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Pluralistyczny dostęp poszczególnych partii i środowisk politycznych do mediów uznawany jest za jeden z fundamentów demokracji. Odwołując się do danych dotyczących obecności polityków w najważniejszych telewizyjnych i radiowych programach publicystycznych oraz danych dotyczących rynkowego zasięgu poszczególnych nadawców, artykuł analizuje wpływ, jaki poszczególne środowiska polityczne miały na polską medialną sferę publiczną w okresie od listopada 2015 do grudnia 2017 roku. Artykuł zmierza w stronę opisu normatywnego, dostarczającego odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy i w jakim stopniu poszczególne partie polityczne są nad- lub niedoreprezentowane w medialnej sferze publicznej. Odpowiedź umożliwia zestawienie uzyskanych danych z liberalno-przedstawicielskim modelem sfery publicznej we współczesnych demokracjach (Ferree, Gamson, Gerhards i Rucht 2002). Autorzy wnioskują, że polska sfera publiczna mieści się w demokratycznych standardach wyznaczonych przez przyjęte do analizy modele, choć zarówno nadawcy publiczni jak i prywatni mają problemy z zachowaniem odpowiedniego poziomu reprezentatywności różnych partii w swoich stacjach.
Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Anna Piechocka
Beata Królicka
Radosław Sojak


Centaurium erythraea plants obtained by indirect organogenesis are described in the paper. The plants were initiated from a single adventitious shoot regenerated from callus derived from the cotyledon of a 30-day-old seedling. The shoot was multiplied on MS medium supplemented with IAA (0.1 mg·L-1) and BAP (1.0 mg·L-1). The multiplication rate (28 shoots per culture within 4 weeks) was highest at the first subculture and decreased in further subcultures. The shoots were rooted on MS medium. The effect of IBA (0.1 mg·L-1) on the number of shoots forming roots differed depending on the composition of the basal medium (MS). The rooted shoots were transplanted to soil and grown in a greenhouse with 90% effectiveness. RAPD analysis was done with adventitious shoots of C. erythraea from in vitro culture. In shoots and whole plants regenerated from the callus tissue, secoiridoid content was determined by the HPLC method. We showed significant differences in morphology (leaf size, fresh and dry weight and height of plants) and changes in the DNA profiles as compared to earlier reports for shoot tip-derived shoots and plants of C. erythraea, but the two groups of plants biosynthesized the same qualitative pattern and similar levels of secoiridoids, up to 150 mg·g-1 dry weight; the increased biomass of plants regenerated from callus tissue makes them a better source of secondary metabolites.

Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ewelina Piątczak
Aleksandra Królicka
Halina Wysokińska


We compared the biochemical profiles of Physalis ixocarpa hairy roots transformed with Agrobacterium rhizogenes ATCC and A4 strains with non-transformed root cultures. The studied clones of A4- and ATCC-induced hairy roots differed significantly; the latter showed greater growth potential and greater ability to produce secondary metabolites (tropane alkaloids) and to biotransform hydroquinone to arbutin. We compared glucose content, alanine and aspartate aminotransferase activity, and L-phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity. We analyzed markers of prooxidant/antioxidant homeostasis: catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, oxidase, glutathione peroxidase and transferase activity, and the levels of ascorbate, glutathione, tocopherol and lipid peroxidation. We found that transformation induced strain-specific regulation, including regulation based on redox signals, determining the rate of allocation of carbon and nitrogen resources to secondary metabolism pathways. Our results provide evidence that A. rhizogenes strain-specific modification of primary metabolites contributed to regulation of secondary metabolism and could determine the ability of P. ixocarpa hairy root clones to produce tropane alkaloids and to convert exogenously applied hydroquinone to pharmaceutically valuable arbutin. Of the studied parameters, glucose content, L-phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity and alanine aminotransferases activity may be indicators of the secondary metabolite-producing potential of different P. ixocarpa hairy root clones.

Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Katarzyna Bergier
Elżbieta Kuźniak
Marzena Wielanek
Aleksandra Królicka
Maria Skłodowska


A short literature survey which justifies coating of ceramic cutting inserts is presented. The results reported are on selected nitride

coatings, in particular nanoscale multilayer, with layers of type Ti-Zr-N, TiN, ZrN and (TiAl)N, deposited by the arc PVD method on oxidecarbide ceramic cutting inserts of type TACN and TW2 produced at the Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Measurements and quality assessments were made, including of thickness of the coatings and of their constituent micro and nanolayers, microhardness of the coating and of the substrate, surface roughness of the inserts and of the cylindrical workpieces turned with these tools. Lifetimes of the coated and uncoated inserts were compared in turning an alloy tool steel. A significant increase in lifetime of the coated TW2 cutting tools was shown.

Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

K. Czechowski
I. Pofelska-Filip
B. Królicka
P. Szlosek
B. Smuk
J. Wszołek
A. Kurleto
J. Kasina

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