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The article elucidates the conception of “Concise Ukrainian-Polish dictionary of set expressions: lexical equivalents, phraseologisms, proverbs and sayings” which implements an international Polish-Ukrainian project. The Council of Europe is known to devote much attention to the problems of the development of languages, their improvement and, correspondingly, to the development of linguistics, in particular, its applied branch, which includes lexicography. The dictionary under analysis represents: 1) the status of set expressions which, being widespread in the examined lingual cultures, reflect the mentality of the nation, its history, national specificity etc., 2) principles and procedures of semantic transformations of set stable lingual units by means of the cognate Slavonic language. The conception of the Ukrainian-Polish phraseological dictionary has been realized in the history of Ukrainian and Polish phraseography for the first time. The conception is based on 1) the detailed analysis of the theoretical and practical experience of compiling dictionary of this type; b) thorough outline of the system of headwords with the heterogeneous status of: 1) the representation of the mentality of the nation, its ethnographic features., norms of etiquette, ethics, psychology, theme (ideographic aspect) etc.; 2) structure, semantics and pragmatics; 3) specificity of functions and style. The conception of the dictionary is based on the methodological foundation of anthropocentrism and main phraseographic principles of bilingual dictionaries aiming at the most adequate representation of a corresponding lingual units by means of another language. The dictionary will contribute to the further research in the sphere of contrastive Ukrainian- -Polish linguistics and phraseograpical theory.

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Authors and Affiliations

Tetyana Kosmeda
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The material of the study was a post on the official page of the writer Serhiy Zhadan on the Facebook social network dated 03.07.2022 and comments to it, which present a heated and intense discussion about the semantic and pragmatic interpretation of feminitives during the latest linguistic feminization of the Ukrainian language and the active development of Gender linguistics, in particular within the focus of linguoaxiology. Lexicographic sources were involved: dictionaries of feminitives and explanatory dictionaries, in particular the newest ones, as well as lexicons of the language of writers (Ivan Kotlyarevsky, Taras Shevchenko, Hryhoriy Kvitka-Osnovyanenko, Ivan Franko), which made it possible to update not only synchronic, but also diachronic language segments. The Ukrainian lexeme жіночка (plural жіночки) can be placed on the evaluative scale at the “zero” mark (a neutral value in terms of expressing evaluative meanings, in particular in the function of addressing in a conversational style of speech) and slide in the direction of the (+) or (–) vector, which depends on the individual communicative experience and competences of the speaker and proves the analysis of the selected discussion. Clarification of the semantic-pragmatic load is carried out thanks to the appropriate connectivity. For the lexeme жіночка, the positive evaluative conjugation dominates in the linguistic and cultural space of Ukraine, which is characterized by an intimate tonality and makes it possible to soften the modeling of the negative intentions of the speaker.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tetyana Kosmeda
Oksana Khaliman

  1. Вінниця, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса
  2. Полтава, Полтавський фаховий коледж Національного юридичного університету імені Ярослава Мудрого

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