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Chelmonskiego 38C, 51-630 Wroclaw, Poland
  2. Department of Automotive Engineering, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Na Grobli 13, 50-421 Wroclaw, Poland
  3. Microvascular Diagnostics, Institute of Immunity and Transplantation, Royal Free Hospital, Pond Street, London NW3 2QG, UK

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